As a capacity-building instrument for trade unionists, these projects provide CESIâs members with the possibility to delve deeper into social, employment-related and political challenges in Europe and engage them in debates with policy-makers and international experts during dedicated seminars.
Past projects have focused on topics such as psychosocial risks at work, the role of information and consultation of workers or challenges of recruitment and retention of staff. In 2017, the Europe Academy carries out a project on the role of apprenticeships to bridge the worlds of education and employment.
The Europe Academy is led by a Board which is chaired by the President of the Europe Academy. The current President of the Europe Academy is Jean-Claude Halter (CSEN), who was elected into office by the General Assembly of the Europe Academy in June 2017. Project priorities are informed by the Board of the Europe Academy and implemented by the General Secretariat of CESI.