CESI in Strasbourg to discuss European Commission work programme with MEPs

During the European Parliament plenary week of February 10, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger met with a series of MEPs in Strasbourg to discuss the newly issued work programme of the European Commission for 2025.

At meetings including with MEPs Li Andersson (GUE/NGL) Dennis Radtke (EPP), Jana Toom (Renew), Katrin Langensiepen (Greens/EFA), Alicia Homs Ginel (S&D), Hanna Gedin (GUE/NGL), Kim Van Sparrentak (Greens/EFA), Grégory Allione (Renew), CESI Secretary General deplored a relative lack of legislative policy initiatives planned for 2025, but positively noted confirmations about planned proposals for a directive on a right to disconnect and a further revised Carcinogens and mutagens directive, Workplace directive and Display screen equipment directive later this year.

He also welcomed a evaluation and revision of the EU public procurement directives, noting that new clauses on social conditionalities in public tenders are imperative. He supported MEPs in their efforts to achieve an ambitious new directive on quality traineeships and revised directive on European Works Councils (EWCs) and expressed hope that the announced new Action Plan on the Pillar of Social Rights and and Quality Jobs Roadmap of the European Commission later this year will offer tangible measures to improve employment and working conditions in Europe.

On a different note, he welcomed the European Parliament’s decision to establish new intergroups during this legislative term on the Future of Education and Skills for a Competitive Europe and on Resilience, Disaster Management and Civil Protection.