
On September 20, the telecoms and postal services unions from CESI and Eurofedop gathered in Tirana for their annual symposium.

The conference, which was co-organised by CESI and Eurofedop, hosted by the Albanian S.P.P.SH. Postal Union and supported by the Kosovo Post Trade Union, saw at attendance of almost 100 participants from affiliated telecoms and postal services trade unions from across Europe.

The keynote address was delivered by Ardit Demiri, Director General of the Albanian Post.

The symposium was moderated by Manfred Wiedner, President of CESI’s internal Expert Commission on Post and Telecoms, and Ylli Ballta, President of the S.P.P.SH.T.

Subsequent speakers included representatives and experts from the Swiss ‘Transfair’ union, the Luxembourgish Syndicat des P&T, the Italian Confsal-Comunicazioni, the Dutch CNV union, the Albanian S.P.P.SH. Postal Union, the Kosovo Post Trade Union, and the Austrian FCG-GFP.

Video messages were sent by UNI Europa and PostEurop, CESI’s partners in the European sectoral social dialogue on ‘Postal Services’.

The symposium served to establish and discuss key common challenges for telecoms and postal workers across Europe – ranging from worker-friendly green transitions and digitalisation to staff retention and attraction issues, increasing work intensities and working conditions that see must urgent improvements.

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CESI-Eurofedop Post & Telecoms Conference in Tirana

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