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European Equal Pay Day 2020: Close the gap

2020-11-04 12:00

November 4 is European Equal Pay Day, a day dedicated to remember the importance of ensuring equal pay for work of equal value in Europe and to close the gender pay gap.

Covid-19 – Again. Violence – Together we can draw the line. | Editorial of the Secretary-General Klaus Heeger

2020-11-03 01:01

Dear colleagues, members, partners and friends,

Covid-19 – Putting us to the test. Again.

In a recent article of the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, the French economist Robert Boyer is quoted as follows: « Comment décider lorsque l´on ne sait pas encore ce que l´on finira par savoir, mais trop tard ? »

#NoViolenceAtWork – Third-party violence at Work: We can draw the line!

2020-11-02 12:00

On October 30 2020, CESI held its final event within the mainly EU funded project “Trade unions for zero tolerance against third-party violence at work”. An awareness-raising campaign is launching as from this Monday 2 November onwards, Europewide.

CESI Insides with European Parliament’s FEMM Committee Chairwoman Evelyn Regner

2020-10-30 12:00

In light of the European Parliament’s Gender Equality Week, Klaus Heeger talks with Evelyn Regner, chairwoman of the European Parliament’s FEMM Committee.

European minimum wage framework proposal: Improvements needed to a much-needed policy initiative

2020-10-30 12:00

On October 28 the European Commission put forward a proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages for workers across Member States. After a preliminary assessment, CESI welcomes the proposal but calls for improvements to make the planned directive fit to deliver.

CSIF proposes to reinforce the Spanish public administration with 106,000 new jobs in the next 3 years

2020-10-28 12:00

The Spanish Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union (CSIF), the most representative union in public administration and with a growing presence in the private sector, has carried out a Strategic Plan for Human Resources in Public Administration, which includes reinforcement of more than 106,000 members the next three years.

Collective agreement in Germany: CESI member dbb negotiated a new collective agreement for health and social care workers

2020-10-26 12:00

After a third round of negotiations the German trade unions, ‘dbb beamtenbund und tarifunion’ and ‘Ver.di’ reached an agreement with the employers for the 2.3 million workers in municipal and federal governments – a symbolic, but also a tangible increase of pay in particular for the workers in health and social care.

CESI Insides with Monica Semedo, MEP from Luxembourg Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

2020-10-20 12:00

A Klaus Heeger’s conversation with Monica Semedo, Member of the European Parliament from Luxembourg on employment, Social Europe, SURE, gender equality and Youth Guarantee.

MKKSZ, Trade Union of Hungarian Civil Servants and Public Employees is carrying 7 days online strike.

2020-10-20 12:00

The event will run for 7 days, from October 20th to 27th. The first 6 days are informative, tuning in, the main day of the strike is October 27.

European Commission consultation: CESI statement on employment conditions in parcel delivery services in Europe

2020-10-19 12:00

CESI has issued a consultation response to targeted consultation by the European Commission for an application report on the functioning of the EU cross-border parcel delivery services regulation 2018/644. In the contribution, CESI flagged the social dumping and the increasinlgy problematic employment and working conditions in the sector, which European regulation has contributed to.

The President and Secretary-General of CESI have expressed their horror and disgust at the terrorist attack against a teacher in France.

2020-10-18 12:00

“Of course, our thoughts first go to the victim and his relatives; and we express our deepest condolences to them”, stated CESI President Wolff. “

CESI Commissions on Employment & Social Affairs and Women’s Rights & Gender Equality, within the framework of PULSER project, call for socially just post-Covid rebounce

2020-10-15 12:00

On October 14 CESI’s members’ Commissions on Employment and Social Affairs and on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality convened under the PULSER project to discuss the European Pillar of Social Rights, the impacts of the Covid pandemic on workers and gender equality in employment. In discussions with European Commission representatives, CESI members made clear that the maintenance of jobs and of health and safety has utmost priority for workers in Europe, and that the crisis must not lead to a backlash in gender equality in Europe.

Telework: Hierarchies need to become flexible

2020-10-13 12:00

Whether in the private or the public sector, digitalisation does not only entail changes in the technological industry. Lots of thought patterns and modifications are suddenly getting questioned. The hierarchy pyramid, to which much is still attached, is getting increasingly wobbly. Change management is in all mouths and many people talk about new freedoms coupled to personal responsibility. What used to work well over years apparently needs to be looked at in a new light.

Covid pandemic: European Social Partners of Central Government Administrations call to invest in state sector personnel to increase crisis resilience of public services

2020-10-12 12:00

In view of the unfolding Covid pandemic, which has put local, regional, national and European administrations and public services in severe strain, the European social partners of central government administrations, Eupae (European Public Administration Employers), EPSU (European Federation of Public Service Unions) and CESI (European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions) have called in a joint statement on policy makers to invest more in state sector personnel, in order to increase the reslience of public administrations to deliver adequate and functioning public services also in times of crises.

CESI@noon on ‘Workers and Covid-19’: What lessons for trade unions and interest representation?

2020-10-08 12:00

October 7 saw a further edition of CESI’ lunchtime event series CESI@noon, which was held together with the Bertelsmann Stiftung on the topic of ‘Covid-19 and the future of work: What lessons for interest representation and trade unions?’ A central take home message: While the Covid crisis has meant a substantial challenge not only for workes but the organisation of trade unions too, it has also brought opportunities and paved the way for an re-invented, even more attractive and important trade unionism.

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