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The UK votes to leave the EU: An earthquake – but we have to keep calm!

2016-06-24 12:00

Yesterday, by a margin of 48 to 52%, the UK voted in a referendum to leave the EU. While the UK government still has to hand in a formal notice of intention to leave the EU, exit negotiations between the two sides will span over at least two years. The UK’s exit from the EU, the Brexit, will certainly bring a high degree of uncertainty both in the UK and the EU, but panic about an imploding EU are probably not appropriate. A commentary by CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger.

CESI and EPC hold expert seminar on paths towards more social investments

2016-06-23 12:00

Today, CESI in collaboration with the European Policy Centre (EPC) held an expert seminar on paths towards more social investments.

CESI Board adopts new basic positioning paper

2016-06-23 12:00

Yesterday, CESI’s Board adopted an updated basic positioning paper of CESI. The document, drafted by an internal working group with a mandate by the Presidium, represents an up-to-speed text on CESI’s raison d’être and its objectives as a European level trade union confederation.

CESI continues to grow: Union of Montenegrin Physicians a new member

2016-06-23 12:00

At its meeting on June 22, CESI’s Board voted unanimously in favour of the accession of a new trade union as a full CESI member: The Union of Montenegrin Physicians (UMP).

International Public Service Day 2016: CESI calls for more public investment

2016-06-23 12:00

On the occasion of this year’s International Public Service Day, CESI, as a representative of several million public sector workers, renews its commitment to defend the interests of its members and calls for more personnel and material resources for public services.

CESI Presidium adopts joint CESI-UFE position on the European Commission’s fight against tax fraud and tax avoidance

2016-06-21 12:00

Today, CESI’s Presidium confirmed a joint CESI-UFE position on the European Commission’s fight against tax fraud and tax avoidance.

Forces de l’ordre françaises, nous sommes avec vous!

2016-06-17 12:00

In the wake of Monday’s heinous attack against a police officer and his wife in Magnanville outside Paris, the Secretary General of CESI, Mr Klaus Heeger, and the President of CESI’s Trade Council ‘Security’, Mr Gerrit Van de Kamp, have expressed their horror at the loss of innocent lives and the continued attacks against our fundamental and democratic values of a free society. “Our thoughts go to the victims’ families and friends as well as to the French security forces that have been targeted collectively”, stated Mr Van de Kamp and Mr Heeger in a joint declaration.

CESI@noon: Social partner mentoring schemes as a tool for labour market integration of refugees

2016-06-16 12:00

On Tuesday, CESI in collaboration with UNITEE, the New European Business Confederation, held another edition of its lunchtime panel debate series ‘CESI@noon’. This time, the event took place on the topic of ‘Labour market integration of refugees: the role of entrepreneurs and trade unions’. The objective was to draw attention to the integration of migrants into the labour market through a channel which has so far been mostly underexploited: Mentoring schemes for refugees which seek to create a bond of trust and stand as a catalyser for integration by pairing up employers and employees together with refugees.

EU social dialogue committee ‘Central government administrations’ fixes 2016-2018 work programme

2016-06-15 12:00

At its plenary meeting on June 10, the EU’s social dialogue committee ‘Central government administrations’ adopted its work programme for the years 2016-2018. Together with EPSU, CESI forms the TUNED-delegation – the employee representatives in the Committee.

CESI affiliates Carmen Jaffke and Kirsten Lühmann re-elected into EWL Board of Administration

2016-06-13 12:00

At the General Assembly of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) on June 4 2016 in Brussels, CESI affiliates Carmen Jaffke and Kirsten Lühmann were re-elected into the Board of Administration.

CESI presents recommendations on youth participation in trade unions to MEP Monika Vana

2016-06-09 12:00

Yesterday in Strasbourg, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger presented recommendations on a better participation of youngsters in trade union work to MEP Monika Vana (Greens/EFA), member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs.

Europe Academy symposium addresses impacts of new working rhythms on employee health

2016-06-07 12:00

Last week Friday, CESI’s members’ training centre, the Europe Academy, held its first symposium of the year on impacts of new working rhythms in the public sector on the health of employees. The seminar, which took place in Copenhagen, was the first of two conferences of the Europe Academy this year in the framework of a project on ‘Health and safety at work in the public sector: new challenges’. The project is an important part of CESI’s awareness-raising work on healthy workplaces in the context of its role as partner of EU-OSHA’s Healthy Workplaces Campaign.

CESI expresses solidarity with strikes of public sector workers in Belgium today

2016-05-31 12:00

Today, public sector workers across Belgium are on strike in order to express their dismay about continued cuts in public services in the country. CESI expresses its solidarity with all those protesting today.

CESI presents position on public sector workers in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism to the Dutch Council Presidency

2016-05-31 12:00

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger and the President of CESI’s Trade Council ‘Security’, Gerrit van de Kamp, handed over CESI’s new position paper on the role of public sector workers in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism to the Dutch Minister of Security and Justice, Ard van der Steur, in The Hague today.

Upcoming on June 14: CESI@noon event on ‘Labour market integration of refugees’

2016-05-26 12:00

June 14 will see the next edition of CESI’s event series ‘CESI@noon’ with a lunchtime panel debate on ‘Labour market integration of refugees: The role of entrepreneurs and trade unions’. Registration is now open.

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