Final #WEP event: Celebrating the future leaders of trade unions

On June 26, 2024, the premises of CESI in Brussels buzzed with enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment as the final event of the WEP (Workers’ Exchange Program) project unfolded.

On June 26, 2024, the premises of CESI in Brussels buzzed with enthusiasm and a sense of accomplishment as the final event of the WEP (Workers’ Exchange Program) project unfolded.

The event marked the culmination of a pioneering initiative aimed at training and promoting young talents for future-proof trade unions and social dialogue.

The WEP project  of CESI has been a beacon of learning and development for future union leaders. The programme’s core objective was to foster international exchange and development among young trade unionists, equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to navigate and lead in an increasingly complex and globalised labor market.

More details about the program can be found here.

The event commenced with participants presenting their experiences from the exchange programme. Each participant shared insights into their journeys, highlighting the various aspects of their exchange, including the challenges faced and the valuable lessons learned.

These presentations not only showcased the individual growth of each participant but also reflected the programme’s overall success in fostering a well-rounded understanding of trade union practices across different countries.

Following the presentations, a dynamic discussion on best practices ensued. Participants engaged in thoughtful dialogue, exchanging innovative ideas and strategies that they had encountered during their exchanges. The session provided a platform for young trade unionists to learn from each other and to envisage how these best practices could be implemented in their respective unions.

Participants collectively expressed their gratitude to CESI for organising such a transformative project. They lauded CESI’s commitment to empowering young trade unionists and fostering a spirit of solidarity and cooperation across borders. The participants underscored the significance of such initiatives in ensuring the vitality and relevance of trade unions in the future.

The event concluded with a certification ceremony, where CESI presented certificates of participation to all WEP participants recognising their hard work and dedication. The certificates serve as a testament to the participants’ newly acquired skills and their readiness to take on leadership roles within their unions.

“The final event of the WEP project encapsulates our commitment to empowering the next generation of trade union leaders,” said Klaus Heeger, Secretary General of CESI. “By fostering international exchange and development, we are ensuring that our unions remain resilient and innovative in addressing the challenges of the future.”

The final event of the WEP project was a reaffirmation of CESI’s vision for the future of trade unions.