CSDD: CESI welcomes final approval on new rules for corporate sustainability reporting

CESI welcomes the Council's final approval today of a new directive on corporate sustainability due diligence.
CESI welcomes the Council’s final endorsement of a text on a new directive on corporate sustainability due diligence – the so-called CSDD directive – today in Brussels.
The new rules will bring new obligatory rules for companies operating or selling in the EU to restrict environmental and human rights-related negative impacts along their supply, production and distribution chains, including in the area of labour rights. They will eventually, after a transposition phase, apply to EU companies and parent companies with more than 1000 employees and a turnover of more than €450 million per year in the EU, as of 2029. Non-respect of rules will be sanctioned with fines up to 5% of their worldwide turnover.
CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “New rules on corporate sustainability due diligence will help increase awareness and avoid labour and social rights abuses in the production and distribution chain of multinational companies which manufacture and or sell products on the EU market. The notion that companies should care about their employees is at the very core of constructive and trust-based worker-employer relations. We appreciate that the Council has green-lighted the new CSDD directive.”
He added: “We should remain cautious however to not put disproportionate burden on companies to further human rights across the world. This remains above all a political tasks for politicial leaders in the EU and the Member States, which need to be clear in the communicaiton and action towards authoritarian regimes that allow lax human and labour rights in their countries.”

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CSDD: CESI welcomes final approval on new rules for corporate sustainability reporting
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