Disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations: Joint letter sent to Commission President Juncker

Today, a group of 46 trade unions and civil society organisations, including CESI, sent a joint letter to Commission President Juncker, asking for action on an effective disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations.

The letter can be accessed here in pdf-format.

CESI President Romain Wolff: EU action on tax justice has fallen short of expectations

CESI President Romain Wolff said: “The Commission’s recent much-advertised Anti-Tax Avoidance Package on country-by-country reporting (CBCR) obligation fell short of expectations. We call for a public disclosure of CBCR-related information and not only of aggregated data outside the EU. CESI believes that this is needed not only to support overwhelmed tax administrations in performing their role and function but also to allow a much needed democratic control of tax practices. Moreover, there is an urgent need of a less restrictive CBCR financial threshold as for now only multinationals with a turnover above 750 million euros would be concerned. CBCR should cover all large companies as defined in the EU’s Accounting Directive.”

As a European trade union confederation representing several national tax administration trade unions, CESI has for a long time called for more investments in the personnel and resources of tax administrations, more investigation in dubious tax practices and a better protection of whistle blowers that want to disclose tax-related information to public administrations.