2022-10-06 02:52
Today, on October 6, the European social partners for central government administrations, the Trade Union’s National and European Delegation (TUNED) and the European Public Administration Employers (EUPAE), signed a unique and ambitious agreement on the rights of workers in central government administrations in the digital era.
Among others, it includes the right to telework, to disconnect, to a better work-life balance, to training, to health and safety, and to data protection.
In particular, it establishes that telework remains voluntary, reversible, and available for every worker – and it makes clear that trade unions and social partners will have a major role to play in the design and the implementation of telework arrangements.
CESI Secretary-General Klaus Heeger said: “Today, we have signed a landmark agreement on digitalisation, which will have or has a direct, visible impact on workers. It is intrinsically logic; it is comprehensive and extensive. It is a direct source of rights for workers in central governments administrations – and it will hopefully extend to other sectors. As such, represents a clear added social value of the European social dialogue. And as such it stands for a clear added social value of the EU.”
The full agreement is available here: SDC CGA Agreement on digitalisation – EN.