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CESI Trade Councils “Local and Regional Administrations” (ALR) and “Central Administrations and Finance” (ACF)

2019-12-05 12:00

On the occasion of the last CESI Trade Councils “Local and Regional Administrations” (ALR) and “Central Administrations and Finance” (ACF), trade unions’ representatives from several European countries, met in Brussels to share information about the most challenging issues for workers in their countries, to find common solutions and exchange views on related European policies of the newly formed College of EU Commissioners.

Editorial of the Secretary General: The future of the EU, work and CESI

2019-12-04 12:00

Dear colleagues, members, partners and friends,

Now that the new Commission is in place, time to focus on the to-do list for the coming years.

CESI Youth celebrates its candidate membership within the largest European youth organisation platform – the European Youth Forum

2019-12-02 12:00

On Saturday 23rd of November 2019 in Amiens (France), CESI Youth received the vote of confidence from the Council of Members of the European Youth Forum to join their organisation as a candidate member.

Trade council ‘Education, training and research’ on how to raise the voice of teachers through CESI ‘Manifesto for the teaching profession: Horizon 2025’ (and beyond)

2019-11-29 12:00

At its annual meeting in Brussels, CESI’s internal members’ Trade Council committee ‘Education’ (EDUC) continued the discussion around the role of teachers in the European Education Area: how to better support them and strive to gain back the appropriate respect and appreciation for the profession.

Gender equality and employment commissions discuss upcoming EU policy priorities

2019-11-21 12:00

On November 20 CESI’s Commissions on Employment and Social Affairs Commission (SOC) and Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM) convened in Brussels – As CESI’s central members’ committees for deliberation and positioning on horizontal EU employment, gender equality and social policy, the meeting saw orientation debates on the overarching topics for policy advocacy in 2020 and, more generally, the start of the new EU legislative term.

CESI@noon on ‘Apprenticeships in the EU: How to ensure a better transition from education to work?’

2019-11-07 12:00

On November 6, CESI Youth held the 22nd edition of the CESI lunchtime event series “CESI@noon”, this time on “Apprenticeships in the EU: How to ensure a better transition from education to work?”. The event was held at the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and in cooperation with the German Goethe Institut and EUROCHAMBERS. This lunchtime event in the framework of the European Vocational Skills Week engaged roughly 50 participants from various sectors: policy makers and experts, civil society, youth organisations, educational partners and representatives of the business sector.

EU Equal Pay Day 2018: At snail’s speed from November 3 to November 4

2019-11-04 12:00

November 4 is EU Equal Pay Day. It symbolises the average wage gap between women and men across the EU Member States by commemorating the day on which the ‘average’ woman -in relation to the ‘average’ man- does not get paid anymore until the end of the year. In 2019, women have earned on average 16.0% less than men, which translates into 57 out of 365 days of the year until December 31. According to Kirsten Lühmann, President of CESI’s members’ Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, policy makers and authorities are not doing enough to close the gap.

Editorial of the Secretary General: Violence, the wall and EU leadership

2019-11-01 12:00

Dear colleagues, members, partners and friends,

Last week I saw a wave of firefighters´ demonstrations in Paris. Being often the first on the spot in cases of emergency, firefighters were protesting against work overload, insufficient resources, a lack of recognition and – not last – third party violence! The slogans: “Do more with less. Welcome to the firefighters” or “Stop the political contempt for firefighters!”

CESI seminar in Budapest on “Unions in favour of a zero-tolerance approach towards external violence at work” | #NoViolenceAtWork

2019-10-30 12:00

On October 25, the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) held a symposium on “Trade unions for zero tolerance towards third-party violence at work” in Budapest, conducted as part of the CESI Europe Academy project supported by the European Commission.

EU Court of Justice rules against equal information and consultation rights for central administration personnel

2019-10-24 12:00

Today the EU General Court issued its judgment in case ‘EPSU vs European Commission’ over information and consultation rights of workers in governments. The case had concerned the question on the leeway the European Commission possesses to decide to not propose to the Council to convert an EU social partner agreement into an EU-wide binding directive. The Court concluded that the Commission’s right of initiative means it can decide on whether or not to make social partner agreements legally binding in all EU member states.

Upcoming on October 25: Europe Academy symposium in Budapest on third-party violence at work

2019-10-22 12:00

On October 25, CESI’s Europe Academy will hold a symposium on ”Trade unions for a zero tolerance towards violence at work: Protecting public sector workers in Europe” in Budapest, Hungary. The conference, which is co-funded by the European Commission as part of a larger project on the topic, is only open to CESI members and affiliates.

World Day for Decent Work 2019

2019-10-07 12:00

Today is the World Day for Decent Work. Trade unions all over the world and their allies are united in demanding decent work conditions for all workers, equal pay for work of equal value and safe working environments free from violence, harassment and discrimination. #wddw19

CESI at the 2nd European education summit

2019-10-03 12:00

On September 26, CESI participated in the 2nd European education summit “Teachers First!” organised by the European Commission in Brussels. #EduSummitEU

CESI seminar in Palermo on precarious work – empowering trade unions to address the new challenges

2019-09-30 12:00

On September 19-20, CESI held a symposium on ”Precarious work: Empowering trade unions to address new challenges” in Palermo (Italy) conducted as part of the CESI Europe Academy.

Comment of the Secretary-General Klaus Heeger on Thomas Cook collapse and Greta Thunberg intimidating speech at the UN Climate Summit.

2019-09-25 12:00

As the 178 years old travel giant Thomas Cook collapses, not only does the oldest travel institution come to an end, it also marks a trend in the travel market which may be due to debt, heatwaves, the internet, merciless competition and, as some speculate, Brexit.

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