CESI concerned about Greek privatisation measures

One month after the euro summit and the political agreement reached on 13 July, a new financial assistance agreement mobilising up to €86 billion for Greece has been reached on 14 August. Yesterday, the European Commission also signed with Greece a new agreement for a new stability support programme. All these agreements include measures, including labour market and privatisation reforms that Greece needs to fulfil under the control of the European institutions.

Referring to a list of Greek privatisation measures, compiled by the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund and published yesterday by German Green MEP Sven Giegold, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger reiterated his general concerns regarding one-sided austerity measures, especially as to ruthless privatisation measures.

CESI, which represents several million public sector workers, is very sceptical about such measures supposed to help Greece recover from its deep recession. “Of course, if a government needs more revenues, it is always the easiest to reduce public spending by getting rid of public services and downsizing public administrations. Yet we should not forget: the delivery of public services lies in the general interest and requires the public hand to be able to act free from the mere logic of economic benefit” said Klaus Heeger.

As the Greek privatisation lists includes very sensitive areas such as, water supply, sewage and energy firms, Klaus Heeger reminded that the delivery of public services is a basic principle of a democratic, fair and just society.  Indeed, public services lie at the heart of the European social model and therefore must be protected in every economic situation.