CESI voices scepticism and concerns over possible degradations of working time provisions for bus and coach drivers

As the European Commission envisages to revise the rules on driving times for bus and coach drivers under Regulation 561/2006, CESI warns that any potential revision must not further degrade the existing rules.

Already now, under the current rules in EU regulation 561/2006, professional drivers (involved in the occasional international transport) of passengers may, under certain circumstances, postpone the weekly rest period for up to 12 consecutive days.  This does not apply to drivers of goods. In addition to that, it appears that the European Commission is considering a further revision for bus and coach drivers in order “to adapt to the specificities of the sector.” This seems to aim in particular at allowing even more flexibility in terms of the respect of resting periods.

Against the background of a CESI contribution to a consultation by the European Commission, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “For us, it has never been fully understandable why derogations are allowed for the transport of persons. It simply begs the question why there should be different rules on resting and driving times in passenger transport by buses and coaches than there are for goods by trucks. More flexibility can too often and too quickly translate into undermining driver rights at the expense of working conditions of the drivers and the security of passengers. And that would be an absolute no-go for us. So I believe that the European Commission has to put more ‘flesh to the bones’ to explain why the (in this case international) transport of passengers may require even more derogations from the mandatory resting period to comply. Because at the end of the day, it is about the safety or lorry drivers, bus drivers and passengers alike.”