Towards a fair AI future for all workers | Editorial of the Secretary-General Klaus Heeger

Only if we embrace AI with foresight and responsibility, we can create thriving and inclusive work environments for all.

Dear colleagues, friends and partners,

The use of artificial intelligence in the workplace brings both promise and peril. As AI technologies are quickly embraced, we must consider how to harness their benefits while safeguarding workers’ rights and well-being.

AI reasonably provokes fear. Rapid technological adoption has raised concerns about job displacement, increased job insecurity, and deteriorating working conditions, even for highly skilled professionals.

But it can also pave the way for a more competitive and sustainable future of our economies, our well-being and our work. It offers significant potential beyond mere productivity gains, it can create safer, healthier workplaces, improve work-life balance, and it can enhance collective bargaining.

To leverage AI’s benefits while minimising its risks, trade unions must adopt forward-thinking strategies. And CESI is committed to leading efforts that ensure AI becomes a force for progress. Our vision is for a digital future that is human-centric and ethical, where workers are protected and valued. For this, we need to identify AI risks, work towards AI transparency, protect workers’ privacy, and combat biases.

However, involving workers in the development and implementation of AI is the most critical component, and, needless to say, the most difficult to achieve. Their insights and experiences are invaluable in shaping fair and effective policies.

Trade unions must evolve to meet these challenges head-on. They should be at the forefront of advocating for fair, transparent, and ethical AI practices; something which requires a willingness to rethink and modernise traditional approaches that may no longer be effective in the AI era.

As we move forward, the collaboration between governments, trade unions and businesses will be crucial in shaping an AI-driven future that is both innovative and equitable. Only if we embrace AI with foresight and responsibility, we can create thriving and inclusive work environments for all.