Are you ready? CESI Summer Days 2024

New Technologies, AI & Gender Equality at Work: Bridging gaps, now and tomorrow | June 27 & 28 in Brussels

The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)
in partnership with
the SEISMEC-Project* and Reshaping Work
invites you to
CESI Summer Days 2024
New Technologies, AI & Gender Equality at Work
Bridging gaps, now and tomorrow
Thursday, June 27 2024, 14.00-18.30 (followed by BBQ & live music)
Friday, June 28 2024, 9.00-13.30 (followed by lunch)
Venue: Le Bouche à Oreille, Rue Félix Hap 11, 1040 Brussels
Moderated by Kerstin Born-Sirkel, BSC International
In the dynamic landscape of new technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) in Europe, the ongoing pursuit of gender equality at the workplace remains a crucial focal point.
As industries undergo transformative shifts caused by technological advancements, it is paramount to scrutinize the pivotal role that women play in shaping these changes, and vital to delve into the intersection of women, new technologies, and AI within the context of employment.
Opportunities for fostering greater gender diversity and dismantling discriminatory barriers that hinder women’s full participation in the workforce must be explored.
As the world navigates digital frontiers, it becomes increasingly obvious that inclusiveness can not only bridge gender gaps but also drive innovation and propel Europe towards a more equitable future of work.
In the frame of CESI’s ‘eQualPRO’ project, the event shall touch upon questions such as:
-What are the specific challenges faced by women at work in the public and private sectors, and how should they be addressed?
-What strategies have been/ can be employed to ensure an equal distribution of benefits from the digital transformation of work, especially for female workers?
-What skills or competencies do women need to develop to thrive in the evolving landscape of digital work,
and how can these be fostered?
-In what ways can AI systems contribute positively to gender equality at work,
and what ethical guidelines should be in place to prevent gender bias?
-How can companies and trade unions ensure that algorithms and decision-making processes are transparent and respect diversity?
-How can trade unions actively contribute to the design and implementation of measures promoting gender equality in the digital workspace and to detecting and mitigating gender bias in AI algorithms?
-What collaborative efforts can be established between government bodies, businesses, and social partners to advance gender equality in the evolving landscape of work?
With the participation of:
Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights
Romain Wolff, President of CESI
Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI
Karen Vandekerckhove, Head of Unit ‘Gender Equality’ at the European Commission
Nathalie Vandystadt, Policy Officer for Communication, AI Office, DG CNECT, European Commission
Max Uebe, Head of Unit ‘Future of Work, Youth Employment’ at the European Commission
Marta Dell’Aquila, Researcher in the Global Governance, Regulation, Innovation and Digital Economy Unit of CEPS
Milanie Kreutz, President of dbb Frauen
Sara Rinaudo, Chairwoman of CESI’s Working Group on the ‘Future of Work’
Kirsten Lühmann, Chairwoman of CESI’s Commission on Women’s Rights (FEMM)
Katarzyna Szkuta, EU and International Affairs Advisor at the Federal Government of Belgium
Laura Kaun, Policy and Campaigns Director at the European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
Sandrine Cazes, Senior Economist at the OECD
Giulia Torchio, Researcher at the EPC
Jowita Michalska, Digital European Union Ambassador
Matthäus Fandrejewski, Representative of CESI Youth
Gilda Isernia, Project and Policy Coordinator at OBESSU
Selma Toktas, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Miranda Karagöl, Member of TVML
Jacob Dencik, Economic Research Leader at the IBM Institute for Business Value
Jason Pridmore, SEISMEC
Ariane Loze, Artist,
Workshop partners:
European Commission
European Policy Centre (EPC)
CESI Youth
Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)
European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)

*SEISMEC Project: Funded by the European Union (‘HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions’), SEISMEC (‘Supporting European Industry Success Maximization through Empowerment Centred development’) aims to promote ethical and human-centred development of digital and industrial technologies with 17 pilots in 19 companies from 14 countries across 14 industrial ecosystems. Participating companies and organisations:

Official media partner of the ‘Summer Days’:

European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)
Avenue des Arts 19 AD, 8ème étage, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected] | +32 (0) 22821870
EU transparency register number 32738888445-74
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Are you ready? CESI Summer Days 2024
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