2019-03-07 12:00
The Air Traffic Controllers European Unions Coordination (ATCEUC), which is member of CESI, and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) have launched a campaign to oppose the European Commission’s recent Communication and Staff Working Document “Practices Favouring Air Traffic Continuity”.
Through these documents, the European Commission attempts to limit indirectly the right to strike of air traffic controllers by encouraging measures such as individual notifications of strikes and a protection from strikes of 100% of overflights and air traffic peak periods. As a consequence, the ability of air traffic controllers to defend themselves and their capacity to raise their voice to maintain and improve the safety of the European sky will be reduced.
In an earlier joint study based on official EU data and entitled ‘Efficiency, capacity and growth in European aviation’, ATCEUC and ETF demonstrated that in 2015 disruptions caused by industrial actions in air traffic control (ATC) represented only 1% of the total of all delays.
ATCEUC believes that the only way to address conflicts between workers and employers is to have a proper social dialogue. Better practices have been promoted by the EU’s social partners in air traffic management (ATM) in a recent “Toolbox for successful Social Dialogue in Air Traffic Management“.
ATCEUC and ETF have launched a petition to voice their firm opposition on www.atcorights.org. We need your support!