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Swiss ‘Service Public’ vote: Citizens turn down populist initiative to discontinue licensing fees to finance public radio and TV stations

2018-03-09 12:00

Swiss voters voted against the discontinuation of radio and television licensing fees the weekend of 3 to 5 March 2018.

Kirsten Lühmann on the International Women’s Day: Gender parity needs a joint effort

2018-03-08 12:00

March 8 is International Women’s Day. Celebrated under the auspices of the UN every year since 1977, the day recalls persisting and widespread gender inequalities around the world. This year’s theme is ‘#PressforProgress’, a common hashtag for a strong call-to-action to press forward and progress gender parity. According to Kirsten Lühmann, President of CESI’s Commission on Women’s Rights and Equality, such gender parity is an ambitious but worthy target that needs a joint effort by all: Policy makers, authorities, NGOs, social partners, trade unions.

European Commissioners deny 9.8 million workers EU legal minimum standards on information and consultation rights

2018-03-07 12:00

The Commission has informed the European central government social partners today that it will not bring their agreement to the European Council for implementation as a directive. The agreement seeks to plug a gap in EU legislation that excludes workers in central government administrations from the EU right to information and consultation.

Protect the work-free Sunday!

2018-03-02 12:00

On the occasion of the European Day for a Work-Free Sunday on March 3, the European Sunday Alliance calls on all its supporters to take action against Sunday Work.

EU Court of Justice rules on ‘stand-by’ services as ‘working time’

2018-03-01 12:00

On February 21 2018, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) delivered a judgment on the ‘stand-by’ time of volunteer firefighters. The Court took an important stand related to the notion of working time and the scope of the working time directive, stating that the ‘stand-by’ time at home of a volunteer firefighter who is obliged to respond to calls from the employer within a short period must be regarded as ‘working time’.

Europe Academy project kick-off meeting on challenges for education professionals and trade unions in Europe

2018-02-18 12:00

On Monday this week, this year’s project of CESI’s Europe Academy on ‘Education professionals and trade unions in Europe: Horizon 2025’ kicked-off with a workshop in Brussels.

Erasmus + celebrates its 30th anniversary!

2018-02-17 12:00

On the 26th of January the European Commission launched its celebratory campaign on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Erasmus programme. It started as a student mobility programme in 1987 and has over the years been recognised as one of the most successful programmes created for the European Union. Throughout the years supported 9 million students, apprentices, volunteers, staff and youth exchanges.

Upcoming on March 7: CESI@noon on ‘Digitalisation & future of work: Social protection for all?’

2018-02-15 12:00

March 7 will see the next edition of CESI’s event series ‘CESI@noon’ with a lunchtime panel debate on ‘Digitalisation & future of work: Social protection for all?’ Registration to the event, which will be held jointly together with the Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the European Union, is now open.

Public service strike in Hungary on February 15-19 2018 organized by MKKSZ

2018-02-14 12:00

Hungarian member organisation MKKSZ (Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants and Public Employees) has led a series of protests, such as a recent 2 hours strike at the local government offices across the country. After the latest consecutive failures of negotiations with the government, MKKSZ will launch a new industrial action from 15-19 February 2018 in the Hungarian public services.

The right to association for military staff – the decision of the ECSR in EUROMIL vs. Ireland

2018-02-14 12:00

February 12 2018 is an important day for military personnel all over Europe. It marks the ground breaking decision of the European Committee on Social Rights of the Council of Europe which recognises the right to association and the right to collective bargaining for soldiers and military staff across the continent.

13th Security Union progress report and its highlights: Cybersecurity, interoperable systems for security & border management, prevention of radicalisation

2018-02-05 12:00

The European Commission published its 13th report on the progress towards an effective and genuine Security Union. The report focuses on preventing radicalisation/ fighting terrorism offline & online, cybersecurity and, more importantly, on establishing interoperable EU information systems for security, border and migration management. In a first reaction, Gerrit van de Kamp, President of CESI’s Trade Council ‘Security’ and President of the European Police Union (EPU), welcomed the report, yet called for further efforts.

Programme Commission discusses CESI priorities for 2018

2018-02-02 12:00

On January 26, the Presidents and Vice-Presidents of CESI’s horizontal Commissions and sectoral Trade Councils -CESI’s specialised internal forums of debate for member organisations- met in Brussels to discuss their priorities for 2018. Like every year in January, this meeting of the ‘Programme Commission’ kicked off the new year’s activities of CESI’s Trade Councils and Commissions.

CESI reaction to Council of Ministers’ decision to remove countries from the tax haven blacklist

2018-01-29 12:00

Last week, the Council of Ministers removed eight countries from the EU’s list of non-cooperative states for tax purposes – only one month after the list was set up. The removal of these countries from the ‘black’ list was done following political commitments, but not on effective and concrete actions. The countries include Barbados, Grenada, Korea, Macao SAR, Mongolia, Tunisia and the U.A.E. Even Panama -just a few years after the ‘Panama Papers’ scandal- was removed from the list. According to CESI this is a sign that the governments of the Member States of the European Union are deliberately undermining the actual fight against tax avoidance.

An eye on the World Economic Forum in Davos

2018-01-26 12:00

The World Economic Forum is meeting once again in Davos on January 23-26 2018. Being aware of the importance of the Forum, it remains incomprehensible for CESI that trade union and civil society representatives remain excluded – especially in times when sustainability and the investment in the human factor becomes of fundamental importance for the cohesion of societies.

CESI at the first European Education Summit

2018-01-26 12:00

On January 25 a CESI delegation participated in the first European Education Summit organised by the European Commission in Brussels. Having placed education as a priority of the EU’s political agenda, the European Commission has repeatedly highlighted the tremendous challenges brought up by the digital age. The new era does not only require the necessary new skills and life-long learning, it also requires, as the European Education Commissioner Tibor Navracic underlined in his opening address, “rediscovering the value of our values.“

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