Europe Academy project
Providing high-quality public services in Europe based on the values of Protocol 26 TFEU
- Warsaw, 11-12 October 2012
- Brochure: EN / FR / DE
- Study (short) : EN / FR / DE / ES / IT
- Study (complete) : EN
- BONI Michal, 11.10 (PL)
- BAUBY Pierre, 11.10 (FR)
- RODRIGUES Stéphane, 11.10 (FR)
- REDLICH Matthias, 11.10 (EN)
- BURNETT Susan, 11.10 (EN)
- CLEUTINX Christian, 11.10 (EN)
- CHIRU Epsică, 11.10 (EN)
- EUSTHATOPOULOS Yannis, 11.10 (FR)
- BROLIS Mauro, 11.10 (IT)
- SIIKAVIRTA Kristian, 12.10 (EN)
- WEBER Harald, 12.10 (EN)
- RUANO José-Manuel, 12.10 (FR)
- JOKIVUORI Pertti, 12.10 (EN)
- DAVIES Jim, 12.10 (EN)
- DE CONINCK Hans, 12.10 (EN)
- WOLFF Romain, 12.10 (FR)

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Providing high-quality public services in Europe based on the values of Protocol 26 TFEU
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