2021-12-15 09:29
As we are approaching the end of the year, time to look back at 2021. What are our findings?
Dear members, colleagues, friends, and partners of CESI,
As we are approaching the end of the year, time to look back at 2021. What are our findings?
Of course, the sentiment of an everlasting COVID-19 ‘déjà vu’. Our 2021 new year’s wishes where: “Looking back at an extremely difficult year, we would like tot thank you for the great cooperation, strong support and overwhelming trust that came to the fore over the last twelve months.” I believe we could recycle it for our 2022 new year’s wishes.
And yet, despite the feeling of being caught in an eternal COVID measures loop, I believe this year was not in vain, at least not in terms of activities. Many, many events, encounters, online debates and positionings took place in the frame of our ‘CESI@homes’ and ‘CESI@noons’, our ‘PULSER’, ‘DiWork’, and ‘WeEP’ projects, our ‘CESIInsides’ and ‘CESITalks’ interview series, and of course in the context of the activities of the Board, Presidium, CESI Youth, Commissions and Expert Commissions.
From minimum wages to pay transparency, from the fight against precarious work to combating third party violence, from the challenges of the future of work to the importance of public services, from green and digital transition to the central role of trade unions: I believe we left marks in the national and European agendas.
By focussing also on specific interests of the workforce in some of the sectors that have been particularly hit by the pandemic –public administrations, education, defence, civil protection, and, last but not last, health- we did not shy away from sometimes difficult debates; and I very much hope that this truly reflected the interests of our members and their affiliates.
2021 has been, yet again, a tough and challenging year. Our activities, plans, expectations and objectives had to be adapted repeatedly to unexpected and rapid changes. We had to remain flexible and, at the same time, effective.
And I believe that we managed to do it – together with the support and the commitment of our secretariat, our members, our partners, and our friends. And I hope we were able to give some support and commitment back.
And if we look at 2022? A lot is (and remains) on our plate. We aim to further improve our yearly planning and activity implementation cycle, our internal and external communication channels, and our visibility. We want to continue to establish and strengthen partnerships and relations both with our members and external organisations – having an open door for everyone who wants to get engaged and committed with and within CESI. In this sense, allow me to congratulate the new CESI Youth leadership for its (re-)election. We look forward to continuing a great journey with you, even (or especially) through troubled waters.
Yes, we will pursue our objectives as a trade union umbrella organisation with passion, enthusiasm, collegiality, empathy, and helpfulness. The human factor counts. Now more than ever.
And we count on you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – to our members, to our political representatives, to our staff, to our partners and to our friends.