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Alain Laratta: ‘We need a European strategy to combat forest fires’

2021-09-06 02:19

In a conversation with CESI SG Klaus Heeger, Alain Laratta, SG of ‘Avenir Secours’, called for a European approach to firefighting.

CESI meets CGFP and ZV in Luxembourg as part of the DiWork project

2021-09-03 11:53

On the 2nd of September CESI met CGFP and ZV under the DiWork project.

CESI: European Digital Principles should also cover labour markets and employment

2021-08-31 01:06

As the European Commission endeavours to establish a set of European Digital Principles to “guide the ‘European way’ for the digital society and to make them known and visible to all those living in the EU”, CESI calls for such Principles to also span to the area of labour markets and employment.

EU4Health Programme: CESI calls for EU funding for fair labour mobility and patient-staff ratios in the health care sector

2021-08-31 11:13

As the EU sets the workplan for its EU4Health research funding programme for the year 2022, CESI calls on the European Commission to focus projects under the programme in particular on the prevention of unbalanced brain drains of health care staff as well as on patient-staff rations in the health care sector.

CESI calls to speed up fight against shell entities

2021-08-27 12:17

Responding to a consultation by the European Commission on tax avoidance structures by companies and firms, CESI reiterates its call on the European Commission to speed up the fight against shell entities.

Thomas Sohst from DBwV: Lessons from Afghanistan require a careful assessment for a successful future CSDP

2021-08-26 12:28

In a conversation with CESI SG Klaus Heeger, Thomas Sohst, representative of the German Armed Forces Association (DBwV) and nominated President of CESI’s sectoral Expert Commission ‘Defence’, called for a careful assessment of developments in Afghanistan.

Forest fires across the Mediterranean: Performing fire brigades at the core

2021-08-21 01:10

For several weeks, forest fires have been raging through the Mediterranean: Greece, Italy, Spain, France and also Turkey have been hit hard. Well-equipped, motivated and performing fire brigades were needed more than ever.

CESI in solidarity with strike action of German train driver’s trade union GDL

2021-08-19 11:21

In the labour dispute between the Deutsche Bahn and the German train driver’s trade union GDL – an affiliate of CESI’s member dbb – which already resulted in a first strike last week, further industrial action measures seem unavoidable. CESI stands in solidarity with its affiliates at the dbb and GDL.

Towards a strong European public service agenda. How to (re)build a social Europe in a resilient way after Covid-19?

2021-08-12 04:18

This conference, co-funded by the European Union, organised in partnership with the European Policy Centre (EPC) and with the media partnership of, will take stock of the lessons learnt from the pandemic and seek to advance a strong European public service agenda. Register now.

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Philippe Lamberts, MEP (BE)

2021-07-31 10:50

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Jaume Duch Guillot, EP Spokesperson and DG for Communication

2021-07-30 01:29

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Konstantinos Arvanitis, MEP (GR)

2021-07-30 12:44

CESI calls for resolute and swift EU action to combat violence against women

2021-07-29 02:27

As a requested opinion of the Court of Justice of EU on legal procedures in the EU’s ratification of the Istanbul Convention is still dearly awaited, CESI calls for resolute and swift EU action to combat violence against women.

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Evelyn Regner, MEP (AT)

2021-07-29 10:39

CESI Talks – The EU and workers with Svenja Hahn, MEP (DE)

2021-07-28 01:45

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