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World Health Day 2021: what role for trade unions in building resilient healthcare systems post-Covid19?

2021-04-07 03:31

On the occasion of the World Health Day, April 7th, and in the frame of the EU-funded project ‘Social talks – social dialogue for a better tomorrow’, CESI and its member Trade Union of Montenegrin Physicians organised a round-table reflection on the needs of our healthcare systems in a post Covid-19 setting for better healthcare provision – with a particular focus on the Western Balkans.

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with professors Dr. Luca Ratti and Dr. Sonja Bekker

2021-04-06 04:02

#CESItalks​​​​ is a series of conversations with MEPs and EP officials/experts on the European Parliament’s political and legislative priorities on employment, environment and digital transformation.

CESI Secretary General critises high dividends for Daimler shareholders

2021-04-02 01:04

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger criticised that taking public financial support on the grounds of an economic crisis and the paying out of dividends do not go together.

CESI statement on a possible Communication of the European Commission on business taxation for 21st century

2021-04-02 12:59

CESI broadly supports the rationale and the objectives which the European Commission lays out in its roadmap of March 2021 on a future Communication on business taxation for the 21st century.

CESI Talks – L’UE e i lavoratori al tempo del Covid19 con Rosita Zucaro, avvocato e ricercatrice presso l’Istituto Nazionale per l’Analisi delle Politiche Pubbliche è un Ente Pubblico di Ricerca (INAPP)

2021-03-29 02:16

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Radan Kanev, MEP (EPP, BG)

2021-03-25 03:33

CESI welcomes the European Child Guarantee: For children, with children – and teachers and carers

2021-03-25 02:14

The European Commission this week adopted the first comprehensive EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, as well as a proposal for a Council Recommendation establishing a European Child Guarantee, to promote equal opportunities for children at risk of poverty or social exclusion.

CESI calls for investments in the health sector

2021-03-25 02:12

In the EU-28, the shortfall of health workers in the overall sector was estimated at 1.6 million in 2013 and is predicted to grow to 4.1 million by 2030.

CESI Insides mit Thomas Sohst, Vertreter des Deutschen Bundeswehrverbands und designierter Vorsitzender der CESI Expertenkommission „Verteidigung“

2021-03-24 02:11

CESI Women’s Rights Commission calls on Turkey to reverse its withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention

2021-03-24 02:09

The Women’s Rights and Gender Equality Commission of CESI, the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions, is dismayed about the Turkish government’s announced withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention and calls on Turkish President Erdogan to reconsider.

The European Union at the beginning of 2021: mounting pressure, widespread criticism, steadfast determination.

2021-03-23 02:06

Overcoming the Corona pandemic continues to overshadow the other pressing matters that EU is currently dealing with, all of which are proving to be no less complex.

CESI Youth speaks at European Commission/ILO high-level conference on the future of apprenticeships

2021-03-22 12:39

On March 16 2021 CESI Youth Representative Matthäus Fandrejewski and CESI’s Spokesperson on VET Stefan Nowatschin attended a high-level conference of the European Commission and the International Labor Organisation (ILO) on ‘Quality and effective apprenticeships and international labour standards on apprenticeships’. Experts from across the globe assessed recent developments in vocational education and training and dared an outlook on future challenges.

Does on-call time spent at home count as working time?

2021-03-22 12:36

In two Grand Chamber rulings handed down on 9 March 2021, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) provided greater clarity on the criteria establishing whether or not it constitutes working time when a worker is on-call “at home”.

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Dimitrios Papadimoulis, EP Vice-President

2021-03-21 12:57

CESI Talks – EU und Arbeitnehmer mit Damian Boeselager, MEP (G/EFA, DE)

2021-03-21 12:31

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