CESI Trade council ‘Security’ deliberates on needs of workers in the security sector

On Wednesday this week, CESI’s Trade council ‘Security’ convened for its annual meeting in Brussels. The Trade council, CESI’s main members’ forum to discuss challenges in EU internal security policy, deliberated on several challenges related to the needs of employees in the security sector.

Debates during the meeting were held on a number topics that touch on the daily work of employees in the security sector, including related to Schengen, Europol, terrorism and radicalisation.

Keynote presentations by policy experts and professionals

Oliver Seiffarth from the Border management and Schengen unit of the European Commission’s DG HOME delivered a keynote address on the substantial challenges that FRONTEX staff as well as national police forces and custom officers face in managing migration and in keeping the Schengen system functioning.

Christian Moos, member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and chairman of the EESC study group on control of the acquisition and possession of weapons in the EU, gave a presentation on the problems which a widespread possession of firearms poses for public security. Mr Moos, who is also a Trade council member for CESI’s member organisation dbb (the German civil service federation), highlighted the problematic implications that firearm possession by citizens has on the efforts of police and security forces to maintain public order.

This was complemented by an interventions by:
• Hermann Benker, Vice-president of the Trade council and affiliate of the dbb, who spoke on ‘The fight against terrorism and radicalisation in a different context: New forms of criminality linked to migration and refugee issues’;
• Stéphanie la Rosa, Vice-president of the Trade council and representative of CESI’s member organisation Alliance Police national (the French police union), who made an intervention on the need for better protective equipment for security forces; and
• Gerrit van de Kamp, President of the Trade council and affiliate of CESI’s member organisation Eurofedop, who spoke on a right to self-defence for police staff members and security forces. He noted that threats towards them are increasing and that this necessitates a better protection as well as a legitimate self-defence in certain situations.

Wil van Gemert, Deputy director of Europol, Operations department, also informed the Trade council members of new Europol capacities and work on cooperation with national police forces.