
Two days of interactive workshops and plenary debates brought to you by the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Reshaping Work and EU Observer (media partner).

The European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI)

in partnership with the

Bertelsmann Stiftung & Reshaping Work

invites you to the

Summer Days 2023

The Green Economy and New Forms of Work

Thursday, June 29 2023, 14.00-18.30 (followed by BBQ & live music by ‘Teppaz Road’)
Friday, June 30 2023, 9.00-14.00 (followed by lunch)

Venue: Le Bouche à Oreille (Rue Félix Hap 11, 1040 Brussels)

Full Programme

To achieve climate neutrality and long-term economic growth and prosperity, the European Union is undertaking ambitious policy initiatives to become the world’s first global region with no net emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050.

Together with the ongoing digital transformation of our societies, the green transition will have profound effects on economies and labour markets across Europe. This invites discussions on new forms of work and ways it may impact workers.

Within the frame of CESI’s EU co-funded ‘EcoTra’ project, the “Summer Days” will explore the social dimension of the Green Deal and ways to make the twin (green and digital) transition a key driver of a decent, sustainable, and fair future of work.

Experts and representatives from European and international institutions, the public sector, think tanks, trade unions, and companies will discuss the following questions:

How will the Green Deal impact economies, labour markets and jobs?

How to make the Green Deal fair, inclusive and sustainable?

What will be the impacts of the twin transition on different regions and industry sectors?

What will be the challenges from the perspectives of the public and private sector?

How can we ensure participation and co-decision of workers in the transitions?

With the participation of:

Joost Korte, Director General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the European Commission

Frank Siebern Thomas, Head of Unit ‘Fair Green and Digital Transitions’ at the DG EMPL of the European Commission

Andrea Garnero, Labour Economist at the Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs of the OECD

Dimitrios Papadimoulis, Vice-President of the European Parliament (video message)

Dragoş Pîslaru, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs of the European Parliament (video message)

Elizabeth Kuiper, Associate Director and Head of the Social Europe and Well-being Programme at the EPC

Eva Maydell, President of the European Movement International (video message)

Francesco Corti, Advisor to Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Health

Gabriele Bischoff, Member of the European Parliament

Katleen Vangodtsenhoven, Head of Talent in Belgium at the Adecco Group

Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI

Romain Wolff, President of CESI

Jovana Karanovic, Founder and Managing Director of Reshaping Work

Birgit Wintermann, Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung

Marek Harsdorff, Green Job Specialist at the ILO

Nathan Crist, Project Manager at the Bertelsmann Stiftung

Alexandre Ounnas, Researcher in the Job and Skills Unit of CEPS

Patricia Urban, Researcher in the Energy, Resources and Climate Change Unit of CEPS

Laura Rayner, Policy Analyst at the EPC

Tommaso Grossi, Policy Analyst at the EPC

Tristan Makkink, Innovation Manager at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

Workshop Partners:

European Commission

International Labour Organisation (ILO)

Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS)

European Policy Centre (EPC)

Bertelsmann Stiftung

Reshaping Work

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

This project is co-financed by the European Union.

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BE READY: Summer Days 2023 June 29 & 30

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