Employment and Social Affairs Commission

Decent living and working conditions are at the heart of social Europe. Sustainable economic progress can only be achieved on the basis of fair working conditions for all. Employment has to be fostered and special attention has to be given to the most vulnerable groups on the labour market.

The Employment and Social Affairs Commission promotes the improvement of living and working conditions throughout Europe. Social cohesion, inclusion and integration policies play a central role for improving living and working conditions in Europe. Decent pay and retirement allocations, health and safety in the workplace, working time and achieving a good work-life balance are the focus of CESI’s SOC Commission. Trade union rights and social dialogue are promoted as a means to strengthen Social Europe. Social Europe needs to make more progress, but to do so Social Europe needs supporters and champions. Sustainable and decent living and working conditions need to be at least on an equal footing over more competition and market rules. In this way, Europe will engage more with its citizens and citizens will engage more in Europe. In 2025, the SOC Commission will focus on topics including:

  • Advocacy on a new EU directive on a right to disconnect and fair telework
  • Advocacy on EU Traineeships Directive, European Works Council (EWC) Directive
  • A new Action Plan on the Implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights
  • A Quality Jobs Roadmap
  • Revision of the EU public procurement directives
  • Psychosocial risks, stress and mental health at work
  • Right to training for all workers and improving skills recognition and portability to overcome skills shortages
  • AI at work; a new EU initiative on algorithmic management

A dedicated Working Group on the Future of Work, chaired by Sara Rinaudo (Confsal), was established in summer 2020 and operates in teh frame of the SOC Commission. The working group brings together the various debates circling around the future of work in CESI’s trade union network and prepares CESI’s interest representation in this area. In the context of the Covid crisis, the working group has been focussing its work in particular on the need to regulate telework for the mutual benefit of employers and workers. The working group brings together members of interested member organisations and are supported in their work by the General Secretariat. It usually meets every 2 months weeks and reports to the SOC Commission on a regular basis.

General Secretariat staff in charge of the expert commission

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