Joint letter: CESI supports call on the European Commission to give space to ambitions on long-term care
Today, together with 20 European civil society and trade union organisations, CESI supports a joint call on the European Commission to give space to ambitions on long-term care. A corresponding letter was transmitted to the European Commissioner for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness, Roxana MĂźnzatu.
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Joint letter: CESI supports call on the European Commission to give space to ambitions on long-term care
Today, together with 20 European civil society and trade union organisations, CESI supports a joint call on the European Commission to give space to ambitions on long-term care. A corresponding letter was transmitted to the European Commissioner for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness, Roxana MĂźnzatu.
âIn December 2022, the EU took a decisive step towards addressing the long-term care crisis, a critical issue that will determine the quality of life of a growing part of its population. It adopted the Council recommendation on long-term care, based on the Commissionâs Communication for a European Care Strategy.
The recommendation urges Member States to enhance the affordability, social protection, accessibility and quality of long-term care services for all people who need it. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of supporting informal carers, improving working conditions of professional carers, including live-in care workers and domestic workers, as well as addressing the shortage of the long-term care workforce.
Since then, all Member States presented national reports on their proposals for the implementation of the recommendation in September 2024, demonstrating their continued support for the goals adopted by the Council.
However, the mission letters of the new European Commission do not fully reflect this ambition. Long-term care is mentioned only from the perspective of workforce shortages â a critical dimension, but just one aspect of a much more multifaceted issue. Ms MĂźnzatu has called for a European Care Deal during her confirmation hearing, and we want to support this wider ambition.
It remains crucial to increase the availability and affordability of rights-based, person-centred, quality care, particularly home care and community-based care, especially in the light of demographic developments and the transition away from institutional care. The need for care and support should be resolutely acknowledged as a social responsibility, rather than a private one, as it impacts society as whole, and both influences and is influenced by factors such as gender, employment, exposure to physical and mental health risks, poverty and social exclusion and the environment. Therefore, the provision of long-term care, throughout a personâs life, should be established as a pillar of social protection in all Member States.
Informal carers - among which millions are women - should be identified, recognised and supported in all Member States, to mitigate the detrimental impact of care responsibilities on their social inclusion, economic situation, health and well-being. Their unpaid and underappreciated labour significantly affects workforce participation, contributing to gender gaps, limited access to social protection, reduced earnings contributing to old-age poverty.
As civil society organisations and trade unions representing people with disabilities, those supported by care services and their families, informal carers, care workers, cooperatives, and service providers for care and services for persons with disabilities within the social economy, we have supported the European Care Strategy since its inception. We now call on the new European Commission to incorporate all ambitions of the Care Strategy into its planning for the current mandate:
- Strengthen and support health promotion and prevention to reduce the increase of care needs.
- Assist Member States in developing rights-based, person-centred long-term care services across all territories through the European Semester, European funding and increased flexibility in public spending rules.
- Support the development of high-quality support services and measures for informal carers, tailored to their needs. Legislation should improve the rights to care leave and access to social protection. Qualitative tailor-made support and the provision of support services such as day-care and respite care should be provided. This should lead to improving informal carerâs wellbeing, labour market participation, as well as reducing negative social and health impact of caring.
- Support care service providers in delivering rights-based high-quality, accessible, and affordable care,while enabling them and household employers to hire and retain qualified workers.
- Revise the Directives on Public Procurement to ensure that price alone is not decisive, but prioritises value over cost to truly promote quality, social, and environmental considerations
- Investigate and prevent the causes of abuse and neglect in long-term care settings.
- In continuation of Executive Vice-President MĂźnzatuâs mission to address workforce shortages, improve working conditions, by promoting fair wages, skills recognition, and social dialogue in the care sector, improving workersâ mental health, and fully including vulnerable groups of workers, including domestic workers and migrant workers specifically.
- Up-skilling and re-skilling of the long-term care workforce for the provision of person-centred care services. Initiatives such as the partnership of skills in long-term care need to be strengthened
- Address undeclared work and exploitation in care by strengthening oversight and access to remedy, promoting formal employment, including through work permit pathways that promote decent work, and ensuring adequate social protection.
- Tackle financial speculation in the long-term care sector where profit-oriented companies benefiting from large investments and often public funding reduce quality to extract undue profit, squeezing out service providers, who genuinely try to provide person-centred, quality care. These include public providers, service providers from the social economy, and care cooperatives.
- Encourage Member States to support high quality care by recognising the importance of different care and support services, valuing the interest of viable not-for-profit alongside for-profit providers.
We reiterate our proposal for a European Long-Term Care Platform as part of the revised Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights to give this policy a tangible framework of monitoring and transparency, with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including civil society organisations. The Platform should have an annual meeting similar to the Long-Term Care Forum organised on 12 November 2024 by the Commission.
With this in mind, we stand ready to support the new European Commission in its efforts to meet the needs of over 30 million people in Europe requiring long-term care due to age, disability, or illness, as well as their employees, service providers and families.
List of Signatories
AGE Platform Europe
Alzheimer Europe
Caritas Europa
CECOP â European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives
CESI â European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions
COFACE Families Europe
EAPN â European Anti-Poverty Network
EFFAT â European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism Sectors
EFFE â European Federation for Family Employment & Home Care
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD)
European Disability Forum
European Federation for Services to Individuals
Make Mothers Matter
Mental Health Europe
PICUM â Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants
UNI Europa Global Union
Today, together with 20 European civil society and trade union organisations, CESI supports a joint call on the European Commission to give space to ambitions on long-term care. A corresponding letter was transmitted to the European Commissioner for Social Rights and Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness, Roxana MĂźnzatu.
Defence â A third transition underway, after the green and the digital?
CESI broadly welcomes the new EU White Paper on European Defence, published by the European Commission on March 19. It could lead to a new third major transition after the green and the digital.
As repeatedly demanded at CESIâs European Defence Round-Tables (EDRT) during the last years, the White Paper finally presents a clear vision and action plan to put an end to the era of âover-complacencyâ and âunderinvestmentâ in European defence and could mark the beginning of âa new international orderâ, as European Commission President von der Leyen put it in a recent address in Copenhagen on the future of the European Defence Union.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âThe EU appears to take a decisive stance on defence. We have long advocated this, since our first European Defence Round-Table (EDRT) several years ago. With the current geopolitical landscape no longer conducive to peace and limited funding options straining national budgets, strategic and prudent public military spending is crucial.â
Sebastian KĂ€ding, member of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) and President of CESIâs Expert Commission on 'Security and Defence', noted: âThis is a significant step to strengthen European defence and respond to current threats. The goal of improving European defence readiness through massive investment is in line with our call for an intensified security and defence policy. Emphasising cooperation with partners and further support for Ukraine are positive approaches that promote a holistic approach to security. The proposed financial instruments such as the âSecurity Actions for Europe (SAFE)â can be a solid basis to provide resources that could also improve the framework conditions for military personnel.
CESI stresses however that some limitations remain in the White Paper, from a trade union perspective: Neither does it sufficiently lays out necessary accountability and oversight structures, nor does it include possible measures for consultation and citizen engagement as part of decision making in the defence architecture and governance. In particular, it does not explicitly address social framework conditions for military and civilian personnel acting within the European Defence Union. At the same time, it is a necessary element to attract and retain qualified personnel through adequate working conditions in the sector.
To make the white paper more effective, and for it to unfold as a real third transition underway, after the green and the digital, CESI proposes that:
- The White Paper should contain explicit measures to improve the social framework conditions for personnel, including related to better working conditions, career opportunities and work-life balance. This could be implemented as part of targeted support programmes such as SAFE.
- Civil defence should be considered an integral part of a European defence strategy. This requires investment in infrastructure, training and coordination mechanisms, for example through a separate chapter in the White Paper.
- Stakeholders such as CESI and its Expert Commission âSecurity and Defenceâ should be actively involved in the further development of the White Paper to ensure that the interests of all status groups, both civilian and military personnel, are taken into account.â
- Background information
Recent geopolitical developments underline the urgency of bolstering European defence. At the 2025 Munich Security Conference, experts reiterated that for the EU to prevent war, it must be prepared for war. As part of ongoing international negotiations, Ukraine recently agreed to a 30-day ceasefire without firm security guarantees, highlighting the need for Europe to play a more active role in shaping security discussions.
Meanwhile, the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, established in January 2025, has collapsed, leading to renewed hostilities in the Gaza Strip.
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has stressed that some EU member states may struggle to pool resources effectively for enhanced defence capabilities, citizen engagement, and oversight. Reflecting these concerns, the European Parliament recently adopted a resolution calling for a âŹ500 billion investment in European defence over the next decade, institutional reforms, and a shift from unanimity to qualified majority voting to accelerate crisis responses.
The European Commission's new White Paper and the accompanying ReARM Europe Plan seek to address some of these challenges, with SAFE proposing âŹ150 billion in loans to support defence investments. However, these initiatives do not fully align with all of the European Parliament's recommendations, particularly regarding common procurement, planning, and deployment of military capabilities.
As the EU Summit on March 20-21 approaches, leaders will deliberate on the next steps. The shift towards a more security-oriented EU strategy underscores the importance of maintaining democratic accountability and ensuring that defence investments support both security objectives and social cohesion.
CESI broadly welcomes the new EU White Paper on European Defence, published by the European Commission on March 19. It could lead to a new third major transition after the green and the digital.
΀he role of trade unions in affordable housing, gender equality, and tackling precarious work
In times of increasing housing prices, and thus housing scarcity, those facing homelessness or housing difficulties are often either unemployed or in precarious, low-wage employment. Within this group, women and single mothers make up a considerable share, due to either unemployment, precarious employment or low wages.
Towards a more inclusive EU: The role of tradeunions in affordable housing, gender equality, and tackling precarious work
A hybrid (online & in Brussels) lunch time CESI@noon
Thursday, April 24th 2024, 12:00-14:30
light lunch included
in English language
Registration here
In times of increasing housing prices, and thus housing scarcity, thosefacing homelessness or housing difficulties are often either unemployed or in precarious, low-wage employment. Within this group, women and single mothers make up aconsiderable share, due to either unemployment, precarious employment or low wages.
Strong European Union policies should promote more inclusive and gender-focused regulations and incentives, including for instance:
·     equal pay for equal work and higher wages in low-paid, female-dominated sectors such as care;
·     more affordable and available childcare, which enables in particular also single mothers to continue to pursue their career and remain financially independent;
·     stronger tenant protections and other assistance programmes, to directly help precarious groups like single mothers with low revenues with their housing.
Housing accessibility in the EU is a growing challenge, marked by rising prices and a shortage of affordable housing. Between 2010 and 2022, rents increased by 19% and housing prices by 47%, outpacing income growth. In 2022, 10% of EU residents faced excessive housing costs, with a higher impact onthose at risk of poverty[1]. Additionally, around 900,000 people are homeless. Ensuring affordable and decent housing isessential for the economic development and social cohesion in the EU â and notleast for improving womenâs rights.
On April 24 CESI invites you to a youth-led debate on how the EU can guarantee more accessible and affordable housing for everyone, especially women and single mothers. In the context of its EU-cofunded eQualPROproject, CESI proposes an in-depth debate on what policy solutions could be made available at EU level to make housing more affordable, particularly for affected (young) women.
The panel will address questions including:
1.    How will young people,women, single mothers and other vulnerable groups be helped by addressing the housing crisis at EU level?
2.    What policy recommendations and legislative proposals could the EU's first Commissioner for Energy and Housing introduce to address gaps in housing opportunities for vulnerable groups, particularly women and single mothers?
3.    How can the need for more affordable housing be balanced with the objectives of the EU Green Deal, addressing energy poverty, and promoting social investments?
4.    What are the objectives of the newly formed European Parliament Intergroup on âHousing,â?
Provisional agenda
#SocialEurope #EU2030 #eQualPRO
12:00 Welcome and light lunch
12:30 Welcome address & introductionsâ
Dan JĂžrgensen, Commissioner for Energy and Housing (tbc)
MatthÀus Fandrejewski, dbbJugend and CESI Youth Representative
12:40 Regina Doherty, Vice-Chair of the âHousingâ Intergroup, European Parliament (tbc)
12:50 Alice Pitinni, Research Director at Housing Europe (tbc)
13:00 Marie Hyland, Eurofound
13:10 Â Ruth Paserman, European Commission
13:20 Marit Maij, member of the European Parliament, Greens/PvdA (tbc)
13:30 Discussions with participants
[1] February 25th 2025
In times of increasing housing prices, and thus housing scarcity, those facing homelessness or housing difficulties are often either unemployed or in precarious, low-wage employment. Within this group, women and single mothers make up a considerable share, due to either unemployment, precarious employment or low wages.

CESI calls on social outcomes as priorities in revised EU public procurement rules
In a consultation statement, CESI has called on the European Commission to make social outcomes a priority in revised EU directives on public procurement and concessions.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âCurrently, EU rules allow for public tendering based merely on the lowest price, which puts businesses that apply collective agreements at a competitive disadvantage â and thus even incentivises them to abolish respect for collective agreement in order to stand a chance in public tendering vis-Ă -vis companies that engage in social dumping. It therefore remains essential that revised public procurement rules are a lever for social and labour rights of workers and not an enabler for a race to the bottom of social dumping â to ensure that increased competitiveness is not achieved through slashed wages and social and labour rights.â
In this vein, CESI calls on the European Commission to table proposals for revised EU public procurement rules which:
1. Incorporate mandatory social criteria:
Revised directives must require the inclusion of mandatory social criteria in procurement tender procedures. Bidders should be required to be assessed not only on price and technical capacity but also on compliance with EU, national and sectoral labour laws, the observance of collective bargaining agreements, and adherence to minimum wages and safe and healthy working conditions. This approach would effectively counter a race to the bottom of social and labour standards through public procurement.
2. Provide legal clarity for social criteria:
The current EU public procurement rules provide uncertainty and ambiguity about the incorporation of social conditionalities in public tender procedures. Despite a plethora of guidance material from the side of the European Commission, many authorities in charge of issuing call for tenders are unsure on how to create legally soundproof tender documents with social conditionalities. In the end, many refrain from it and just play safe by opting for tender procedures on the basis of lowest bidders. With clear and simple rules on social conditionalities to be included in tenders (notably, a respect for a collective agreements), significant levels of bureaucracy and red tape could be cut, while at the same time numerous workers across Europe currently abused would benefit from better employment and working conditions. A revision of the public procurement directives could be a landmark example on how to reconcile cutting red tape with improved social justice.
3. Involve trade unions and worker representatives early on:
Revised public procurement directives should make clear that trade unions and worker representatives in public authorities must be integrated in procurement processes at an early stage. They should have a monitoring role in the awarding process to ensure that labour standards are upheld from the outset. Tender documents should be subject to approval by representative employee participation bodies. This would safeguard against adverse impacts on workers and strengthen accountability, too.
4. Protect job security and transition provisions:
Revised public procurement directives should encourage protecting workers in the event of a transfer between service providers during the execution of services under a publicly awarded contract. Such protection relates most notably to the preservation of existing terms and conditions, the recognition of service length, and consultation practices with trade unions. This would enhance job security and predictability for affected workers. It would counter the instability which is often associated with frequent re-tendering.
In a consultation statement, CESI has called on the European Commission to make social outcomes a priority in revised EU directives on public procurement and concessions.
International Womenâs Day: CESI welcomes new EU Roadmap for Womenâs Rights
CESI underscores that the success of the Roadmap will depend on continued collaboration between the European institutions, Member States, social partners and civil society.
CESI welcomes the European Commissionâs new Roadmap for Womenâs Rights, presented on March 7 ahead of this yearâs annual International Womenâs Day. CESI commends the European Commission for its reinforced commitment to strengthening gender equality as a bedrock of democracy, competitiveness and social justice in Europe and calls to follow up on this with concrete measures.
Reflecting on the Commissionâs Communication and its accompanying Declaration of Principles, CESI appreciates the Roadmapâs focus on multiple essential pillars and objectives related to womenâs rights, among them in particular on equal pay and economic empowerment, a fair distribution of care responsibilities, access to leadership positions, and quality education and digital inclusion. These areas mirror CESIâs core priorities presented in its topical resolution towards the European Commission earlier this year, which underscored the need for concrete and enforceable measures beyond declarative commitments.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âThe European Commissionâs new Roadmap for Womenâs Rights is a step forward for gender equality in Europe. We particularly welcome its comprehensive approach, from combating violence against women to tackling the persistent pay gap and the undervaluation of care work. This framework responds to urgent needs that CESIâs members have identified across Europe too. To ensure real, lasting change, Europe must now back its commitments with concrete legislative, financial, and policy tools â one-off statements will not suffice.â
In line with its previously stated policy priorities and building on the Commissionâs proposed principles to protect womenâs health, advance equal pay, bolster work-life balance and reinforce institutional mechanisms for mainstreaming gender equality, CESI advocates an expanded focus and concrete further measures on:
- eliminating violence and harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, by reinforcing workplace prevention frameworks and ensuring victim protection.
- closing the gender pay and pension gaps through robust enforcement of the EU pay transparency directive and enhanced social dialogue at the national and sectoral levels.
- breaking glass ceilings by extending gender-balance measures beyond large stock-listed companies to encompass public administrations and senior management in all sectors.
- recognising and distributing care responsibilities more fairly, with improved wages and working conditions in care professions, stronger measures for equal-sharing of family leaves and increased investments in accessible, high-quality childcare and long-term care.
- promoting quality education and digital inclusion, including initiatives to increase female participation in STEM fields and combat algorithmic discrimination in recruitment processes.
CESI underscores that the success of the Roadmap will depend on continued collaboration between the European institutions, Member States, social partners and civil society. Gender budgeting, the effective use of European funds, and stronger support for trade unions and social dialogue at both EU and national levels will be crucial to translate principles into action.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger concluded: âBy embracing the European Commissionâs Roadmap for Womenâs Rights, Europe can take an ambitious leap toward a future in which women are more empowered â economically, socially and politically. CESI stands ready to work with the EU institutions and Member States to ensure that the commitments laid out in the Roadmap become concrete realities in workplaces and societies across Europe.â
CESI underscores that the success of the Roadmap will depend on continued collaboration between the European institutions, Member States, social partners and civil society.
SynCrisis: Strengthening public services for a resilient Europe
CESI's SynCrisis campaign calls for urgent investment in public services to build resilience, protect workers, and ensure fair access to quality healthcare, education, and social support.
Building on the findings of CESI's recently published policy brief on the crucial role of public services in times of crisis, this article presents key conclusions and actionable recommendations to reinforce their resilience.
As Europe faces an era of unprecedented crisesâfrom pandemics to climate disasters and economic instabilityâits public services remain at the frontline of response. Yet, underfunding, workforce shortages, and rigid fiscal constraints have left these essential sectors struggling to meet growing societal needs. The SynCrisis campaign, spearheaded by the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), calls for urgent investment in public services to build resilience, protect workers, and ensure fair access to quality healthcare, education, and social support.
The challenge: Public services under pressure
Public services are the backbone of European societies, yet years of austerity, privatisation, and fiscal restraints have stretched them thin. The SynCrisis campaign highlights key challenges:
- Underfunding & fiscal constraints: Years of budget cuts have led to understaffed hospitals, overwhelmed education systems, and outdated infrastructure.
- Labour shortages & precarious employment: Healthcare and education sectors suffer from staff burnout, low wages, and overreliance on temporary contracts, making them less attractive to younger workers.
- Inequalities & social gaps: Countries with weaker public systems experience longer recovery times and deeper inequalities during crises.
- Macroeconomic & climate challenges: Inflation, refugee integration, and the accelerating effects of climate change place further strain on public services.
The call to action: A new model for social investment
The SynCrisis campaign urges EU policymakers, national governments, and trade unions to rethink public service funding through a social investment approach. Instead of short-term budget cuts, this approach prioritises preventative and strategic investments that enhance resilience and long-term economic growth. Key recommendations include:
1. Increase funding for public services
- Ensure that public investment in healthcare, education, and social care aligns with Europeâs long-term social and economic needs.
- Establish a specific policy window for public sector investment in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
2. Modernise infrastructure & digital readiness
- Upgrade public services with digital tools and sustainable infrastructure to withstand future crises.
- Ensure equal access to digital education and telehealth services across all regions.
3. Support & retain public sector workers
- Provide fair wages, manageable workloads, mental health support, and permanent contracts to prevent staff burnout and high turnover.
- Attract young professionals to public service careers by ensuring competitive employment conditions.
4. Adapt public services for the green & digital transitions
- Invest in education systems that prepare future generations for the green and digital economy.
- Expand lifelong learning opportunities for public sector employees to keep pace with evolving challenges.
5. Ensure fiscal flexibility for sustainable social investment
- Integrate social impact assessments into EU fiscal frameworks, ensuring that spending on public services is recognised as an investment rather than a cost.
A stronger Europe starts with stronger public services
Public services are the lifelines of European societies, ensuring health, education, and economic stability for millions. The SynCrisis campaign underscores that investing in these services is not just a social necessity but an economic imperative. Well-funded, well-staffed, and well-equipped public services foster social cohesion, rebuild trust in institutions, and future-proof Europe against new crises.
It is time for policymakers to act. Join CESIâs SynCrisis campaign and advocate for stronger, more resilient public services that can stand the test of time.
Join CESIâs SynCrisis campaign by sharing our materials and advocating for stronger public services:
Campaign video: | Full report: | Infographics:
#SynCrisis | #StrongerPublicServices | #CESI
CESI's SynCrisis campaign calls for urgent investment in public services to build resilience, protect workers, and ensure fair access to quality healthcare, education, and social support.
March 3 â European Day for a Work-Free Sunday
Ensure synchronised resting time also in times of competitiveness
On this yearâs European Day for a Work-Free Sunday, the Steering Committee members of the European Sunday Alliance reaffirm a necessary commitment to promoting a common weekly day of rest for workers across Europe. Even in times of a competitiveness-based narrative in EU policy making, a synchronised work-free Sunday remains essential for the well-being of individuals and their families â and thereby for the society and the economy as a whole, too.
As digitalisation and telework continue to reshape the world of work, maintaining clear boundaries between professional and private life has never been more crucial. The European Sunday Alliance therefore welcomes the European Commissionâs efforts to advance a new EU directive on a right to disconnect and fair telework and hopes for a swift publication of a legislative proposal. This would represent a significant step towards securing healthier working conditions, preventing burnout, and ensuring that all workers can truly switch off from professional obligations outside agreed working hours.
In particular, a common day of disconnection â effectively on Sundays â would help counteract growing trends of fragmentation in working hours. It would allow individuals to rest in sync with their families and communities, fostering social cohesion, voluntary engagement, and cultural and faith-related activities. Common resting time would also step up the quality of resting time (currently often spent by workers alone), which would in the end contribute to higher productivity, creativity, and overall job satisfaction â and thereby benefit both workers and businesses alike.
The Steering Committee members of the European Sunday Alliance strongly urge the European Commission to include specific references to a right to disconnect on weekends in its forthcoming legislative proposal for a directive on a right to disconnect and fair telework. Ensuring that Sunday remains protected from work wherever possible will serve as a vital safeguard for workersâ well-being while strengthening the social fabric of our communities.
On todayâs annual European Day for a Work-Free Sunday, the Steering Committee members of the European Sunday Alliance call upon policymakers, employers, and workers to join in recognising and defending the value of a common day of rest â also and especially in times of a shift in policy-making agenda towards economic competitiveness
The European Sunday Alliance is a broad network of more than 100 national Sunday Alliances, trade unions, employersâ organisations, civil society organisations, churches and religious communities committed to raise awareness of the unique value of synchronised free time for our European societies.
Ensure synchronised resting time also in times of competitiveness

âReArm Europeâ: A Paradigm Shift in European Defence and Societal Resilience
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen couldnât have been blunter. In her letter to the special European Council she wrote: âA new era is upon us. Europe faces a clear and present danger on a scale that none of us have seen in our adult lifetimeâ.
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen couldnât have been blunter. In her letter to the special European Council she wrote: âA new era is upon us. Europe faces a clear and present danger on a scale that none of us have seen in our adult lifetimeâ.
And in her press statement, she went even further: âWe are living in the most momentous and dangerous of times. I do not need to describe the grave nature of the threats that we face (. . .) The real question in front of us is whether Europe is prepared to act as decisively as the situation dictates. And whether Europe is ready and able to act with the speed and the ambition that is needed.â
Given the urgency, the proposed ReArm Europe package of the European Commission âa âŹ800 billion plan to bolster Europe's defence capabilities â was endorsed by the special European Council. Â
The ReArm Europe plan has five pillars:
1.    âŹ150 billion EU financial instrument providing loans for defence investment;
2.    the release of public funds by activating national escape clauses;
3.    increased defence-related EU budget investments;
4.    the European Investment Bankâs role via its Security and Defence Action Plan;
5.    mobilizing private capital for defence industries.
As established by CESIÂŽs last European Defence Round-Table (EDRT), these steps are long due. An urgent paradigm shift in European defence strategies is needed, which includes societal preparedness and the integration of both military and civilian defence mechanisms.â The EDRT underscored thatEurope faces unprecedented challenges necessitating a holistic approach to security. Defence must extend beyond military capabilities to encompass societal resilience.
However, this shall not come to a âsocial priceâ. Klaus Heeger, CESI Secretary General, said: âAs the EU signs a renewed Pact for Social Dialogue, the quality of jobsroadmap and the communication on the Union of Skills, the Industrial Action Plan for the European Automotive Sector, after presenting the Omnibus and the Clean Industrial Deal proposals, it is clear that aligning these objectives with deterrenceand defence will be challenging. It is important to achieve deterrence and competitiveness without compromising on social and labour standards. Everything is nothing without security. But defence spending should not come at the cost of economic security and social stability.â
Commission President Ursula von der Leyen couldnât have been blunter. In her letter to the special European Council she wrote: âA new era is upon us. Europe faces a clear and present danger on a scale that none of us have seen in our adult lifetimeâ.

The European Employment and Social Rights Forum and the proposed âUnion of Skillsâ
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger participated in the European Employment and Social Rights Forum 2025, Europeâs largest event on employment and social affairs, which took place on March 5-6 in Brussels.
CESI SecretaryGeneral Klaus Heeger participated in the European Employment and Social Rights Forum 2025, Europeâslargest event on employment and social affairs, which took place on March 5-6 inBrussels.
Under the headingâSkills for a Competitive Europeâ, the conference aimed at proposing possiblesolutions to the key problems identified in the communication a âUnion of Skillsâ, adopted the sameday: skills shortages and gaps, slow adaptation to technological and green transitions,and a fragmented governance and skills intelligence.
The communicationoutlines different steps and initiative to address declining literacy,numeracy, and digital skills, to promote STEM education, to improve theattractiveness and support for teaching careers, to expand digital learning, AIliteracy, and cybersecurity training, and finally to render vocationaleducation more attractive.
Especially in viewof the enormous disruptions of labour market in times of transitions, a focusis put on skills rather than just formal qualifications, to ensure that workerscan more easily find new new jobs.
To address criticallabour shortage, the Commission seeks for instance to have short-termcertifications recognized across the EU, to ensure that workers have theexpertise needed for emerging industries, to provide sector-specific trainingin AI, cybersecurity, and clean energy, to improve skills mobility across theEU, and to develop âEuropean Universities Alliancesâ.
As investments remain key to sustaining these efforts, the Commissionproposes to mobilize public and private financing for education and training,to create incentives for companies to encourage greater employer investment inworkforce development, and to enhance data collection and forecasting to bettermatch skills supply with labor market needs.
Klaus Heeger said: âThis ambitious package aims at building afuture-ready workforce and at strengthening European competitiveness. Ifimplemented at large scale, upskilling andreskilling policies could play a major role in safeguarding ourcompetitiveness, in implementing green and digital transitions, and in saving employment.The proposals must also be appreciated as they coincide with long-standingdemands of our teachers, education and VET providers. What pleases me the mostare two things: First, a focus is laid on the importance of the teachingprofession by improving the attractiveness and support for teaching careers.Second, civic education is mentioned as a key pillar of lifelong learning,democratic resilience, and social inclusion. Our teachers repeatedly warnedagainst Europeâs citizens becoming mere instruments of economic systems and newtechnologies. We must be equipped with critical thinking skills, medialiteracy, and a strong understanding of democratic values to keep our compassin the modern world.â
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger participated in the European Employment and Social Rights Forum 2025, Europeâs largest event on employment and social affairs, which took place on March 5-6 in Brussels.

Equal Care Day 2025â Towards a fairer society
Today, on March 1, Equal Care Day 2025, CESI reaffirms its commitment to building a more balanced and equitable society and labour markets in Europe through a fairer distribution of care responsibilities.
As the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions representing workers in the formal care sector â including long-term care, nursing, and early childhood education and care â CESI recognises that collective strength is rooted not least in gender equality.
CESI has long championed the need for enhanced gender balance in both the formal and informal care sectors. Domestic care responsibilities, whether for children or elderly family members, must not fall disproportionately on women. True progress lies in sharing these vital tasks equally between male and female partners. This requires robust work-life balance solutions such as an enhanced non-transferable parental leave for fathers and a significant expansion of high-quality, accessible, and affordable public care services in the Member States.
CESI stresses that such measures are not just policies, but essential steps towards a fairer society.
Synnöve NĂŒchter, designated President of CESIâs statutory Commission on Womenâs Rights and Gender Equality, stated on this yearâs Equal Care Day: âAchieving genuine gender equality means creating an environment where care responsibilities are shared, ensuring that both women and men can pursue their careers without being burdened by outdated societal norms. Care should not be a burden for one, but a shared commitment for all.â
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger added: âBeyond policies and regulations, it also remains imperative that we foster exchanges of good practices to dismantle gender stereotypes that promote gender diversity within female-dominated sectoral workforces, such as in care. We need to live and experience equality in everyday life to change outdated mindsets.â
CESI stands united with all those advocating for equal care responsibilities and calls on governments, employers and social partners across Europe to work together in implementing necessary reforms for the benefit of individuals, their families and society as a whole.
Today, on March 1, Equal Care Day 2025, CESI reaffirms its commitment to building a more balanced and equitable society and labour markets in Europe through a fairer distribution of care responsibilities.

8th EDRT: Why should Europe change its mindset and get ready for war?
Shortly after the so-called Weimar+ meeting comprising France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the UK, the Munich Security Conference 2025 and NATOâs Defence Ministers gathering in Brussels, CESI's 8th European Defence Round-Table (EDRT) took place.
As part of CESIâs EU co-funded SynCrisis project, the event focused on strengthening public services for crisis response, highlighting the need for reforms, investment in military resources and personnel, and enhanced EU cooperation in security matters.
The European continent faces unprecedented challenges that test the very fabric of its values of democracy, security and unity. Over the past three years, the global security landscape has undergone profound transformations. Russiaâs war on Ukraine, now lasting three years, threatens Europeâs eastern borders. The Middle East remains fraught with unresolved conflicts, and the recent return of Donald Trump to the White House shatters the international rules-based order. In response to these multifaceted challenges, the European Unionâs new political leadership has placed defence at the forefront of its agenda.
In this context, the EDRT addressed the needs for a wartime mindset, societal preparedness, and a paradigm shift in security. Discussions warned against the shrinking of liberal democracy and Europeâs military reliance on the U.S. Participants highlighted the need for further civil-military cooperation, resilience against hybrid threats, increased defence spending and troop readiness. They emphasised the importance of industry surveys, strengthened defence capabilities, enhanced civil preparedness, and improved communication of Member States and the EU with citizens.
Sebastian KĂ€ding, Assessor for Civilian Employees at the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) and newly elected President of CESIâs Expert Commission âDefence,â shared his expectations for the upcoming EU White Paper on European Defence. He emphasised the evolving security landscape, the needs to address geopolitical tensions, hybrid threats, cyberattacks and terrorism, while strengthening Europeâs strategic autonomy. He called for improved interoperability, standardised equipment, command structures and joint military exercises, highlighting the importance of personnel and service attractiveness through modern equipment, fair pay, career development and work-life balance.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger commented: âEuropeâs security requires a paradigm shift: The world has changed, and Europe must change with it. Current defence policies must be rethought â focusing not just on military spending but on a holistic approach to security, factoring in social policies which are heavily impacting the functioning of our democracies. Defence spending should be integrating hybrid threat resilience and technological innovation while not underestimating the importance of social policies to create inclusive societies which address inequalities.â
In a videos message, MEP Michael Gahler (Germany) stressed the likelihood of war returning to European Union soil and called for much-needed efforts to step us EU deterrence amid current threats. It is time to switch to a wartime mindset, he said.
Professor Mary Kaldor, Emeritus Professor of Global Governance and Director of the Conflict Research Program at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), referred to the threat of Russia to start ânew warsâ or to stay engaged in âforever warsâ even in the case of a potential ceasefire. She advocated for a reassessment of the current EU priorities to include an approach to the most vulnerable and at risk.
Maria Marisiute, Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre (EPC), highlighted the need to engage with and prepare civil society organisations and EU citizens at large on EUâs deterrence. Echoing the so-called Niinistö report on preparedness, she referred to the âwhole of governmentâ and âwhole of societyâ approach as instrumental to achieving EU resilience in the new geopolitical order.
Fabian Zuleeg, CEO of the EPC, who in his latest commentary analysed the potential consequences of a ceasefire in Ukraine imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump, warned against the disastrous consequences of an unjust agreement, the attacks of Donald Trump against the EU and liberal democracies overall, and the need to increase EU defence efforts in case of an unjust âTrump-imposedâ ceasefire in Ukraine.
Shortly after the so-called Weimar+ meeting comprising France, Germany, Poland, Spain and the UK, the Munich Security Conference 2025 and NATOâs Defence Ministers gathering in Brussels, CESI's 8th European Defence Round-Table (EDRT) took place.

Union of Skills: Improve training, recognition of qualifications & fair transitions
In a new position on an EU social partner consultation on a Union of Skills, CESI has called on the EU to issue concrete measures to improve professional training, recognition of qualifications and fair transitions for workers in the EU.
In a new position on an EU social partner consultation on a Union of Skills, CESI has called on the EU to issue concrete measures to improve professional training, recognition of qualifications and fair transitions for workers in the EU.
In the consultation contribution, CESI welcomes the European Commissionâs initiative to develop an EU Union of Skills framework and demands specific measures to improve professional training, recognition of qualifications across Member States and socially fair transitions for workers in the EU.
On a Union of Skills, CESI emphasises in particular:
- on skills mismatches and lifelong learning, that many young people face difficulties in entering the job market and many older employees experience difficulties with adapting to rapidly changing job requirements due to automation, digitalisation, and green transitions. Many workers lack access to continuous training opportunities on the job. Employers struggle to find workers with the right skills, leading to labour shortages in key sectors, including the public sector employees. In CESIâs view, it is imperative that sufficient investments are executed in the area of education, skills and (further) training to ensure that the educational and training systems are well staffed, equipped and inclusive for all â children/pupils/students and adult lifelong learners alike. To this end, funding is centrally important, and skills development policies must be more worker-centred, with guaranteed access to lifelong learning, adapted VET schemes and publicly funded further training-on-the-job as part of yearly human resources strategies.
- on recognition of qualifications, that employees often still face barriers in having their skills and qualifications recognised across EU Member States, limiting their career progression and mobility â while many employers struggle with complex administrative procedures when hiring skilled workers from other regions. Within the EU, the recognition of professional qualifications plays a crucial role in facilitating labour mobility, and it must be further enhanced. The existing Directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications aims to ensure that individuals holding qualifications from a Member State can have them recognised in another. However, the directive is in many respects outdated and incomplete and should be revisited and updated in light of the current changes on European labour markets. By further streamlining procedures for the recognition of qualifications obtained in different EU countries, barriers to labour mobility could be reduced, and professionals could more easily seek employment opportunities in other Member States.The EU already fosters cooperation among national authorities and professional organisations to maintain high standards of education and training, ensuring that recognised qualifications meet common quality criteria. In this context, the Union of Skills should further contribute to creating a more harmonised EU framework for skills certification, ensuring that qualifications are easily transferable.
- on inclusive and just green and digital transitions, that many employees in traditional industries fear job losses due to automation and climate policies while many employers need support in transitioning their workforce towards new skills, to avoid facing massive layoffs. Therefore, targeted Just Transition measures need to be implemented with strong social dialogue, based on retraining programmes and financial support for workers adversely affected by industrial changes.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âWe urge the European Commission to lay out a vision that goes beyond declarative commitments and that paves the way for concrete legislative, financial, and policy measures to establish a useful Union of Skills. CESI stands ready to collaborate with EU institutions, Member States and further social partners to achieve this objective. Strengthening worker representation in decision-making processes can ensure that unions and their affiliates are involved in shaping reskilling policies, and that their right to organise is protected.â
The full contribution is available here.
In a new position on an EU social partner consultation on a Union of Skills, CESI has called on the EU to issue concrete measures to improve professional training, recognition of qualifications and fair transitions for workers in the EU.

CESI in Strasbourg to discuss European Commission work programme with MEPs
During the European Parliament plenary week of February 10, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger met with a series of MEPs in Strasbourg to discuss the newly issued work programme of the European Commission for 2025.
At meetings including with MEPs Li Andersson (GUE/NGL) Dennis Radtke (EPP), Jana Toom (Renew), Katrin Langensiepen (Greens/EFA), Alicia Homs Ginel (S&D), Hanna Gedin (GUE/NGL), Kim Van Sparrentak (Greens/EFA), Grégory Allione (Renew), CESI Secretary General deplored a relative lack of legislative policy initiatives planned for 2025, but positively noted confirmations about planned proposals for a directive on a right to disconnect and a further revised Carcinogens and mutagens directive, Workplace directive and Display screen equipment directive later this year.
He also welcomed a evaluation and revision of the EU public procurement directives, noting that new clauses on social conditionalities in public tenders are imperative. He supported MEPs in their efforts to achieve an ambitious new directive on quality traineeships and revised directive on European Works Councils (EWCs) and expressed hope that the announced new Action Plan on the Pillar of Social Rights and and Quality Jobs Roadmap of the European Commission later this year will offer tangible measures to improve employment and working conditions in Europe.
On a different note, he welcomed the European Parliamentâs decision to establish new intergroups during this legislative term on the Future of Education and Skills for a Competitive Europe and on Resilience, Disaster Management and Civil Protection.

During the European Parliament plenary week of February 10, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger met with a series of MEPs in Strasbourg to discuss the newly issued work programme of the European Commission for 2025.

EU industrial action plan for the automotive sector: A call for balance
As the European Commission consults on a new EU industrial action plan for the automotive sector, CESI and its Italian metal worker member union Fismic-Confsal call to balance environmental objectives and industrial feasibility, to secure the industry's future and jobs in Europe.
In a formal response to a consultation by the European Commission, CESI and Fismic-Confsal highlight trade union priorities for an EU industrial action plan for the automotive sector, including:
- the need to strike a balance between environmental objectives and industrial feasibility. Regular reviews should be based on technological and market developments and applicable to the EUâs 2035 internal combustion engine (ICE) phase-out target. A technology-neutral approach should be encouraged to allow for space of power by hydrogen, e-fuels and hybrid technologies in addition to electronic vehicles (EVs.)
- developing talent and transforming workforces. The shift to EVs and digitalised manufacturing will inevitably lead to changing workforce requirements, the decline of traditional jobs and the rise of new roles. According to estimates from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), over 2.4 million workers in the automotive sector will need to be reskilled by 2030. Lifelong learning programs, apprenticeships and vocational training must be prioritised in EU funding, providing workers the skills to work in net zero technology functions, AI-driven vehicle systems and automation.
- enhancing security of supply chain and independence of raw materials. The EU is still heavily reliant on third countries for critical raw materials including lithium, cobalt and rare earths. The 2023 Critical Raw Materials Act from the European Commission should be updated to provide stronger incentives for domestic mining and recycling projects. Public-private partnerships in battery recycling and alternative material research can help reduce import reliance.
- increasing sovereignty in batteries and semiconductors. A sustainable automotive industry needs a vibrant domestic supply of batteries and semiconductors. The EU will only meet 70% of its battery demand by 2030, according to the European Battery Alliance. The European Chips Act, with its budget of 43 billion euros for investment, should ensure that the automotive industry receives priority access to semiconductors to avoid the kind of disruptions seen during the COVID-19 crisis.
- investing in public infrastructure and charging facilities. EV charging infrastructure will need to grow massively to fulfil the EUâs ambitious climate goals. According to the European Court of Auditors (2022), the rollout of charging stations is lagging behind the adoption rates of EVs in major markets like Germany, France and Italy. Efforts must be incentivised to establish more high-speed charging networks along major transport thoroughfares and urban centres through public and private investment.
- mitigating social and regional adverse impacts. The industrial transition threatens to increasingly hit regions that rely on internal combustion engine (ICE) manufacturing particularly hard. A Just Transition Fund for automotive regions is needed to help diversify the economy during the next transformation towards new mobility, provide new jobs, and ensure social safety nets. The prospects are dire; for instance, more than 70,000 jobs are at risk in Italy alone as the ICE vehicle phase-out proceeds in line with efforts around the globe, necessitating targeted regional support.
- supporting SMEs and industrial clusters. As SMEs make up the very backbone of Europeâs automotive supply chain, they need specific support. Also, industrial clusters and innovation hubs need to be scaled to drive collaboration between SMEs and large manufacturers.
- reinforcing end-of-life vehicle recycling and the circular economy. The EU should reinforce sustainability through binding recycling targets and extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes. According to the European Commission, end-of-life vehicle recycling could decrease automotive carbon emissions by 30%. Second-life battery applications and remanufacturing of vehicles can offer new business opportunities and negative waste.
The full consultation contribution is available here.
As the European Commission consults on a new EU industrial action plan for the automotive sector, CESI and its Italian metal worker member union Fismic-Confsal call to balance environmental objectives and industrial feasibility, to secure the industry's future and jobs in Europe.

Itâs the economy, stupid. But not only. | Editorial of CESI SG Klaus Heeger
Priorities are shifting in EU policymaking. As Bill Clintonâs 1992 campaign famously put it: âItâs the economy, stupid.â Today, this focus has fully resurfaced in Europe, placing competitiveness as a cornerstone of future prosperity.
Priorities are shifting in EU policymaking. As Bill Clintonâs 1992 campaign famously put it: âItâs the economy, stupid.â Today, this focus has fully resurfaced in Europe, placing competitiveness as a cornerstone of future prosperity.
This week, we discussed many different social and economic dossiers with Members of the European Parliament in Strasburg. As we know, a significant debate is now unfolding over how to balance competitiveness with environmental, consumer, and social protection.
Trumpâs reelection will intensify concerns that stringent regulations might put European industries at a disadvantage compared to less regulated global competitors. More and more industry leaders and governments are calling for a âflexibilityâ in certain environmental measures.
The work program of the European Commission for 2025, âA Bolder, Simpler, Faster Unionâ, published this week, places competitiveness and simplification at the heart of the EU agenda. Concrete proposals aim for instance at amending the so-called Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the EU Taxonomy Regulation â both designed to set high environment and human rights standards in supply chains and direct investments to low carbon economic activities.
The push for deregulation meets with strong resistance from many policymakers and civil society groups. âIf von der Leyen spends the next five years dismantling what weâve built in the previous five, weâll have wasted a decadeâ, Bas Eickhout, co-leader of the Greens group in the European Parliament, recently told the EUObserver.
Admittedly, the choices will be difficult. Not every rule and administrative burden is needed, and the EU and its Member States are known for high regulatory density, with âtwo thirds of companies in the EU consider being hindered from investing by excessive regulationâ.
On the other hand, the term bureaucracy, albeit almost always used as a pejorative, stands for the implementation, control and oversight over high protection levels â and not least for the application (and hence the rule) of law.
We would betray ourselves, would the path to competitiveness come at the expense of workers and, for instance, lead to less protective employment regulations. Fair working conditions and robust social protections are not obstacles to competitiveness â they are prerequisites for it.
Competitiveness and environmental, consumer, and social protections are not mutually exclusive, they can be mutually reinforcing. Investing in sustainable practices and ensuring fair working conditions can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and create a resilient economy. This is our firm belief.
Mario Draghiâs report on the future of EU competitiveness provides a stark analysis in this sense: Europe must act decisively to maintain its economic edge. But as Draghi points out, competitiveness cannot be built on a foundation of inequality or insecurity. Workers are Europeâs greatest asset, and investing in them â through training, protection, and fair conditions â is essential for sustainable growth.
As an example, the Commission has now laid a special focus on the battered automotive sector, where it has initiated a Strategic Dialogue on the Future of the European Automotive Industry. While the emphasis is on economic competitiveness, for us the process must also be about safeguarding quality jobs in the sector.
âItâs the economy, stupidâ. But not at the expense of fairness. Competitiveness is vital, but it must serve all Europeans â not just a privileged few.
Priorities are shifting in EU policymaking. As Bill Clintonâs 1992 campaign famously put it: âItâs the economy, stupid.â Today, this focus has fully resurfaced in Europe, placing competitiveness as a cornerstone of future prosperity.

CESI calls for ambitious EU Roadmap for Women's Rights
As part of a social partner consultation, CESI adopted a new position on a forthcoming EU Roadmap for Women's Rights.
In the position, CESI welcomes the European Commissionâs initiative to develop an EU Roadmap for Womenâs Rights and demands specific measures in the areas of violence and harassment, equal pay and economic empowerment, womenâs access to leadership positions, a fair distribution of care work and gender equality in care, and quality education and digital inclusion for women.
As such, CESI considers, most notably, that the roadmap should:
- highlight that the newly adopted EU Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence shall be fully implemented at the national level and stress that the EU should fully implement and enforce the Council of Europeâs Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women within the remit of its competences.
- set concrete actions to close the gender pay and pension gaps, starting with a full implementation and enforcement of the EU pay transparency directive 2023/970.
- pave the way for further gender quotas in companies and public services beyond the narrow scope of the EU Women on Boards Directive 2022/2381, to include public administrations and senior management across all sectors and not just in large stock-listed enterprises.
- seek to enhance the economic value of care work and ensure fair wages, working conditions, and access to social security for care workers â which are by large majority women.
- develop initiatives to encourage womenâs participation in STEM fields, digital industries and entrepreneurship â and likewise seek to encourage more men to pick up training and employment in traditionally female oriented sectors, such as in care.
- address AI-based and algorithmic discrimination of women in employment and beyond, too, so that AI tools are trained with gender-neutral data, algorithms should be gender-neutral in order to achieve balanced male/female parameters in AI and algorithms.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âAs CESI, voice of over 6 million workers across Europe, we urge the European Commission to adopt a comprehensive, ambitious, and enforceable Roadmap for Womenâs Rights that goes beyond declarative commitments and establishes concrete legislative, financial, and policy measures. It is imperative that the Roadmap considers a complete set of implementation and enforcement tools, ranging from hard tools like legislative proposals and infringement procedures to soft policy tools such as the European Semester, EU funding and support for trade unions and inclusive social dialogue at EU and national level. In terms of EU funding, a rigorous agenda of gender budgeting across all EU funding mechanisms, funds and instruments will be instrumental.â
The full contribution is available here.
As part of a social partner consultation, CESI adopted a new position on a forthcoming EU Roadmap for Women's Rights.

Programme Commission and Presidium set CESI work topics for 2025
At their first meeting of the year on January 30, CESI's Presidium and Programme Commission set CESI's work topics for 2025.
The following horizontal work topics will be the focus of CESIâs activities in interest representation during the next year:
- EU defence capacity as a prerequisite for economic and social prosperity
- An EU agenda to reconcile competitiveness with social progress
- Decent employment and working conditions in the public and private sector
- Social & physical safety at work â incl. mental health, harassment & discrimination at work
- A strong public service agenda & investments in the resilience of public services and their staff; protection and valorisation of civil servants and public sector employees
- Fair green and digital transitions and artificial intelligence (AI) at work
- Public procurement with binding rules for decent employment & working conditions
- Future poof trade unions and unionism in evolving labour markets and economies
In addition, the Presidium and Programme Commission set specific work topics for every Commission and Expert Commission, which reflect CESIâs own priorities, the needs of CESIâs member organisations, and the political subjects that dominate the EUâs policy agency. All work topics can be accessed through the following links:
- Commission âEmployment and Social Affairsâ (SOC)
- Commission âWomenâs Rights and Gender Equalityâ (FEMM)
- Expert Commission âPublic Administrationsâ (PA)
- Expert Commission âEducation, Training and Researchâ (EDUC)
- Expert Commission âHealth Servicesâ (SAN)
- Expert Commission âPost and Telecomsâ (P&T)
- Expert Commission âDefenceâ (DEF)
At their first meeting of the year on January 30, CESI's Presidium and Programme Commission set CESI's work topics for 2025.

Presidium reinstates CESI Commissions and Expert Commissions, establishes new 'CESI Seniors'
At its first meeting after the recent Congress in December, the Presidium reinstated CESI's horizontal Commissions and sectoral Expert Commissions. It also re-established the Working Group on the Future of Work and put in place a new 'CESI Seniors' platform.
Until the next Congress, foreseen in 2029, CESI will continue to maintain the following Commissions and Expert Commissions:
- Commission on Employment and Social Affairs (SOC)
- Commission on Womenâs Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM)
- Expert Commission on Public Administrations (PA)
- Expert Commission on Education, Training and Research (EDUC)
- Expert Commission on Health Services (SAN)
- Expert Commission on Defence (DEF)
- Expert Commission on Post and Telecoms (P&T)
Commissions and Expert Commissions usually meet once or twice per year and bring together representatives from interested member organisations. They act as fora for exchange of views, expertise and information on topical subject matters between CESIâs members and for deliberation and debate with politicians, stakeholder, academics and representatives of national and EU institutions and agencies. All Commissions and Expert Commissions will elect their President and Vice-Presidents at their respective constitute meetings later this year.
The Presidium also decided to re-instate CESIâs Working Group on the Future of Work, which operates in the frame of the SOC Commission and was first set up in 2020. It brings together various debates circling around the future of work in CESIâs trade union network and prepares CESIâs interest representation in this area. Like in the previous years, it will be led by Sara Rinaudo (Confsal, Italy).
Further information about CESIâs Commissions, Expert Commissions and Working Group structure is available here.
In line with a motion adopted at CESIâs last Congress, the Presidium also put in place a new âCESI Seniorsâ platform, which will act as a voice of older wokers and retirees/pensioners within CESI. Its constitutive process will be initiated soon.
At its first meeting after the recent Congress in December, the Presidium reinstated CESI's horizontal Commissions and sectoral Expert Commissions. It also re-established the Working Group on the Future of Work and put in place a new 'CESI Seniors' platform.

New CESI position on quality traineeships
A new position of CESI on the currently negotiated new EU Directive on Quality Traineeships is now available.
In the position, CESI emphasises its overall agreement with a new EU Traineeship Directive â provided it remains ambitious and will help bring real improvements for trainees across Europe.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âThe European Commissionâs proposal represents a much-needed opportunity to address issues related to poor quality, unpaid, and exploitative traineeships across the European Union. Latest figures show that almost half of the EUâs three million trainees are unpaid and almost a third have no access to social protection.â
In line with this, CESIâs position puts forward the following priorities for a new Directive:
- Non-discrimination and fair pay: All trainees should have access to fair compensation for the work provided: they must receive adequate remuneration, which should cover at least their living costs (accommodation, food, transport). Minimum wage provisions or collective agreements should apply for non-curricular traineeships.
- Duration of traineeships: The duration of traineeships should not exceed 6 months, except in cases where there are justified, objective reasons (such as regulated professions).
- Learning content of traineeships: Traineeships must include clear learning and training elements with proper supervision.
- Combating disguised employment relationships: National authorities must conduct regular inspections to prevent the misuse of traineeships as substitutes for regular employment.
- Enforcement and redress mechanisms: Trainees must have full access to trade union representation, and trade unions should have the ability to act on behalf of trainees in disputes.
The full position, with detailed suggestions for amendments of the European Commissionâs proposal, is available here.
A new position of CESI on the currently negotiated new EU Directive on Quality Traineeships is now available.

EU Competitiveness Compass: With workers, not to workers
A reaction statement by CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger in response to the Competitiveness Compass that the European Commission published this week.
In response to the European Commissionâs publication of the Competitiveness Compass this week, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger shares the following statement:
âWhile we as the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) acknowledge the importance of enhancing competitiveness, we must be unequivocal: this must not come at the cost of workersâ rights, fair wages and social protection.
The EUâs strategy rightly acknowledges that Europeâs greatest asset is its people. The document highlights the need for a âUnion of Skillsâ and recognises that âeffective social policies built around the European Pillar of Social Rights are central to shaping a competitive Europe.â However, these words must be backed by action.
Too often, calls for deregulation and âflexibilityâ have been euphemisms for weakening workersâ protections, suppressing wages, and making jobs more precarious. CESI warns that an approach to competitiveness that prioritises corporate profit margins over workersâ well-being will not create sustainable economic growth but rather fuel inequality and social unrest.
The Compass must be compatible with the foreseen Quality Jobs Roadmap, which is supposed to deliver decent labour standards, fair contracts and improved working conditions across all sectors. It must not lead to a race to the bottom in labour standards.
The twin transitionsâdigital and greenâoffer an opportunity to redefine work in a way that benefits both businesses and workers. But we must ensure that these transitions are managed fairly. They must be done with the workers and not to them. Workers in traditional industries cannot be left behind in the rush to modernise. The EU must invest in reskilling and create pathways for workers to transition into emerging sectors without facing economic hardship â and encourage adequate social protection for those that, for various reasons beyond their control, cannot adjust sufficiently and be retrained adequately.
While the Communication correctly acknowledges a role of social partners in transition processes, it is unclear how trade unions will be meaningfully included in shaping the competitiveness agenda. As CESI, we demand a structured, inclusive and binding role for all trade unions in policy formulation at both national and EU levels. The social market economy that Europe prides itself on must be more than a rhetorical flourish. It must be the guiding principle of economic reforms.
CESI stands firm in demanding that competitiveness policies promote quality jobs, fair wages, and robust social protections. Workers are not the problem; they are a part of the solution. CESI urges policymakers to ensure that the pursuit of competitiveness does not come at the expense of the European social model. A truly competitive Europe is one that values its workers as much as its businesses.â
A reaction statement by CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger in response to the Competitiveness Compass that the European Commission published this week.

Lobby successes: CESI welcomes new Eur. Parliament Intergroups on Civil Protection & the Future of Education
The chairs of the political groups of the European Parliament established two new Intergroups on Civil Protection and on the Future of Education. CESI, as co-initiator and co-supporter of the two intergroups, strongly welcomes it.
The chairs of the political groups in the European Parliament have decided on the establishment of so-called intergroups for the new EU legislative period â and supported both intergroup proposals with involvement of CESI.
Upon CESIâs co-proposal and under the leadership of French liberal MEP GrĂ©gory Allione, an intergroup on âResilience, Disaster Management and Civil Protectionâ will be formed. In addition, another intergroup on will be established on âThe Future of Education and Skills for a Competitive Europeâ, spearheaded by the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE), Schuman Associates, and the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP), in cooperation with CESI as the representative of teachers across Europe. It will be sponsored by MEPs Nela Riehl, Victor Negrescu, Brigitte Van Den Berg and Eleonora Meleti.
Intergroups are forums for informal exchanges of opinions and ideas on specific topics between different political groups, as well as for contact between Members of Parliament and civil society. Each intergroup consists of members from at least three different parliamentary groups and evolves from initiatives by interest groups and/or individual Members of Parliament. Intergroups are established at the beginning of each legislative period through an agreement among the leaders of the political groups.
For CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger, the establishment of these intergroups marks a first tangible lobbying success in the new year: âSince the summer, Members of Parliament and interest groups from a wide variety of sectors have floated dozens of intergroup poposals in the European Parliament, but there were only 28 free spots. That we were able to lobby successfully here is a promising start to our advocacy in the new legislative period and a great success for CESI. We emphasise that the intergroup on Resilience, Disaster Management and Civil Protection would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of MEP GrĂ©gory Allione. He was instrumental to push through a positive decision.â
The primary aim of the intergroup on resilience, disaster management, and disaster protection will be to foster a collaborative exchange with interested MEPs and civil society representatives, particularly from the fields of public order, economy, and the environment. The goal is to discuss holistic strategies that better prepare Europe for future crises, including improved mechanisms for cross-border cooperation and resilience-building in climate protection.
Similarly, the intergroup on the future of education aims to further help to make education a strategic priority for Europe. The intergroup will focus on topics such as the digital and green transitions, the promotion of STEM subjects (alongside social sciences), the recognition of vocational qualifications, and the advancement of equitable educational opportunities. Close collaboration with formal and informal education stakeholders and civil society will be sought to foster innovative learning pathways and solutions.
For CESI, the intergroups will play an important role alongside the existing social dialogue in representing the interests of public service personnel and administrations to EU institutions, particularly the European Parliament. Klaus Heeger emphasised: âEmergency services and firefighters are increasingly overwhelmed by the challenges of disaster management â not only during the annual wildfires in southern Europe during the summer months. In the context of climate change, floods and emergencies caused by extreme weather hazards are becoming a real threat in almost all regions of the EU. We hope that with an intergroup, we can contribute to further strengthening and optimising European cooperation in disaster protection. And the future of education, which is increasingly being debated on a European level, cannot be discussed without the voice of teachers.â
The chairs of the political groups of the European Parliament established two new Intergroups on Civil Protection and on the Future of Education. CESI, as co-initiator and co-supporter of the two intergroups, strongly welcomes it.

CESIâs 8th European Defence Round Table (EDRT)
18 February 2025 2024 1:30 â 3:00 PM | online & in Brussels | In English & German languages.
CESIâs 8th European Defence Round Table (EDRT)*
18 February 2025 2024 1:30 â 3:00 PM| online & in Brussels | In English & German languages
Please register here
The global security landscape has changed significantly during the last three years. While RussiaÂŽs war on Ukraine enters its third year, the Middle East conflict remains structurally unsolved, and Donald Trumpâs return to the White House will profoundly challenge the EUâs foreign and security policy. The new EUâs political leadership faces several challenging tasks, including ensuring European security in an era of complete instability, balancing the need for economic growth, sustainability, and social policies while making significant investments in defence-related production, and determining how the proposed European Defence Union will enhance military readiness, improve mobility, and foster joint investments.
To address these challenges, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has prioritized defence and the establishment of a âEuropean Defence Union.â In her political guidelines she announced a White Paper on European Defence within her first 100 days in office. Commissioners Kaja Kallas (High Representative/Vice President) and Andrius Kubilius (Defence and Space) will spearhead these efforts, focusing on defence capabilities, industrial competitiveness, and key investment needs.
As the EUâs new political electoral cycle unfolds amid ongoing and interconnected crises and challenges â including the war in Ukraine, climate change, inflation, demographic aging, political fragmentations, and a change in American leadership â this event aims to inform and further CESIâs EU-funded Syncrisis project. The project assesses how, in times of crisis, public services must be equipped and adapted to deliver and continue to perform, and to which extent effective crisis management relies on resilient, high-performing, and well-functioning public services and administrations. In the area of defence, the aim of the project is to underpin the need for reforms and investment in military staff, equipment, resources and Member State cooperation to maintain effective security for Europe.
CESIâs 8th European Defence Round Table seeks to address questions including the following:
- How can EU enhance its defence integration, addressing threats such as Russiaâs aggression in Ukraine and broader geopolitical challenges while also prioritising its social policies and its economies of scale? What are likely implications brought by the new Trump administration?
- Will key initiatives such as a European air shield, an expansion of cyber-defence, strengthened EU-NATO ties, reduced external procurement dependencies, and fostered intra-EU defence collaboration be sufficient for the EU to preserve its peace and commercial ties?
- What strategies can be employed to persuade EU Member States to enhance their investments to achieve EU defence readiness and capacity, and how can these investments be aligned with the broader goals of economic stability and employment protection for military and civilian armed forces?
- Which priorities should feature above all in the forthcoming White Paper on European Defence, from the perspective of military staff as well as broader military aspects?
With the participation of (in alphabetical order):
- MEP Michael Gahler, Member of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, (Germany)- Video Message
- Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)
- Mary Kaldor, Prof. Emeritus of Global Governance and Director of the Conflict Research Programme at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Sebastian KĂ€ding, Assessor for Civilian Employees, Government Senior Official at the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV), (tbc)
- Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, Chair of the European Parliament Subcommittee on Security and Defence (tbc)
Please register for the CESIâs 8th European Defence Round Table (EDRT) here.
*CESIâs European Defence Round Table (EDRT) aims at including more key players and stakeholders in the processes of the Common Security and Defence Policy.â
18 February 2025 2024 1:30 â 3:00 PM | online & in Brussels | In English & German languages.

The Polish EU Presidency: Delivering in times of uncertainty
Today, the Polish Prime Minister Tusk presented the priorities of the Polish Council Presidency to the European Parliament.
Under the theme âSecurityâ Poland will focus its agenda-setting powers in the Council of Ministers on EU defense readiness and capabilities, border protection, disaster resilience, economic security, energy supply certainty, a resilient agriculture, and not least health security. Â
Donald Trump
With Donald Trump back in the White House, Europe faces new economic, social, political and defence-related challenges. Â
Even if Trump has not imposed new tariffs in EU countries on day one, he has already pulled out of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). This is deplorable and a real set-back in international efforts to curtail tax avoidance by multinational corporations. We must be prepared for further measures by the Trump administrations in other areas too. The EU must immediately agree on how to proceed, as his measure completely contradicts the EUâs efforts to bring about a global solution to fair corporate taxation.
Further initiatives are needed to intensify efforts to achieve global solutions. This is true not only in the area of taxation but in the field of climate change mitigation too. After Trump has pulled the US out of the Paris climate agreement, global attempts to make emitters like China and India reduce their CO2 emissions are more important than ever. The Paris agreement must be preserved. Â
According to CESI, the Polish Presidency should be ready to help:
- manage possible shifts in trade relations by strengthening internal EU cooperation and the internal market. Europe can only be as strong towards the outside as it is united towards the inside. Â
- boost defense capabilities without compromising social investments. The needs of citizens must not be forgotten, even if military security is the precondition of it. Â
- build Europeâs self-sufficiency in energy, manufacturing, and digital industries to stay resilient and nurture forward-looking economic sectors and jobs.
Competitiveness and social fairness
One of the key goals of Polandâs Council Presidency is boosting economic competitiveness. To maintain fairness, active labour market policies (ALMPs) that focus on upskilling and reskilling are needed. Â
CESI therefore expects from the Polish Presidency to promote policies that:
- invest in lifelong learning and vocational training so workers can keep up with evolving job demands.
- improve job security with fair working conditions, decent wages, and safeguards against unstable employment.
- support cooperation between public and private sectors to create stable jobs, especially in struggling regions and sectors.
Transitions and social dialogue
As Europe moves toward greener and more digital industries, CESI stresses the need for a fair transition that doesnât leave workers behind. Strong relations between trade unions, employers, and governments are essential. Â
In the view of CESI, the Polish Council Presidency should seek to:
- strengthen dialogue mechanisms at national and EU levels to tackle challenges specific to different sectors.
- follow through on the European Pillar of Social Rights to turn commitments into real benefits for workers.
- recognise the importance of public services and ensure adequate investment in health, education, and social care.
- support an EU framework to help workers and communities most affected by climate and digital changes.
- encourage social protection policies to cushion the impact of industrial changes.
- promote equal opportunities in the workforce, ensuring that everyone can benefit from new economic opportunities.
In the immediate term, CESI expects that the Polish Presidency will take a proactive approach to advance negotiations of social policy files already under negotiation or at least in preparation, including the EU Traineeships Directive, a socially-oriented revision of public procurement rules, and a forward looking Defence White Paper and Womenâs Rights Roadmap. Â
Generally, social rights must not fall victim but accompany a road to further competitiveness. In this context it would also be most regrettable should the Court of Justice of the EU follow a recent Opinion of Advocate General Emiliou to annul the EUâs minimum wage directive â a social flagship initiative of the EUâs last term that would be vital to protect collective bargaining and ensure decent wages across Europe. Â
To conclude
The success of the Polish Council Presidency will depend on its ability to push forward policies that boost Europeâs economy while ensuring security and fairness for all, in a period of uncertain impacts of the new Trump administration. The key question will be the preservation of unity in the EU.
Today, the Polish Prime Minister Tusk presented the priorities of the Polish Council Presidency to the European Parliament.

SynCrisis final conference: Strengthening public services in an era of ongoing crises
On December 13, the CESI EU co-funded SynCrisis project reached its culmination with a final conference, marking the conclusion of a two-year initiative focused on the essential role of public services in addressing Europeâs multifaceted and interconnected crises.
The CESI EU co-funded SynCrisis project reached its culmination with a final conference, marking the conclusion of a two-year initiative focused on the essential role of public services in addressing Europeâs multifaceted and interconnected crises.
In a world shaped by âpermacrisis,â public services are at the forefront of crisis management but face critical challenges, including understaffing, lack of resources, and overburdened personnel. The SynCrisis project has worked extensively to identify the structural challenges hindering public services and their workforce. The final conference will present findings and recommendations that address workforce preparedness, resource allocation, and collaboration among EU institutions and Member States.
Taking place a day after the CESI 2024 Congress, this final conference presents a unique platform to build on the Congressâs theme: âIndependence, Unity, and Progress â Empowering Todayâs Workforce for Tomorrow.â The event brings together some of the most representative and vocal trade union leaders and experts to give them the opportunity to explain the national realities, limitations and threats for the public sector, while also showcasing insights and best practices from different sectors and perspectives.
Romain Wolff, President of CGFP and CESI, underscores the importance of proactive strategies: âWe must anticipate and mitigate the fiscal shocks ahead.â Similarly, Marcello Pacifico, CESI Academy President, highlights the compounded crises, including war and climate change, and emphasizes the critical role of educators in fostering democratic, sustainable, and resilient societies. He advocates for a European statute for teachers, proposing improved social protections, pension rights, and working conditions to address the undervaluation of the teaching profession.
Panel Discussions on Resilience and Workforce Needs
The first panel, âSocial Investment in EU Economic Governance,â examines how social investment strengthens public service resilience and supports fiscal reforms. Lucia Piana of the European Commission elaborates on the role of EU economic governance rules in aligning fiscal sustainability with common priorities such as green and digital transitions, social resilience, and energy security. Dr. Philipp Lausberg of the European Policy Centre discusses the importance of improved corporate taxation to fund social investments and foster economic growth.
Dr. Milena PopoviÄ SamardĆŸiÄ,  epidemiologist and President of the Union of Doctors of Medicine of Montenegro, âŻVice-President of CESI, addresses the crises of healthcare workforce and brain drain in the EU. MagalĂ Brosio from the Zoe Institute emphasizes the role of public service delivery in ensuring well-being and fundamental rights.
Elizabeth Kuiper, Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well- being programme at the European Policy Centre and the exceptional moderator of the conference, offers insightful reflections by referencing Enrico Lettaâs concept of the âfreedom to stayââthe ability to remain in oneâs home country while enjoying its resources and opportunitiesâas a counterpoint to the challenges posed by brain drain..
MagalĂ Brosio, economist and project manager at the Zoe Institute, touches how important the theory of change is to address the role of public sector service delivery plays in ensuring wellbeing and fundamental rights in the EU.
On December 13, the CESI EU co-funded SynCrisis project reached its culmination with a final conference, marking the conclusion of a two-year initiative focused on the essential role of public services in addressing Europeâs multifaceted and interconnected crises.

Towards a European Defence Union: How ambitious are the efforts?
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected for a second term, has prioritised defence as a key pillar for completing the European Single Market and establishing a robust European Defence Union.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected for a second term, has prioritised defence as a key pillar for completing the European Single Market and establishing a robust European Defence Union.
Von der Leyen announced a white paper on the future of European defence within the first 100 days of her new Commission. The EUÂŽs new High Representative Kaja Kallas and the new Commissioner for Defence Andrius Kubilius have been entrusted with the task.
The white paper will address critical investment needs, strengthen defence capabilities, and enhance industrial competitiveness to bolster the EUâs response to global security threats, including Russiaâs ongoing aggression in Ukraine.
Some proposed initiatives include:
- A European air shield for continental air defence
- Expanded cyber-defence capabilities
- Strengthened EU-NATO cooperation
Furthermore, increased financing and cooperation shall improve innovation, production and procurement procedures to strengthen the European defence industry and to reduce armament imports. While EU-level policies will focus on supporting the defence industrial base and innovation, Member States will retain control over deployment and military doctrine.
This initiative responds to the European Parliamentâs long-standing call (since 2016) for a defence white paper to advance EU integration in defence and achieve strategic autonomy. It builds on the 2017 reflection paper on European defence, which explored three integration scenarios (security and defence cooperation, shared security and defence, and common security and defence) and on the 2022 Strategic Compass in 2022, a guideline to EU security and defence policy.
Strengthening the EUâs Security and Defence Structure: SEDE Becomes a Standing Committee
Since December 2024, the European ParliamentÂŽs former subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) is now a full standing committee. This decision aligns with citizensÂŽ concerns, parliamentary priorities, and also with CESIÂŽs demands, as it reflects the new importance EU defence policies has.
The Security and Defence Committee comprises 43 members and will complement the Foreign Affairs Committee (AFET). The newly elected chairwomen Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann has emphasized the need to closely cooperate with Defence and Space Commissioner Andrius Kubilius to strengthen Europeâs security architecture and to cement the EUÂŽs position as a global security actor.
The Extraordinary EU Summit on Defence, scheduled for February 3, 2025, is called upon to define the EUâs strategic ambitions in defence integration and security.
In reaction to these recent developments Klaus Heeger, CESI Secretary-General, states: âMore European efforts are needed for the European Defence Union to grow and for member states to become aligned towards the common goal, which remains peace and deterrence against aggressors. As CESI we remain steadfast in advocating for the rights and protection of military and civilian personnel of armed forces while tackling the challenges of a fully-fledged -European Defence Union.
Sebastian KĂ€ding from the Deutscher BundeswehrVerband (DBwV) adds: âThe role of all armed forces within the European Defense Union is of central importance. We must ensure that our soldiers are equipped, trained and protected in the best possible way so that they can make their contribution to a common security architecture. At the same time, we must not lose sight of the social and labor law concerns of military and civilian personnel. A strong European Defense Union requires equally strong backing for the people who support it.â
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, re-elected for a second term, has prioritised defence as a key pillar for completing the European Single Market and establishing a robust European Defence Union.

Empowering workers for the future
A mandate for the next five years | Editorial of CESI SG Klaus Heeger Under the theme âIndependence, Unity, Progress: Empowering Todayâs Workforce for Tomorrow,â the Congress gave us an opportunity to reflect on our achievements while also addressing the challenges ahead.
Dear members, partners and friends,
It is a great honour to have been re-elected as Secretary General of CESI for the next five years.
I am very grateful for the trust you have placed in me, and I want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed to making our 9th Congress a success.
Under the theme âIndependence, Unity, Progress: Empowering Todayâs Workforce for Tomorrow,â the Congress gave us an opportunity to reflect on our achievements while also addressing the challenges ahead.
CESIâs priorities are clear.
We need to strengthen collective bargaining and social dialogue, which remain the anchors of stability in uncertain times.
As we represent many public sector workers, we continue to stand for well-equipped and properly staffed to meet the growing needs of society.
Equally important is engaging with young workers and finding concrete solutions to their needs, such as affordable housing, fair internships, and access to skills.
At the same time, we cannot forget older workers, who are too often left behind during transitions, and we must increase our efforts to represent workers in atypical or platform-based work.
Our future work will require ambition, unity, and innovation. Yet I am confident that with strong partners, a clear mandate, and the dedication of our members, we can face all challenges.
I want to warmly congratulate the newly elected members of the Presidium. Their expertise and leadership will be essential as we navigate the years ahead: Romain Wolff, Urs Stauffer, Erzsébet Péterné Boros, Roberto Di Maulo, Patrick Fey, Volker Geyer, Dagmara Iwanciw, Javier Jordån de Urries, Milena Popovic Samardzic, and Norbert Schnedl.
My gratitude also goes to our guest speakers at the Congress âRoxana Minzatu, Nicolas Schmit, Li Andersson, Oliver Röpke, and Victor Negrescuâ for their presence and their valuable contributions.
Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a successful new year, I remain
With kindest regards,
Klaus Heeger
A mandate for the next five years | Editorial of CESI SG Klaus Heeger Under the theme âIndependence, Unity, Progress: Empowering Todayâs Workforce for Tomorrow,â the Congress gave us an opportunity to reflect on our achievements while also addressing the challenges ahead.

2024 Congress: CESI sets path into new EU mandate
Elections for CESIâs leadership during the next five years, the adoption of policy motions to steer interest representation and distinguished keynote addresses dominated CESIâs Congress today in Brussels.
As a recognised European social partner organisation and EU level interest group, CESI represents more than 6 million workers from over 40 trade union organisations across Europe.
Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger were re-elected President and Secretary General of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) at its Congress held today in Brussels.
Both were elected by overwhelming majorities. Klaus Heeger enters his 5th term, having served as Secretary General since 2011 and having been re-elected in 2012, 2016 and 2020. Romain Wolff, who is also President of the Luxembourgish civil service trade union CGFP, has been President of CESI since 2012.
Romain Rolff said on his re-election: âI am proud to lead CESI into the next mandate. Our work is more important than ever as we face new challenges and opportunities in Europe. With our unity and determination, we will continue to advance the interests of workers across Europe and ensure their voices are heard at the highest levels of decision-making.â
Klaus Heeger said: âI am honoured to continue serving CESI as Secretary General. Over the years, we have together strengthened our position as a strong, independent voice for workers in Europe. Together with our partners, I look forward to continue to advocate for fair and sustainable policies that improve the lives of working people.â
Both will lead a newly elected Presidium completed by Urs Stauffer (ZV, Switzerland) as Treasurer and Péterné Erzsébet Boros (MKKSZ, Hungary), Roberto Di Maulo (CONFSAL, Italy), Patrick Fey (CNV, Netherlands), Volker Geyer (dbb, Germany), Dagmara Iwanciw (WZZ-FO, Poland), Javier Jordån de Urries (CSIF, Spain), Milena Popovic Samardzic (SDMCG, Montenegro) and Norbert Schnedl (Eurofedop).
The Congress, themed âIndependence, unity, progress: Empowering todayâs workforce for tomorrowâ, also elected new Auditors and Deputy Auditors as well as Members and Deputy Members of the organisationâs Arbitration Committee.
Distringuished guest speakers included EESC President Oliver Röpke, European Commission Executive Vice-President Roxana Mßnzatu, European Parliament Vice-President Victor Negrescu, European Parliament Employment Committee Chair Li Andersson and former Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit.
A total of 54 motions were tabled and adopted to guide the interest representation, engagement in the European social dialogue, and organisational development of CESI during the next years.
For further information:
European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)
Avenue des Arts 19 AD
1000 Brussels
[email protected]

Elections for CESIâs leadership during the next five years, the adoption of policy motions to steer interest representation and distinguished keynote addresses dominated CESIâs Congress today in Brussels.

CESI Congress calls to secure Spanish MUFACE beyond 2024
On December 12, the Congress of CESI adopted an emergency motion calling to secure the Spanish Muface beyond 2024.
One and a half million Spanish civil servants both, active or retired, of central administration, education and law enforcement sectors assigned to MUFACE are living in uncertainty at the end of this year.
The current MUFACE health care ends on December 31. With 19 days to go these public servants do not know who and how they will be provided healthcare to which every European citizen is entitled.
The lack of foresight of the Spanish Government, which called the public tender late, in October, and the absence of adequate funding have meant that no insurance company has submitted any bid, thus undermining a health care model that is an integral part of the public health system in Spain â a successful model that has contributed to the sustainability of the Spanish health care system, alleviating the overload of the national health care service and creating employment in the health care sector for more than 50 years.
The MUFACE health care model is applied to Justice and Defence sector as well. Public workers in courts and military staff live right now a similar situation due to a temporary restraining order that keeps suspended the procurement health care assistance procedure in MUGEJU and ISFAS without any information of how long it will take to raise it. With these two sectors, more than 2 million civil servants are involved in this issue.
This situation of uncertainty is causing the cancellation of hundreds of medical appointments and tests in hospitals, which have already been brought to the attention of the government, the Ombudsman and the political groups in Parliament at national level.
There cannot be strong public services if their employees are not guaranteed a right as basic as health care protection, included also in Article 35 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights and in principle 16 of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Consequently, CSIF requests CESI to support Spanish civil servants in their claims and to demand the Spanish government to guarantee their right to health care and protection by implementing all necessary measures to ensure the viability of the MUFACE model in short and long term.
An emergency motion adopted by the Congress of CESI on December 12 2024
On December 12, the Congress of CESI adopted an emergency motion calling to secure the Spanish Muface beyond 2024.

2024 CESI Congress: Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger re-elected to lead European independent trade unions
Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger were re-elected President and Secretary General of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) at its Congress held today in Brussels.
Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger were re-elected President and Secretary General of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) at its Congress held today in Brussels.
As a recognised European social partner organisation and EU level interest group, CESI represents more than 6 million workers from over 40 trade union organisations across Europe.
Both were elected by overwhelming majorities. Klaus Heeger enters his 5th term, having served as Secretary General since 2011 and having been re-elected in 2012, 2016 and 2020. Romain Wolff, who is also President of the Luxembourgish civil service trade union CGFP, has been President of CESI since 2012.
Following a welcome address by European Commission Executive Vice-President Roxana Mßnzatu this morning, guest speakers including EESC President Oliver Röpke, European Parliament Vice-President Victor Negrescu, European Parliament Employment Committee Chair Li Andersson and former Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit will address keynotes to the Congress later today.
For further information:
European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)
Avenue des Arts 19 AD
1000 Brussels
[email protected]

Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger were re-elected President and Secretary General of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) at its Congress held today in Brussels.

Greek firefighter union E.P.A.Y.P.S. joins CESI
On December 3, CESI's Board voted in favour of a membership application of the Greek firefighter union E.P.A.Y.P.S.
The membership of the Greek firefighter union E.P.A.Y.P.S. will become active as of January 1 2025.
The E.P.A.Y.P.S., Greek Association of Graduate Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers of the Fire Service, is a panhellenic trade union based in Athens, representing officers and non-commissioned officers of the Hellenic Fire Service with higher education degrees. It is led by its President Antonios Koukouzas and Secretary General Iasonas (Jason) Aliferis.
The primary objective of the E.P.A.Y.P.S. is the improvement of working conditions in fire fighting services, providing continuous professional development and ensuring membersâ participation in key decision-making processes in national fire fighting administrations.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âWe warmheartedly welcome the Greek firefighter E.P.A.Y.P.S. in our European CESI trade union family. Greece is a country where civil protection and the management of natural disasters, including especially through wild fires in the summer seasons, regularly dominate the political agenda. As such, the membership of the E.P.A.Y.P.S. further enhances and boosts our European work in this subject area, and E.P.A.Y.P.S. will benefit from support of other fire fighter unions in further countries organised in CESI. Together, we are all stronger, and we look forward to our future collaboration and cooperation.â
On December 3, CESI's Board voted in favour of a membership application of the Greek firefighter union E.P.A.Y.P.S.

CESI Presidium calls for EU action to tackle the automotive sector crisis and protect workers
Brussels, December 3 2024 â The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) calls for urgent and coordinated action from EU policymakers to tackle the deepening crisis in the automotive sector and protect workers in the sector amidst transitions.
As the industry grapples with unprecedented challenges, CESIâs Presidium on December 3 put forward a set of demands to ensure a fair and sustainable transition that safeguards automobile sector workers and that promotes innovation and supports economic resilience in the car industry.
The demands, tabled at CESIâs Presidium by Roberto Di Maulo, Secretary General of the Italian metal workers union Fismic/Confsal and Vice President of CESI, underscores the pressing need to mitigate the impacts of ongoing transformations in the sector on workers and their communities, in many European countries â especially where social safety nets expire, which threatens widespread layoffs and plant closures.
The automotive industry, a key pillar of Europeâs economy, is experiencing profound upheaval. Component manufacturers, in Italy as well as further European countries, face extreme difficulties due to European carmakers in difficulty. Without decisive action, these challenges risk to destabilise regional economies and undermine the EUâs ambitious Green Deal objectives as well as employment and social policy targets under the European Pillar of Social Rights.
CESI urges the EU to adopt the following measures to reconcile climate goals with the economic and social realities of the automotive sector:
- Realistic and gradual transition: Reevaluate the EU deadlines for the energy transition, taking into account the specific needs of regional industries.
- Enhanced economic support: Expand funding and introduce tax incentives to encourage investments in green technologies.
- Innovation and green technology: Accelerate research and development initiatives while simplifying access to funding for SMEs.
- Technological neutrality: Recognise alternative fuels and intermediate technologies as critical pathways to achieving sustainability.
- Comprehensive transition plans: Implement industry-wide strategies for retraining, upskilling, and redeployment of workers.
- Enhanced social dialogue: Strengthen the role of trade unions in EU-level policymaking to ensure worker voices shape the transition.
- Fair working conditions: Enforce labour rights to protect workers from exploitation during periods of transformation
- Economic support packages: Provide robust financial assistance to regions and sectors disproportionately affected by industrial restructuring.
- Sustainability and innovation: Incentivise companies to adopt sustainable practices while maintaining a commitment to workforce development.
âThe automotive sectorâs transition is not just an industrial challenge but a social one,â said Roberto Di Maulo. âWhile we champion Europeâs ambitious climate goals, we must ensure they are met without sacrificing the livelihoods of workers or destabilising sectoral economies with devastating effects on workers and the risks of impoverishment of entire regions. A just transition is the only path forward.â
CESIâs set of demands reflects the collective concerns of its member unions in EU Member States with large automobile sectors and employers. The challenges facing e.g. Italyâs automotive sector are a microcosm of the broader European struggle to balance environmental aspirations with socio-economic stability.
âThe demands of by CESI towards the EU are not just about saving jobs; they are about creating a sustainable future for workers and industries alike,â added Romain Wolff, President of CESI. âWe call on EU institutions to act decisively and embrace this opportunity to set a global example for a fair and inclusive transition.â
Brussels, December 3 2024 â The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI) calls for urgent and coordinated action from EU policymakers to tackle the deepening crisis in the automotive sector and protect workers in the sector amidst transitions.

Upcoming on December 12: 9th Congress of CESI
CESI will hold its 9th Congress on December 12.
The Congress, to be held in Brussels and themed âIndependence â Unity â Progressâ, will welcome over 100 delegates from CESI member organisations, plus further guest delegates and high ranking keynote speakers from the European Commission, European Parliament and the European Economic and Social Committee.
More than 100 motions have been tabled by affiliates for discussion and adoption to shape CESIâs activities post 2024 in legislative lobbying, European social dialogue, capacity building project implementation, and organisational development.
The Congress, which follows the last edition in 2020, will also see the election of CESIâs leadership, comprising most notably its President, Secretary General, Treasurer and Vice-Presidents.
Information about the election results and adopted motions will be made available on CESIâs website and via its social media channels on X/Twitter and Linkedin.
CESI will hold its 9th Congress on December 12.

SynCrisis final conference on the needs of public services to respond to multiple crises
December 13th 2024 | hybrid (Brussels & via Zoom) | 9.30 â 15.30

SynCrisis final conference on
âThe needs of public services and their personnel to respond to multiple crisesâ
December 13th 2024 | hybrid (Brussels, Mix Hotel, Boulevard du Souverain 25, 1170 Banquet room & via Zoom) | 9.30 â 15.30 | Interpretation from/to EN/DE/IT/ES
As Europe faces an era marked by unprecedented challenges, public services and their personnel have emerged as critical components in managing and mitigating the effects of multiple crises. Whether addressing the impacts of climate change, pandemics, migration, or financial instability, the EU and its Member States rely heavily on the strength and responsiveness of public services. However, these services are often stretched thin, facing significant structural challenges that limit their effectiveness. The SynCrisis project, spearheaded by CESI, aims to examine how public services and their workforce can be better equipped to respond to these crises and provide vital support to European citizens.
The final SynCrisis project conference will spotlight the public sectorâs crucial role in responding to ongoing crises. It will present key findings and policy recommendations addressing the challenges faced by public services and their personnel in managing simultaneous crises like health emergencies, economic shocks, and climate events. The conference will gather policymakers, public service professionals, and researchers to explore effective strategies for adapting to these evolving demands. Highlights of the event include two sessions, on social investment in the reform of EU Economic Governance and some policy recommendations on how to better address the needs of public services and their Personnel in the inevitable state of permacrisis.
Panel 1: Social Investment in the Reform of EU Economic Governance: Making the Public Sector Resilient and Responsive to Future Shocks
This panel will examine how social investment and economic governance reforms can enhance public servicesâ ability to manage future shocks. The following questions will guide the discussion:
- How can public services be better supported and resourced to respond more effectively to multiple, evolving crises?
- What are the prospects for the upcoming discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework in early 2025, and how could they shape the future of public services?
- How can reforms and investment in Member States be supported to enhance both competitiveness and long-term sustainability?
Panel 2: The Needs of Public Services and Their Personnel to Respond to Multiple Crises
This panel will delve into the critical issues affecting public sector workers, particularly in frontline roles such as healthcare and emergency management such as: understaffing and work overload, the importance of continuous training and skills developments. The panel will answer the following questions:
- How can we address understaffing and work overload in critical public sectors like healthcare, emergency management, education and security? What role should continuous training and skills development play in preparing public sector workers for emerging crises?
- How can collaboration between public services, national governments, and EU institutions be improved to more coordinated crisis response across Member States?
Please register for the event here.
Provisional agenda:
09:30 Introduction
Elizabeth Kuiper, Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well- being programme at the European Policy Centre (moderator)
Welcome address
Romain Wolff, President of CGFP
Marcello Pacifico, President of the Europe Academy of CESI
Francesco Corti, Member of Cabinet Executive Vice President for Social Rights, Skills, Quality Jobs and Preparedness (tbc)
10:00 Panel 1: Social Investment in the reform of the EU Economic Governance: making the public sector resilient and responsive to future shocks
Lucia Piana, Deputy Head of Unit Fiscal Policy and Surveillance · European Commission
Philipp Lausberg, Senior Policy Analyst in the European Political Economy Programme at the European Policy Centre
Grégory Allione, French member of the European Parliament, member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (tbc)
Milena PopoviÄ SamardĆŸiÄ, President of the Union of Doctors of Medicine of Montenegro
MagalĂ Brosio, Economist and Project Manager at the Zoe Institute
11:20 Coffee break
11:45 Panel 2: The needs of public services and their personnel to respond to multiple crises
Patrick Fey, Vice-President of CNV Connectief
Volker Geyer, Vice-President of the dbb beamtenbund und tariunion
Dagmara Iwanciw, Secretary of WZZ FO National Board
Javier JordĂĄn de Urries Sagarna, President of CSIF Justice
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Public investment in times of fiscal constraints. What way forward?
David Rinaldi, Studies & Policies Director at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies
Tommaso Grossi, Policy Analyst at the European Policy Centre
15.00 Closing remarks
Klaus Heeger, CESI

December 13th 2024 | hybrid (Brussels & via Zoom) | 9.30 â 15.30

CESI@home on public investments in EU economic governance and the European Semester
On November 19, CESI held a CESI@home capacity building event for its members on public investments and stakeholder engagement in the revised EU economic governance and European Semester.
The event, titled âHow to advocate for well-funded public services? The European Semester and Economic Governance and how to engage as trade unionsâ, featured expert speakers including Reinhard Felke, Director for Policy Coordination, Economic Forecasts and Communication at the European Commissionâs Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs, and Giacomo Loi, Policy Analyst at the European Parliamentâs Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit. The event was moderated by CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger.
The speakers explored the structure and significance of the EUâs economic governance system and the European Semester process. In particular, they presented the main structure and elements of the EU economic governance system and the annual European Semester cycle, addressing how they do or could accommodate necessary public investments under mechanisms like the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) and the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Towards with members and affiliates of CESI, they underscored the pivotal nature especially of the European Semester process for trade unions, as they provide opportunities to advocate for workersâ rights and sustainable public investments, even in contexts of constrained fiscal policies.
In an exchange, the speakers and affiliates of CESI together shed light on key issues, such as:
- how trade unions can effectively engage in the European Semester process to advocate for adequate public investments.
- the balance between reforms, investments, and budgetary consolidation under the revised economic governance rules.
- the integration of health, education, and other critical sectors into expenditure exemptions under the new framework.
Participants and speakers discussed practical avenues for union advocacy and CESIâs longstanding call for a âGolden Ruleâ to exclude certain public spending that promise positive returns in education and healthcare from public budget deficit calculations under EU economic governance rules.
On November 19, CESI held a CESI@home capacity building event for its members on public investments and stakeholder engagement in the revised EU economic governance and European Semester.

Int. Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2024: Standing united to end violence against women
As we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, CESI reaffirms its unwavering commitment to ending violence against women and fostering gender equality across Europe.
Violence against women remains a pervasive violation of human rights, impacting countless lives in every corner of our society, across the European continent. It is our shared responsibility to combat this scourge with determination and solidarity. CESI has consistently advocated for robust EU measures to address this issue, and we are proud of the efforts made in recent years, even if too much gender based violence still persists.
Thanks to concerted lobbying by CESI and further stakeholders, the EU has taken decisive action during the last years, including the adoption of a new EU directive on combating violence against women and the landmark decision for the EU to accede to Council of Europeâs Istanbul Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence. These measures represent significant strides toward ensuring that women and girls in Europe can live free from violence and fear.
Looking ahead to the upcoming EU legislative term from 2024 to 2029, CESI pledges to remain a vocal advocate for womenâs rights and gender equality. CESI will sustain efforts to actively push for:
- The full implementation of the new directive on combating violence against women.
- A renewed Gender Equality Strategy.
- A new Roadmap for Womenâs Rights to drive tangible progress, as also envisaged by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.
In this regard, CESI looks forward to the leadership of Hadja Lahbib as the incoming EU Commissioner in charge of gender equality challenges. We trust she will champion ambitious and transformative policies to further womenâs rights and gender equality across the EU.
On this occasion, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger emphasises: âThe fight to eliminate violence against women is a fight for justice, dignity, and equality. CESI will continue to stand at the forefront of this effort, working with EU institutions, national governments, other social partners and civil society organisations to ensure that commitments translate into action. Together, we can create a Europe where womenâs rights are fully protected and respected.â
CESI calls on all stakeholders to join in reaffirming dedication to this vital cause. Ending violence against women is not just a moral imperativeâit is essential for building an inclusive, fair, and equitable society.
As we mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25, CESI reaffirms its unwavering commitment to ending violence against women and fostering gender equality across Europe.

Roxana MĂźnzatu pledges ambitious reforms for social rights and employment
On November 12, Roxana MĂźnzatu, Vice President-designate for People, Skills, and Preparedness, presented her vision to the European Parliament during a hearing with key committees.
On November 12, Roxana MĂźnzatu, Vice President-designate for People, Skills, and Preparedness, presented her vision to the European Parliament during a hearing with key committees.
She outlined an ambitious plan to strengthen social rights, improve education, create quality jobs, and foster preparedness across the EU. Acknowledging the broad scope of her portfolio, she emphasised her commitment to listening to citizens in all Member States and fostering engagement through an EU-wide social policy dialogue.
Notably, the Committees on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) and Culture and Education (CULT) suggested renaming her portfolio to âQuality jobs, education, skills, and social rights,â reflecting the priorities they believe should define her mandate.
MĂźnzatuâs approach centered on three key priorities.
First, preparedness, which includes enhancing education and lifelong learning, addressing skills gaps in critical sectors like STEM, and promoting skills portability through EU initiatives like Erasmus+.
Second, quality jobs, where she aims to enforce social regulations such as the Minimum Wage Directive and the right to disconnect, ensure fair labour market transitions, and strengthen worker protections through the European Labour Authority and modernised social security systems.
Third, social fairness, which focuses on addressing child poverty, improving gender equality, promoting affordable housing, and investing in childrenâs education and mental health.
She also highlighted the need to tackle mental health challenges in the workplace, address the impact of AI on jobs, and ensure equal opportunities in emerging industries such as renewable energy.
However, some initiatives lacked enough ambition in terms of forward looking perspectives on current pending issues and added value, such as the final adoption of the directive for quality traineeships, currently under negotiation in the European Parliament and Council, and the second Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights, set to be published in 2025 according to von der Leyenâs mission letter.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger welcomed MĂźnzatuâs proposals and called for further action in key areas: âRoxana MĂźnzatuâs hearing demonstrated her strong commitment to tackling Europeâs pressing challenges â from quality jobs and fair transitions to skills portability and gender equality. Her focus on social dialogue is especially encouraging. However, a robust Action Plan for the European Pillar of Social Rights will be crucial to turning these ambitions into tangible benefits for workers. CESI stands ready to collaborate and ensure the voices of Europeâs workers are heard in shaping these policies.â
MĂźnzatuâs roadmap presents a significant opportunity to strengthen social rights and improve the lives of workers across Europe. CESI remains committed to supporting these efforts through constructive engagement and social dialogue.
On November 12, Roxana MĂźnzatu, Vice President-designate for People, Skills, and Preparedness, presented her vision to the European Parliament during a hearing with key committees.

A fresh perspective on EU defence capabilities from the Niinistö report
Preparedness and security as a public good amidst positive change
CESI welcomes the âSafer Together: Strengthening Europeâs Civilian and Military Preparedness and Readinessâ report by Sauli Niinistö, former President of Finland, published in the wake of the US elections and the EU Commissionersâ hearings. The report aims to bolster the EUâs capacity to respond to crises.
As the report identifies, preparedness is essential for ensuring security, which underpins all aspects of society, from values and rights to economic prosperity and competitiveness.
Security, a public good, is vital for protecting democratic systems and the rule of law. However, open societies, which enable individual freedoms, can be exploited by malicious actors through hybrid operations, political divisions, and economic dependencies.
To be prepared for such threats, a shift in mindset and comprehensive trust among public authorities, EU institutions, Member States, the private sector, and civil society is necessary.
Preparedness involves fostering trust among citizens, emphasising that their community is worth defending. It also requires leaders to communicate potential threats clearly and enhance public awareness without causing alarm.
Cooperation between public and private sectors through systematic information sharing is crucial for addressing evolving threats such as cyberattacks and infrastructure sabotage.
Klaus Heeger, Secretary-General of CESI, said: âI appreciate that the Niinistö report emphasises the importance of collaborating with trade unions to boost resilience and preparedness across society. It shows what an important role we play to provide people with the necessary skills and information for their readiness to face complex security and crisis situations. Through our biannual European Defence Round Table (EDRT), we encourage military and civilian personnel of armed forces and other civil society representatives to participate in the shaping of the EUâs security and defence policies. Without ownership and support from the workforce and citizens, the establishment of a genuine European Defence Union will fail.â
Thomas Sohst, Chairman of CESIÂŽs Expert Commission âDefenceâ, supports the reportâs recommendation to increase the role of citizen in security matters: âIf the EU wants to become a more credible and able defence actor, it needs to improve its military readiness. In this context, military careers must become more attractive through training and good working conditions. But it is also about civilian readiness, and for that, engagement in civil society and trade unions remains key.â
Preparedness and security as a public good amidst positive change

Spainâs flooding emergency highlights vital role of public services
CESI stands in solidarity with all those affected by the recent 'DANA' storms and floods in Spain.
CESI stands in solidarity with all those affected by the recent âDANAâ (DepresiĂłn Aislada en Niveles Altos) storms and floods in Spain.
Following the severe flash flooding on October 29, 2024, which struck southern and eastern regions, record rainfall has resulted in at least 95 fatalities, with many casualties reported. The situation remains dire as numerous individuals are still unaccounted for.
Over 1,000 soldiers were deployed for rescue operations, yet access to affected towns was severely hindered by flooded roads and downed power lines.
Ruben del Campo, spokesperson for the national weather agency, reported that this weekâs âDANAâ ranks among the three most severe storms to strike the Valencia region in the last century. âForecasts aligned with outcomes,â he said. âHowever, in a region between Utiel and Chiva in Valencia province, rainfall surpassed 300 liters per square meter, where storm systems formed and regenerated continuously.â
The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) has been activated to assess the floodâs extent and damage. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has announced EU support through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, which is already mobilised.
CESI extends heartfelt gratitude to the courageous men and women of Spainâs emergency services, including firefighters, first responders, and the Security Forces and Corps.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: âThis devastating situation reminds us of the essential role civil protection and emergency services play in our society. These courageous professionals are on the frontlines, responding to the impacts of climate change. Their dedication is vital to our communitiesâ safety and well-being, and their service must be fully supported and valued. Their bravery deserves recognition.â
CESI stands in solidarity with all those affected by the recent 'DANA' storms and floods in Spain.

CESI Commissions on Employment and Gender Equalilty discuss prospects of active labour market policies in the EU
On October 9, CESI's Commissions on Employment & Social Affairs and on Womenâs Rights & Gender Equality held their last meeting of the year. The meeting adressed a series of pressing social and employment issues at the EU level.
One of the pivotal discussions of the day centered on the potential introduction of a new EU Directive on Quality Traineeships. Chiara Monti, Deputy Head of Unit for âFuture of Work, Youth Employmentâ at the European Commission, introduced the debate, during which participants highlighted the need to establish stronger guidelines to ensure that traineeships provide meaningful learning experiences while safeguarding the rights of young workers.
MEP Dennis Radtke, European Parliament rapporteur on European Works Councils (EWCs) joined for a further debate on a revision of the European Works Councils (EWC) Directive. The discussion emphasised the need for clearer and more enforceable regulations to protect workersâ rights within multinational companies operating across the EU and for better dialogue between employees and management, ensuring that workers are adequately represented in decisions impacting their working conditions, particularly in times of company restructuring or transnational change.
Following a workshop in collaboration with the European Policy Centre (EPC) on October 8 on the labour inclusion of Ukrainian refugees, Anastasia Karatzas, Policy Analyst at the EPC, presented key takeaways from this workshop. Subsequent discussions centered around best practices to integrate Ukrainian refugees into the EU labor market, highlighting the challenges these individuals face, such as recognition of qualifications, language barriers, and securing stable employment. As such, the debate aimed to inform policy recommendations to facilitate smoother transitions for refugees into the workforce, contributing both to their personal stability and to the broader European economy.
On October 9, CESI's Commissions on Employment & Social Affairs and on Womenâs Rights & Gender Equality held their last meeting of the year. The meeting adressed a series of pressing social and employment issues at the EU level.

CESI and EPC co-host hybrid workshop on the role of networks in the labour integration of Ukrainian refugees
On October 8 CESI and the European Policy Centre (EPC) co-hosted a hybrid workshop on the role of networks in the labour market inclusion of Ukrainian refugees.
Specifically, the workshop brought together stakeholders from the European Commission, national public employment services, trade unions, and Ukrainian diaspora organisations to explore how networks can be leveraged to provide durable solutions for refugees seeking employment in the EU.
It showcased how, with the temporary protection status for Ukrainian refugees extended to March 2026, uncertainty surrounding their long-term prospects remains a pressing issue. While legislative and operational efforts at both EU and national levels have promoted labour market access for refugees, structural barriers still hinder full inclusion. These include difficulties in recognising qualifications, accessing necessary socio-economic rights such as housing and childcare, and integrating into the job market in a manner that reflects their skills and aspirations.
The workshop aimed to address these challenges by examining the role of networks such as local authorities, public employment services (PES), social partners, and the Ukrainian diaspora in facilitating refugee labour market inclusion.
As key discussion points emerged:
- Job matching and skills recognition: A critical theme of the workshop was the effectiveness of job-matching efforts aimed at aligning refugeesâ skills with labour market needs. Representatives from public employment services shared insights on employer incentives, skills development programmes and job placement services. While these initiatives have been instrumental in supporting refugees, gaps remain in ensuring that employment opportunities match the skills and qualifications of Ukrainians.
- Role of networks in short- and long-term assistance: Community networks, including the Ukrainian diaspora, have been central to advancing refugeesâ self-reliance. These groups have not only provided access to essential services like training and language courses but have also played a pivotal role in job matching and psycho-social support. However, the workshop highlighted the need for a more coordinated approach, where local authorities, PES and social partners could work together more effectively to address both short-term integration and long-term employment prospects.
- Coordination and resource allocation: One of the workshopâs key takeaways was the challenge of coordination between various networks and levels of governance. Speakers pointed out that unclear delineation of responsibilities between local, national, and EU actors has led to fragmented efforts and duplicated services, which diminish the overall impact of integration policies. Additionally, the allocation of resources, particularly EU funding for skills development and employment services, has not always been accessible to local authorities and community networks, further complicating the inclusion process.
The workshop also explored the concept of so-called âdual intentâ policies, which focus on providing refugees with pathways to either remain in the EU workforce or return to Ukraine when conditions permit. Representatives from the Ukrainian diaspora emphasised the importance of maintaining strong links between EU-based networks and their Ukrainian counterparts to support potential return and reintegration efforts. These policies would enable refugees to gain valuable skills and experience in the EU while preparing them for eventual contributions to Ukraineâs reconstruction.
As the war in Ukraine continues and long-term solutions for refugees become more urgent, the workshop underscored the need for enhanced coordination and targeted support. Recommendations included the establishment of clearer frameworks for collaboration between networks, more accessible funding mechanisms for local and community actors, and policies that address both immediate integration needs and future reintegration into Ukraine. The discussion concluded with a call for the EU to take a more active role in supporting these networks, particularly through improved coordination and the creation of sustainable employment pathways for refugees.
By promoting better collaboration and leveraging the strengths of existing networks, the EPC-CESI workshop highlighted the potential for durable solutions that can offer Ukrainian refugees a future of self-sufficiency, whether within the EU or in their eventual return to Ukraine.
On October 8 CESI and the European Policy Centre (EPC) co-hosted a hybrid workshop on the role of networks in the labour market inclusion of Ukrainian refugees.

Ahead of the hearings: Workers' priorities at the forefront | Editorial of Secretary General Klaus Heeger
As the European Parliament gears up for the upcoming Commissioner hearings, CESI SG Klaus Heeger had the chance to meet with newly elected and returning MEPs to align on shared priorities for 2024-2029.
Dear members, partners, and friends,
As the European Parliament gears up for the upcoming Commissioner hearings, I had the chance to meet with both newly elected and returning MEPs to align on shared priorities for 2024-2029.
From social rights to boosting competitiveness, from fair taxation to civil protection, and from defense to reinforcing public services: the coming years are poised to be pivotal.
A major focus was the future of employment in the digital era. While new technologies and AI promise vast opportunities, they also present significant risks. The need for updated regulations, such as a directive on the right to disconnect and fair conditions for remote work, is urgent. CESIâs resolution on AI advocates for strong workforce involvement in shaping this future.
Beyond the digital frontier, we discussed the proposals for the revision of the European Works Council (EWC) directive and a new directive aimed at improving conditions for trainees. These measures need rapid adoption. EWCs, currently limited to consultation, should evolve into genuine negotiation tools, though the current revision mostly strengthens their consultation capacity. The new traineeship directive must emphasise equal treatment and adequate financial compensation.
Tax justice was another hot topic. Tackling tax evasion isnât just about economics â itâs a moral imperative. As multinational corporations exploit loopholes, ordinary citizens bear the heavier tax burden. Ensuring well-resourced national tax administrations is crucial for fairness.
Health sector understaffing also featured prominently in the discussions. Investing in equipment, facilities, and most importantly, personnel, as well as improving working conditions, is critical to the sectorâs future.
In defense, conversations highlighted the shared commitment to building a robust EU defense infrastructure with broad stakeholder involvement. CESIâs European Defence Round Table is proving to be a valuable platform for advancing these goals.
We also worked to elevate crisis management and civil protection on the EU agenda, where the Unionâs contribution is particularly evident and tangible.
At a recent civil society and trade union hearing with the Renew group in the European Parliament, we outlined our key demands, hoping they will shape policies in the coming years.
Just days after CESI@noon addressed teacher shortages and the misuse of temporary contracts in schools, the European Commission took Italy to court over these very issues. Marcello Pacifico, President of the CESI Europe Academy and ANIEF, played a leading role in these developments.
With the selection of future EU leaders on the horizon, there are high hopes that those chosen will be both qualified and attuned to the needs of Europeâs citizens and workers. These appointments will be crucial in shaping the Unionâs future trajectory.
As these crucial discussions unfold, itâs clear that workers themselves must be prepared for the transformations ahead. The rapid evolution of technology, coupled with new regulations and economic shifts, will redefine the workplace of the future. Ensuring that employees are equipped with the right skills and safeguards to navigate this new landscape is essential. Ultimately, the success of these policies hinges not just on their adoption, but on empowering the workforce to embrace the future with confidence.
As the European Parliament gears up for the upcoming Commissioner hearings, CESI SG Klaus Heeger had the chance to meet with newly elected and returning MEPs to align on shared priorities for 2024-2029.

CESI article on AI on the 'EUobserver': Handle it with humility, yet confidence!
Building on the insights and discussions from CESI's 'Summer Days 2024' on AI, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger and Sara Rinaudo, Chairwoman of CESI's working group on 'The Future of Work', published a joint article on the 'EUobserver', delving into the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace.
Building on the insights and discussions from CESIâs âSummer Days 2024â on AI, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger and Sara Rinaudo, Chairwoman of CESIâs working group on âThe Future of Workâ, published a joint article on the âEUobserverâ, delving into the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace.
The lessons from the event provided a strong foundation for this exploration, highlighting the critical conversations surrounding AI and its integration into the modern workforce.
AI at work: handle it with humility, yet confidence
In the complex landscape of algorithms, we are still seeking answers to the very basic question: how can we ensure that the integration of AI into our workplaces benefits not only employers and businessesâ efficiency and profitability but also workersâ needs and rights?
Diverging interests, priorities and expectations, along with the inherent complexity of AI systems will make it challenging.
For many, AI appears as the number one threat to employment. As companies swiftly adapt to new technologies, they fear that job displacement, job insecurity and precarious working conditions could become the new standard â even for the high-skilled workforce.
Workersâ rights, and especially their autonomy, could be dramatically restricted by enforcing rigid decision-making, constant performance monitoring, and limiting creativity and personal judgement.
And all this in an era when the world of work strives to overcome the consequences of repeated global crises.
Yet, the opportunities presented by AI are immense, for the industries, but also for workers themselves.
Artificial Intelligence is not only a tool to boost productivity, it is at the same time (or, more precisely, it can become) the catalyst for safer and healthier workplaces, improved work-life balance, and (why not?) a mechanism that will strengthen collective bargaining and support workersâ collective action by improving communication, coordination and strategic planning.
Just as railways initially faced scepticism and opposition, modern technologies naturally provoke understandable fears. AI has the potential to become a âmonsterâ, but it can also serve as a crucial force driving us towards a more competitive and sustainable future.
Read the full article here!

Building on the insights and discussions from CESI's 'Summer Days 2024' on AI, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger and Sara Rinaudo, Chairwoman of CESI's working group on 'The Future of Work', published a joint article on the 'EUobserver', delving into the role of artificial intelligence in the workplace.

Meetings with Members of the European Parliament: Shaping priorities for 2024-2029
As the European Parliament gears up for the hearings of the designated Commissioners, CESI had the opportunity to engage with key MEPs to discuss the pressing priorities for the coming legislative period.
As the European Parliament gears up for the hearings of the designated Commissioners, CESI had the opportunity to engage with key Members of the European Parliament to discuss the pressing priorities for the coming legislative period.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger met with MEPs Ăzlem Demirel, Gabriele Bischoff, Vytenis Andriukaitis, Michael Gahler, Leila Chaibi, Katrin Langensiepen, Alex Agius Saliba, GrĂ©gory Allione, and Pasquale Tridico to explore shared objectives for 2024-2029.
These discussions spanned a wide range of essential topics, including strengthening social rights, ensuring fair taxation, enhancing civil protection, supporting competitiveness, and promoting robust public services for all Europeans.
With critical challenges ahead, CESI is confident that our collaboration with the European Parliament will foster meaningful progress in the EU.
The coming years will be decisive for achieving a balance between economic growth and social welfare, and it is highly important to ensure that the European Union remains a beacon of equality, fairness, and sustainability for all its citizens.
CESI looks forward to continuing this important dialogue and contributing to a stronger Europe for workers, public services, and society as a whole.

As the European Parliament gears up for the hearings of the designated Commissioners, CESI had the opportunity to engage with key MEPs to discuss the pressing priorities for the coming legislative period.

Breaking News: European Commission brings Italy to the EU Court
Today, just one week after the CESI@noon event on teachersâ shortages and the abusive use of temporary work contracts in schools, the European Commission has decided to bring Italy to the EU Court in that matter.
Today, just one week after the CESI@noon event on teachersâ shortages and the abusive use of temporary work contracts in schools, the European Commission has decided to bring Italy to the EU Court in that matter.
Since 2014 the European Commission has launched several infringement procedures against Italy calling on the Italian authorities to take action against the discriminative and abusive use of fixed-term contracts with teachers.
The European Commission finds that Italyâs laws regarding the pay of fixed-term teachers in public schools are discriminatory because they do not allow for salary progressions based on the crediting of employment periods, unlike the system for permanent teachers.
Additionally, according to the Commission, Italy has not effectively banned the abusive use of successive fixed-term contracts for administrative, technical, and auxiliary staff in state schools. The case has therefore been referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
This decision also opens further possibilities to outlaw these practices and ask for compensations in case of abuses and discrimination â in other parts of the Italian public sector, in other sectors, and not least in other countries.
ANIEF, a member of CESI, which represents the Italian teachers, has been fighting for more than 10 years to address injustices and has won numerous legal cases in Italy and Luxembourg.
Marcello Pacifico, President of the CESI Europe Academy and ANIEF, has been one of the main drivers in the fight against poor working conditions in Italyâs education sector. He said: âIn the last 8 months alone, we have achieved compensation payments of âŹ9.6 million to discriminated teachers for these unlawful practices. We will not stop until all teachers receive the fair treatment they deserve. It is unlawful to act as if it is not deserved when doing a good deed by addressing these wrongs.â
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger welcomed the European Commission decision and said: âTeachers are the cornerstone of our educational systems, yet too often they are not treated with the dignity and respect they deserve. This new case court against Italy is a further step to ban discriminatory practices, poor working conditions and precariousness of our educators, the backbones of our future.â
Today, just one week after the CESI@noon event on teachersâ shortages and the abusive use of temporary work contracts in schools, the European Commission has decided to bring Italy to the EU Court in that matter.

New resolution on the regulation of AI at work
CESI's Presidium has endorsed a resolution of CESI's Working Group on the Future of Work on key demands on the regulation of AI at work.
The resolution was established and adopted against the background of evolving discussions about a potential need of EU regulation on AI at work.
It stresses:
- the importance of establishing robust regulations and transparent practices to ensure that AI benefits all workers while minimising risks such as job displacements and discrimination;
- the need for a comprehensive approach that includes continuous workersâ representation in the design and deployment of AI systems, which comprises sector-specific AI agreements tailored to the unique needs of different industries, ensuring fairness, accountability, and the protection of workersâ privacy;
- the necessity for widespread reskilling and upskilling initiatives to prepare workers for new roles created by AI, emphasising the importance of lifelong learning and continuous career development;
- the importance of strong regulatory frameworks to safeguard workersâ rights in an AI-driven workplace, including through a dedicated EU AI at Work Act. This measure should aim to ensure ethical AI deployment, prevent bias and discrimination, and establish clear accountability mechanisms for any harm caused by AI systems.
- the added value of dialogue and negotiation with governments, employers, and trade unions to shape a sustainable and equitable future of work in the AI era.
âRecognising the transformative impact of AI on workplaces across Europe, we underscore the importance of ensuring
that AI technologies are implemented in a manner that promotes fairness, transparency, and the protection of workersâ rightsâ, said CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger.
Sara Rinaudo from CESIâs Italian member union Confsal and Chair of CESIâs Working Group on the Future of Work, added: âWe reaffirm our commitment to advocating for a fair and equitable AI-driven workplace. By promoting transparent practices, robust regulations, and strong worker representation, we ensure that AI benefits all workers and supports a sustainable future of work.â
The full resolution is available here.
CESI's Presidium has endorsed a resolution of CESI's Working Group on the Future of Work on key demands on the regulation of AI at work.

CESI-Eurofedop Post & Telecoms Conference in Tirana
On September 20, the telecoms and postal services unions from CESI and Eurofedop gathered in Tirana for their annual symposium.
The conference, which was co-organised by CESI and Eurofedop, hosted by the Albanian S.P.P.SH. Postal Union and supported by the Kosovo Post Trade Union, saw at attendance of almost 100 participants from affiliated telecoms and postal services trade unions from across Europe.
The keynote address was delivered by Ardit Demiri, Director General of the Albanian Post.
The symposium was moderated by Manfred Wiedner, President of CESIâs internal Expert Commission on Post and Telecoms, and Ylli Ballta, President of the S.P.P.SH.T.
Subsequent speakers included representatives and experts from the Swiss âTransfairâ union, the Luxembourgish Syndicat des P&T, the Italian Confsal-Comunicazioni, the Dutch CNV union, the Albanian S.P.P.SH. Postal Union, the Kosovo Post Trade Union, and the Austrian FCG-GFP.
Video messages were sent by UNI Europa and PostEurop, CESIâs partners in the European sectoral social dialogue on âPostal Servicesâ.
The symposium served to establish and discuss key common challenges for telecoms and postal workers across Europe â ranging from worker-friendly green transitions and digitalisation to staff retention and attraction issues, increasing work intensities and working conditions that see must urgent improvements.
On September 20, the telecoms and postal services unions from CESI and Eurofedop gathered in Tirana for their annual symposium.

Empowering teachers: Better working conditions for a better future of the EUâs next generation
At the start of this school year, CESI gathered its members and experts to discuss challenges teachers face across the EU, as part of CESI's EU co-funded ACTIVER project.
At the start of this school year, CESI gathered its members and experts to discuss challenges teachers face across the EU, as part of CESIâs EU co-funded ACTIVER project.
Such challenges include above all low wages, abusive uses of repetitive fixed term work contracts and heavy workloads.
What challenges do teachers face in their work environment?
According to the 2023 European Education and Training Monitor report, teacher shortages are widespread in most EU countries. This shortage not only hampers the quality of education but also impedes the transition to new skills and evolving work patterns, particularly in STEM subjects. Addressing teacher shortages requires a broader, EU-wide approach to labour market policies, with Member States needing to invest more in the teaching profession for future generations.
Teacher shortages in Europe have resulted in larger class sizes, increased workloads for staff, and limited access to specialised subjects like STEM, languages and vocational training.
Marcello Pacifico, President of CESIâs Italian teachersâ union ANIEF and the President of CESIâs Europe Academy, highlighted the precarious working conditions faced by Italian school workers, despite national and EU regulations on non-discrimination and the proper use of fixed term contracts. He underscored the negative implications of low salaries, lacking career opportunities, and insufficient benefits such as paid leave for teachers on fixed term contracts. He emphasised the violation of European rules regarding non-discrimination between fixed term and permanent workers, calling for improved working conditions and better pay to restore the professionâs appeal. He also noted ANIEFâs ongoing efforts to address these issues with European and national institutions through legal action and collective complaints to the Council of Europe.
Stefan DĂŒll, Vice-President of CESIâs German teachersâ union DPhV and President of the German teachersâ association âDeutscher Lehrerverbandâ, expressed concerns about Germanyâs teacher shortage, citing statistics that predict an influx of one million additional students, resulting in an acute shortage of about 50,000 teachers. If the 60% working time option is applied, the shortage increases to 80,000, she stressed. DĂŒll questioned whether current solutions could resolve this, especially considering the precarious employment conditions for substitute teachers, who are often left without pay during the summer. Although lifetime contracts are now available, many highly qualified teachers have moved on to other professions, he noted. Mr. DĂŒll suggested as a temporary solution that substitute teachers should at least be paid for the full year if they cover the entire teaching period of an academic year from September to July.
DragoÈ AdÄscÄliÈei, Research Officer at Eurofound, presented data on the ageing demographic within the teaching profession, noting that one in three primary school teachers is over 50, which could lead to further shortages if retirements are not balanced by new recruits. He also highlighted gender disparities in teaching, with women dominating the profession but being underrepresented in managerial roles and STEM subjects. According to Eurofound research, he said, low wages across all Member States make teaching an unattractive career choice despite the high qualification requirements.
Potential solutions
It appeared that potential solutions include improved working conditions, the provision of full time work contracts and the set up of teacher platforms and resources to retain staff. Targeted financial incentives and salary increases are also recommended to attract and retain teachers, it was said.
Kristof De Witte, Professor of Education Economics at KU Leuven and Maastricht University, shared policy recommendations from recent research to tackle teacher shortages at three levels, the individual (attracting and retaining talent), school (creating a supportive environment) and system (addressing issues like temporary contracts and gender inequality) level. He emphasised the need for evidence-based approaches to evaluate interventions in education, proposing financial incentives, reduced workloads, computer-assisted learning and enhanced teacher capacity through mentoring programmes, professional development, and alternative career pathways.
MatthÀus Fandrejewski, CESI Youth Representative and President of dbb Jugend, echoed findings from the 2024 Draghi report, stressing that for the EU to remain competitive and to effectively navigate challenges posed by ageing populations, the workforce must be equipped with skills in emerging fields like AI and advanced manufacturing. He called for a greater respect and recognition for the teaching profession to meet these needs.
One idea that resonated strongly with the audience was the need to better promote greater teacher mobility within the EU, and that a better recognition of qualifications across Member States remains necessary.
Elena Donazzan, Member of the European Parliament, emphasised the urgent need for more teachers, particularly in light of current skills shortages.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger concluded: âThe teaching profession must be given the recognition it deserves, as teachers are the foundation of our educational systems and the ones who shape the minds of future generations.â He reaffirmed CESIâs commitment to improving teachersâ working conditions, as outlined in CESIâs recent Manifesto on the Teaching Profession.â
At the start of this school year, CESI gathered its members and experts to discuss challenges teachers face across the EU, as part of CESI's EU co-funded ACTIVER project.

First multisectoral guidelines to prevent violence at work reached an agreement
Third-Party Violence and Harassment at work (TPVH), be it of a psychological, sexual or physical nature, is on the increase and must be halted.
Press release (Brussels 20 September 2024)
First multisectoral guidelines to prevent violence at work reached an agreement
Third-Party Violence and Harassment at work (TPVH), be it of a psychological, sexual or physical nature, is on the increase and must be halted. This is why the EU social partners in five sectors, Education, Local and Regional Government, Central Administration, Hospitality (hotels, bars and restaurants) and Health and hospitals, have negotiated a revision of the 2010 Multi-Sectoral Guidelines to Tackle Third-Party Violence and Harassment Related to Work.
The negotiations in the framework of the European Social Dialogue took place between March and September with the objective of revising these Guidelines adopted in 2010. The negotiations followed a two-year project that put together a detailed piece of research and some 40 good practices and policies on fighting back TPVH at work. These are the only EU multisectoral guidelines on the subject.
The key revisions of the guidelines are:
- TPVH should never be normalized and deemed part of any job.
- Every workplace must have a TPVH policy agreed with the trade unions embedded in occupational health and safety, gender equality anti-discrimination policy, as well as trade union rights.
- Sufficient staffing levels and manageable workload ought to contribute to a good TPVH prevention policy.
- Gender-based violence is an integral part of violence and harassment, as provided in ILO Convention 190.
- Social partners, employers and trade unions, have a role to play in tackling the impact of domestic violence at work.
- Digitalisation, if not tailored to both workers and service users, can increase risks of TPVH.
- Tackling the persistent underreporting of TPVH by making sure that workers know whom to turn to and what to do in case of TPVH and be not fearful of reprisals.
Another improvement concerns the implementation of the Guidelines. The social partners involved have agreed to actively encourage their members to integrate the Guidelines in national collective agreements to enhance the chances of an effective use.
Although there is a small reference to domestic violence in relation to telework, the trade unions would have liked more detailed and up to date guidance, to reflect advances made on the subject in Italy, Spain, Ireland or France (see Overall, it remains a step forward, in conjunction with the ILO C190 against gender-based and domestic violence.
The compromise wording will be subject to another two weeks of scrutiny by national members of the organizations involved in the negotiations. The deadline for this is 26 September, and the trade unions are recommending a final endorsement.
Should a compromise on domestic violence be agreed, the five sectoral social dialogue committees will be invited to adopt the Guidelines by the end of the year.
Third-Party Violence and Harassment at work (TPVH), be it of a psychological, sexual or physical nature, is on the increase and must be halted.

Expert Commission âHealth Servicesâ establishes priorities for EU term 2024-2029
In the context of CESI's EU-funded Syncrisis, CESI' Expert Commission on âHealth Servicesâ met on September 17 to address the most pressing issues for the health care workforce, lessons learnt from the pandemic, and the 2024-2029 European Commission's priorities and challenges.
Kitti Almer, Health Attaché for the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, outlined the priorities and potential impacts of the European Health Union, with a focus on skills, staffing, and mobility in the health care sector.
Tina Weber from Eurofound shared the results of Eurofoundâs 2019-2021 report on staff shortages and 2023 research on lessons learnt from the permacrisis, and, most importantly, measures to address shortages. It was noted that the need for health care professionals will further rise due to the growing number of elderly people (80+), which is expected to increase by two and a half times between 2021 and 2100. Moreover, as illnesses become more complex and digitalization advances, continuous training and upskilling wouldbe crucial. Finally, health issues wuoldemerge from extreme climate events, vector-borne diseases and greater risks of antimicrobial resistance.
Emanuela del Salvio from Mental Health Europe and Katerina Ćœiga from the Public Health Promotion and Prevention Division of the city of Riga shared their findings on how to address mental burnout among healthcare workers. Despite some positive developments, the reintegration of health care professionals into the labour market after suffering from burnout remains difficult.
Lyudmil Ninov from the European Health Management Association presented the âBeWellâ Project and its new âEU Pact for Skillsâ. Their current strategy comprises a public consultation to provide insights on the digital and green upskilling and reskilling needs of the workforce, he said.
Rosella Icardi from the European Commissionâs Joint Research Centre outlined preliminary results of a study on demographic shifts within the health care workforce. The study reveals levels of density of doctors and nurses in each Member State and projects the future extent of understaffing driven by the rapidly aging population.
Against these findings, Paloma Repila, President of the Expert Commission, presented the motions on sufficient staffing levels for healthcare workforce, mental health care and an EU minimum patient-nurse ratio, which are to be submitted to CESIâs upcoming Congress in December. They are planned to represent the Expert Commissionâs priorities during the coming years.
âThe sustainability of health care services is challenged by demographic change, shortcomings in cross-border skills recognition, and widespread understaffingâ, Klaus Heeger, Secretary-General of CESI, concluded. âTo be prepared for aging populations and future health crises, Europe and the Member States must invest in the health care workforce; they must preserve the lifeblood of our health and care sectors; to protect the health, life and wellbeing of citizens, and the competitiveness of our societies.â
In the context of CESI's EU-funded Syncrisis, CESI' Expert Commission on âHealth Servicesâ met on September 17 to address the most pressing issues for the health care workforce, lessons learnt from the pandemic, and the 2024-2029 European Commission's priorities and challenges.

Designation of Commissioner portfolios: Push employment and social affairs
In a commentary following the release of the newly assigned European Commission portfolios by President Ursula von der Leyen earlier today, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger expresses hopes for a prominent role of employment and social affairs during the EUâs new legislative term.
Pending approval by the European Parliament, employment and social affairs would be handled by Roxana MĂźnzatu as one of six Executive Vice-Presidents of the European Commission. She would also be in charge of skills and education, which are policy fields with important employment-related intersections. A substantial and comprehensive portfolio combining education and employment handled by a Commissioner at a prominent position could, hopefully, be a strong political sign that during the next years the social will feature on equal ranks with corporate industrial policy, which would be likewise handled by a dedicated Vice-President. For us as unions, it is of central importance to ensure a balance between economic competitiveness and social rights. While fostering competitiveness is important for Europeâs long-term growth, it should not come at the expense of fair wages, job security, or social safeguards.
It remains however to be seen how cooperation would likely evolve with Spanish Commissioner-designate Teresa Ribera, who would, amongst other fields, be in charge of fair transitions. We also regret that there will be no Commissioner designated for gender equality and womenâs rights in particular, but that it will be annexed â seemingly in a rather random matter â to the Belgian designated Commissioner Hadja Lahbibâs portfolio of âPreparedness and crisis managementâ.
In relation to CESIâs priorities and expectations in the field of employment and social affairs, we appreciate Ms von der Leyenâs sustained commitment to the European Pillar of Social Rights, as laid out in her political guidelines for the new term. We also appreciate planned initiatives on a right to disconnect and AI at work. We hope that the planned Quality Jobs Roadmap will be concrete and substantial and stand ready for social partner consultations on this.
Our EU elections manifesto is very clear, and our priorities will feature high again in our main motion for our upcoming CESI Congress in December. We expect the new European Commission to deliver on transparent and inclusive social dialogue and on decent work and fair green-digital transitions for all. We also expect further support for public services and their staff, which are at the forefront as new crises keep emerge. We need to invest in them in order to make them resilient and performing. We will continue to flag this.
In a commentary following the release of the newly assigned European Commission portfolios by President Ursula von der Leyen earlier today, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger expresses hopes for a prominent role of employment and social affairs during the EUâs new legislative term.