As an expression of its pro-Europe general attitude, CESI is a long-standing member of the European Movement International (EMI), where it contributes to the work of several committees and initiatives.
More about CESI in the EMI.
With gender equality as a long-standing priority, CESI has been a member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) since 2006. Carmen Jaffke (CGFP) and Kirsten Lühmann (dbb) have been CESI’s representatives as member and deputy member respectively on the Board of Administration of the EWL for many years.
More about CESI in the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
As a source of technical expertise and know-how, CESI has been a member of the European Policy Centre (EPC), a noted Brussels think-tank, since 2012. In the past, CESI has not only partnered with the EPC in workshops on topics such as social investment, but also held joint events on subjects like ‘The role of the public sector during the economic crisis’ or ‘Paths to an efficient public sector in Europe’.
More about CESI in the EPC
The CESI Youth is candidate member in the European Youth Forum (EYF) since November 2019. The CESI Youth has been increasingly active in the EYF already since its formation in 2013.
More about CESI in the European Youth Forum (EYF)
At the Council of Europe, CESI has participatory status in the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs). In this capacity, CESI is also entitled to submit cases of infraction of the European Social Charter under the Council of Europe’s collective complaints procedure.
More about CESI in the Council of Europe’s Conference of INGOs
CESI has been a member of the Platform for Tax Good Governance since 2014, a consultative group of experts with representatives from industry, fiscal agencies, trade union organisations and NGOs, which advises the European Commission on the development of new initiatives for responsible fiscal governance and combatting aggressive tax avoidance and double taxation.
More about CESI in the European Commission’s Platform for Tax Good Governance
In September 2016, CESI became a formal member of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA), a platform which brings together governments with other key stakeholders, like businesses, social partners, chambers, vocational education and training (VET) providers, regions, youth representatives or think tanks with the common goal is to strengthen the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships in Europe, and more recently mobility of apprenticeships has also emerged as an important topic.
More about CESI in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA)
At the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA) CESI has become a long-standing partner of the “EU-OSHA healthy workplaces campaigns“ since 2009, biennial initiatives that focus on specific topics related to a health-conscious working environment, providing information and clarification.
More about CESI in the EU-OSHA healthy workplaces campaigns
CESI has been a member of the European Semester Alliance since 2014; an alliance of 17 European social and environmental policy organisations as well as trade union umbrella organisations. The objective of the alliance is to ensure that the EU’s macroeconomic governance and fiscal coordination framework is oriented as much as possible towards the needs of citizens and workers and implemented in the most democratic manner, duly involving social partners and civil society organisations. CESI has been represented in the Alliance’s four-member steering committee since 2015.
More about CESI in the European Semester Alliance
In early 2016, CESI acceded to the European Sunday Alliance, a network of national Sunday Alliances, trade union organisation and civil society organizations committed to raise awareness of the unique value of synchronised free time for our European societies. The Sunday Alliance also promotes an adequate work-life balance for workers more generally.
More about CESI in the European Sunday Alliance
All CESI news related to memberships and affiliations is available here.