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CESI Youth Representative Matthäus Fandrejewski a member of the new Commission-supported European Apprentices Network (EAN)

2017-06-12 12:00

The four-year anniversary conference of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) on May 30-31 in Malta did not only focus on the gathering of various stakeholders but also saw the official launch of the new European Apprentices Network (EAN). CESI Youth Representative, Matthäus Fandrejewski, was invited to take part as a member. As member of the EAN, he will be sharing knowledge of his own inside information as a former apprentice himself.

CESI at the 4-year celebration of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships in Malta

2017-06-09 12:00

On May 30-31 a conference was held in Malta, celebrating the first four years of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA). With an opening speech made by Silvio de Bono, the President Board of Governors of MCAST (Malta College of Arts Science and Technology) and Evarist Bartolo, the Maltese Minister for Education and Employment, and a video message by European Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, the conference got off to a great start. As a member of the EAfA, CESI and the CESI Youth also participated in the conference.

Klaus Heeger on the Pillar of Social Rights: Encouraging package by the Commission, now everyone to push for implementation and enforcement

2017-06-09 12:00

At a hearing in the European Parliament on last week Thursday, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger drew positive conclusions about the European Commission’s recent package delivering the European Pillar of Social Rights and called on Member States and social partners to work together for a successful implementation and enforcement of what could become a new, fuller social dimension for the EU.

Registration now open – Upcoming on June 20 – CESI@noon “European Pillar of Social Rights: Phrase-mongering or real social progress?”

2017-06-08 12:00

June 20 will see the next edition of CESI’s event series ‘CESI@noon’ with a lunchtime panel debate on ‘European Pillar of Social Rights: Phrase-mongering or real social progress?’ Registration to the event, which will be held jointly together with the Bertelsmann Stiftung, is now open.

Europe Day: EU and Member States should exhibit more solidarity and invest more in people

2017-05-30 12:00

After a tumultuous year, that has proven to be challenging on many levels, CESI would like to take the opportunity to recall the many achievements that have been fulfilled throughout the European project on this day of Robert Schuman’s historic declaration. CESI has always and will continue to advocate for a stronger Europe, not only for its institutions, but for the benefit of its workers and citizens.

CESI Trade Council ‘Education’: Valorisation of the teaching profession at the centre of the debate

2017-05-23 12:00

Today, CESI’s Trade Council ‘Education, Training and Research’ (EDUC) held its constitutive meeting after CESI’s Congress in December last year. Following the elections of the trade council presidency and vice-presidency for the legislative term until 2020, the trade council, as CESI’s internal members’ committee for deliberation and positioning on EU education policies, discussed some of CESI’s most pressing European priorities that concern the teachers and educators that CESI represents.

CESI’s Spanish member CSI-F and the European Women’s Lobby take joint action to fight the gender pensions gap in Spain

2017-05-23 12:00

On May 12, CESI’s Spanish member CSI-F (Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union) and CESI’s Board member of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), Carmen Jaffke, called on the Spanish government to end the gender pensions gap in the country.

Belgian CESI affiliate wins landmark court case on trade union pluralism

2017-05-22 12:00

On last week Thursday, May 18, the Belgian Syndicat Independant pour Cheminots (SIC), an affiliate of CESI’s member organisation UNSP (Union Nationale des Services Publics), won a landmark case at the Belgian Constitutional Court which will strengthen the rights of independent trade unions in social dialogue and strike instances in Belgium.

New CESI Network of Legal Advisers meets for the first time

2017-05-12 12:00

On May 4, the first meeting of a newly created internal network of legal experts took place at CESI in Brussels, bringing together expert jurists from member organisations of CESI in five European countries: Italy, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.

Labour day: A fair Europe is needed… and a more positive thinking!

2017-05-01 12:00

The current challenges for the EU are numerous – on today’s Labour Day it is time to recall what is the essence of the EU that is meant to keep us all together. The gap between the EU and the citizens must at least be reduced, and the glue that may keep the EU going is solidarity – solidarity among workers, between workers and those excluded from the labour market, as well as within and between Member States. And: Solidarity also refers to investing in people! That is CESI’s leitmotiv.

World Day for Safety and Health at Work: Optimise the collection and use of occupational safety and health data

2017-04-28 12:00

Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Initiated by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in 2003 as an annual day to commemorate the victims of occupational diseases and accidents, concerns over health and safety for workers remain to the day. CESI takes the occasion of this year’s World Day to recall the fundamental importance of occupational heath and safety for all.

European Pillar of Social Rights and accompanying initiatives: CESI leadership expresses cautious optimism

2017-04-26 12:00

Today, the European Commission presented a long-awaited set of measures to improve the EU’s social dimension. Under the heading ‘European Pillar of Social Rights and accompanying initiatives’, the European Commission issued 20 principles to guide the future of employment and social affairs. While these principles are not legally binding or directly enforceable targets, there are a number of accompanying legislative proposals, most notably in the area of work-life balance. In a first reaction, the CESI leadership expressed cautious optimism about the European Commission’s proposals.

Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth 2017: CESI Youth speaks up for a better integration of disadvantaged young people

2017-04-25 12:00

At the 2017 Annual Convention for Inclusive Growth (ACIG) on Monday this week, the European Commission discussed with civil society and trade union organisations how to create better opportunities for disadvantaged young people to participate in societal life and access the labour market. CESI Youth Representative Matthäus Fandrejewski spoke as a rapporteur on the outcomes of a workshop on ‘Opening up quality pathways for young people’.

French presidential elections, first round: A positive signal for social Europe?

2017-04-24 12:00

A commentary by Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI, in response to the first round of the French presidential elections yesterday.

Brexit letter: Some clarity at last – And new momentum for Social Europe?

2017-03-31 12:00

A personal commentary by Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI, in response to the submission of the ‘Brexit letter’ by the UK government to the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk, earlier this week.

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