New CESI position on quality traineeships

A new position of CESI on the currently negotiated new EU Directive on Quality Traineeships is now available.
In the position, CESI emphasises its overall agreement with a new EU Traineeship Directive – provided it remains ambitious and will help bring real improvements for trainees across Europe.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “The European Commission’s proposal represents a much-needed opportunity to address issues related to poor quality, unpaid, and exploitative traineeships across the European Union. Latest figures show that almost half of the EU’s three million trainees are unpaid and almost a third have no access to social protection.”
In line with this, CESI’s position puts forward the following priorities for a new Directive:
- Non-discrimination and fair pay: All trainees should have access to fair compensation for the work provided: they must receive adequate remuneration, which should cover at least their living costs (accommodation, food, transport). Minimum wage provisions or collective agreements should apply for non-curricular traineeships.
- Duration of traineeships: The duration of traineeships should not exceed 6 months, except in cases where there are justified, objective reasons (such as regulated professions).
- Learning content of traineeships: Traineeships must include clear learning and training elements with proper supervision.
- Combating disguised employment relationships: National authorities must conduct regular inspections to prevent the misuse of traineeships as substitutes for regular employment.
- Enforcement and redress mechanisms: Trainees must have full access to trade union representation, and trade unions should have the ability to act on behalf of trainees in disputes.
The full position, with detailed suggestions for amendments of the European Commission’s proposal, is available here.

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New CESI position on quality traineeships
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