CESI's Manifesto for the EU Elections 2024 | Editorial of Secretary General Klaus Heeger

In our manifesto we seek to address key challenges and advocate for positive changes in the European political landscape.
Dear members, partners, and friends,
The political, socio-economic, environmental and security-related complexities and challenges that we have been experiencing in Europe during the last years demand a proactive and adaptive involvement in the shaping of our continent. Crisis management, the preservation of the rule of law, and the steadfast championing of liberal democratic values across all Member States emerge as non-negotiable imperatives.
Against this background, we need a Europe that prioritises safety, maintains economic stability, embraces human-centric values, and upholds high living and working standards, fostering well-being for all its citizens. In other words: a resilient and dynamic European Union.
Ahead of the European elections this June, we urge every CESI affiliate, every European citizen to recognise the importance of these elections and the transformative potential they hold for our future. In our manifesto we seek to address key challenges and advocate for positive changes in the European political landscape.
One of our foremost proposals is the establishment of a New Social Deal, akin to the legally binding Green Deal. This Deal would deliver on the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights and reinforce the commitment to social justice and inclusion. And aligning with the EU’s recommendation on strengthening social dialogue, we demand decisive action to ensure the adequate protection of workers, trade unions, and social partners.
Among others, we further advocate for updates to the EU directives on public procurement and concessions as well as the EU’s State Aid regulations, making it obligatory to tie criteria for decent work and collective agreement coverage to public money and expenditures, and we call for a revision of the EU directives on fixed-term work, part-time work, and temporary agency work to eliminate loopholes that currently lead to discrimination against these workers.
Our manifesto also addresses current challenges in the workplace, from violence against women and harassment of workers to impacts of digitalisation on working conditions; and in terms of safety and health, we call on the EU to intensify its efforts to support Member States, public authorities and social partners in the protection of workers against modern hazards.
Finally, we emphasise the need for Member States to invest in and fortify public services, recognising their indispensable role in times of crisis.
June 2024 presents an opportunity. Together, let us shape the future of Europe. For workers. With workers.
Yours sincerely,
Klaus Heeger

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CESI's Manifesto for the EU Elections 2024 | Editorial of Secretary General Klaus Heeger
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