
Today, on March 1, Equal Care Day 2025, CESI reaffirms its commitment to building a more balanced and equitable society and labour markets in Europe through a fairer distribution of care responsibilities.

As the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions representing workers in the formal care sector – including long-term care, nursing, and early childhood education and care – CESI recognises that collective strength is rooted not least in gender equality.

CESI has long championed the need for enhanced gender balance in both the formal and informal care sectors. Domestic care responsibilities, whether for children or elderly family members, must not fall disproportionately on women. True progress lies in sharing these vital tasks equally between male and female partners. This requires robust work-life balance solutions such as an enhanced non-transferable parental leave for fathers and a significant expansion of high-quality, accessible, and affordable public care services in the Member States.

CESI stresses that such measures are not just policies, but essential steps towards a fairer society.

Synnöve Nüchter, designated President of CESI’s statutory Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, stated on this year’s Equal Care Day: “Achieving genuine gender equality means creating an environment where care responsibilities are shared, ensuring that both women and men can pursue their careers without being burdened by outdated societal norms. Care should not be a burden for one, but a shared commitment for all.“

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger added: “Beyond policies and regulations, it also remains imperative that we foster exchanges of good practices to dismantle gender stereotypes that promote gender diversity within female-dominated sectoral workforces, such as in care. We need to live and experience equality in everyday life to change outdated mindsets.”

CESI stands united with all those advocating for equal care responsibilities and calls on governments, employers and social partners across Europe to work together in implementing necessary reforms for the benefit of individuals, their families and society as a whole.

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Equal Care Day 2025– Towards a fairer society

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