
In the absence of extraordinary Congresses, CESI holds a regular Congress every five years, consisting of the members of the Presidium, a fixed number of delegates of the member organisations, and the Representative of the CESI Youth.

CESI Governance

Congresses see the election of CESI’s President, Secretary General, Treasurer, and Vice-Presidents, as well as the adoption of motions to guide the work of CESI until the next Congress.

The last Congress took place in December 2024, with the election of Romain Wolff as President, Klaus Heeger as Secretary General and Urs Stauffer as Treasurer for the legislative term until 2029.

The Board is CESI’s supreme governing body between each of CESI’s Congresses, composed of the members of the Presidium plus one representative per member organisation. The Board legitimises the work of the Presidium and meets at least once a year.

The Presidium sets out CESI’s guidelines and priorities, adopted in agreement with the decisions made by the Congress and the Board.

CESI’s work priorities are coordinated and executed by the General Secretariat, overseen by the Secretary General. This includes CESI’s advocacy work, activities in social dialogue, training and capacity building for affiliates, and the maintenance and further development of an active network of member organisations which meet and deliberate, exchange best practices, and support each other in the promotion of worker rights and decent employment conditions at the national and EU-level.

Further information and details governing CESI’s organisational structure can be accessed in CESI’s statutes, available in the resources section.

Members of the Presidium

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