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The future of healthcare: Tackling the understaffing in the healthcare sector

2021-02-22 09:34

We herewith invite you to our CESI@home online event on 26th of February 2021, 2.00- 3.30 pm

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Alex Agius Saliba, MEP (S&D, MT)

2021-02-21 11:55

CESI Webinar – EU directives on precarious work: what are the loopholes? – Sophie Robin-Olivier

2021-02-17 09:32

Prof of European Union law at University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne, Sophie Robin-Olivier, hosts this webinar within the project “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges”.

CESI Talks – EU und Arbeitnehmer in Zeiten von Covid19 mit Dennis Radtke, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (EVP, DE)

2021-02-17 09:29

Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat eindrucksvoll (und schmerzhaft) gezeigt, wie entscheidend und unverzichtbar öffentliche Dienste sind und wie dringend ihre weitere Verbesserung durch eine stärkere europäische Präsenz notwendig ist.

CESI Talks – L’UE e i lavoratori al tempo del Covid19 con Brando Benifei, Deputato al Parlamento europeo (S&D, IT)

2021-02-15 09:25

#CESItalks è una serie di discussioni con eurodeputati e funzionari/esperti del PE sulle priorità politiche e legislative del Parlamento Europeo in materia di occupazione, ambiente e trasformazione digitale.

Closing conference “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges

2021-02-15 09:20

CESI trade unions and relevant stakeholders will gather to reflect on this two-year project on the 19th of February, from 10h until 13h, via Zoom. The online conference will count with interpretation in DE, EN, FR and IT.

CESI Talks – EU und Arbeitnehmer in Zeiten von Covid19 mit Lukas Mandl, Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments (EVP, AT)

2021-02-11 09:16

Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat eindrucksvoll (und schmerzhaft) gezeigt, wie entscheidend und unverzichtbar öffentliche Dienste sind und wie dringend ihre weitere Verbesserung durch eine stärkere europäische Präsenz notwendig ist.

European Policy Centre (EPC) study makes the case for greater support of public services and its personnel

2021-02-11 09:16

The European Policy Centre (EPC) has published a new study on ‘Well-performing public services for a fair and resilient European society’. Bringing forward evidence from the areas of administration, healthcare, education and public order and safety, the study showcases the importance of reinforced support and investments in public services and its personnel – needed urgently already before the Covid pandemic and even more so now as the socio-economic fallout of the Corona crisis unfolds.

CESI Talks – L’UE e i lavoratori al tempo del Covid19 con Gianluca Sgueo, analista politico al Parlamento europeo

2021-02-08 09:10

La pandemia di Covid-19 ha dimostrato in modo impressionante (e doloroso) quanto siano decisivi ed essenziali i servizi pubblici e quanto sia urgente migliorarli ulteriormente attraverso una dimensione europea più forte.

Changing forms of precarious work and trade union responses in the post- Covid-19 times, Marta Kahancova

2021-02-08 09:09

How has Covid-19 been affecting precarious work and trade unions? How to face its challenges? Read all about it in this article written by Marta Kahancova, Central European Labour Studies Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia, for the #noprecariouswork project.

CESI Talks – The EU and workers in times of Covid19 with Alex Agius Saliba, MEP (S&D, MT)

2021-02-05 08:59

The Covid-19 pandemic has impressively (and painfully) demonstrated how decisive and essential public services are and how urgently their further improvement through a stronger European dimension is needed.

Some good perspectives | Editorial of the Secretary-General Klaus Heeger

2021-02-04 08:55

After the Congress in December: CESI Presidium constitutes CESI’s work structures for 2021-2024

2021-02-03 08:50

Following the Congress in December last year, CESI’s Presidium met today to constitute CESI’s horizontal commissions and sectoral expert commissions – the members’ committees that advise and inform CESI’s European-level advocacy work. After a meeting of CESI’s Programme Commission yesterday on possible work priorities for 2021, CESI is now ready to further pursue and implement its annual activity programme for the year ahead.

CESI on collective bargaining for the self-employed

2021-02-03 08:45

CESI published a new position on the conciliation of EU competition law with the right to collective bargaining for the self-employed. In the position, which is part of a response to a consultation which the European Commission is currently undertaking, CESI calls on the European Commission clarify how those in precarious solo-employment may benefit from a right to collective bargaining, and hence higher and adequate wages, without interfering with EU competition law, which currently may forbid this right on the grounds that this would constitute an illegal cartel-forming.

Programme Commission discusses CESI work programme for 2021

2021-02-02 08:40

Today, CESI kicked off the year with a meeting of its Programme Commission to discuss the organisation’s main horizontal and sectoral work priorities and key activities for the year ahead.

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