CESI explains its work on youth employment challenges to Romanian ‘Pro Juvenes’ project delegation

Yesterday, CESI hosted a visit of a delegation of the Romanian ESF-funded project ‘Pro Juvenes – Transnational Partnership for an Inclusive Labour Market for Youth’. During the meeting, which aimed to explore best practices in the field of youth employment initiatives, CESI General Secretariat staff explained its work on the challenges that young people face in Europe today.

The objective of the ‘Pro Juvenes’ project is to strengthen policies and practices on employment and network development at the EU-level and to boost the labour market actors’ capacity to get actively involved in promoting employment and social inclusion of young people. CESI’s member Romanian National Trade Union Confederation (NTUC) ‘Meridian’ is partner of the ‘Pro Juvenes’ project.

Led by Dumitru Fornea, NTUC ‘Meridian’ coordinator for international relations and member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), the 20-head strong delegation was in particular interested in the recent launch of CESI’s own youth organisation, the ‘CESI Youth’. According to George Bogdan, senior adviser at the Romanian labour ministry, CESI’s successful efforts to set up and consolidate its own youth organisation shows that CESI correctly identified the urgent need to give special attention to the challenges that young people today face in finding their place in the employment market and the society as a whole.

The ‘CESI Youth’ was created in 2013 and strives to promote trade unionism among young Europeans, maintain and improve living and working conditions of young workers and unemployed young people and participate in problem-solving in the field of transition from education to work and EU youth policies and legislation such as the EU youth guarantee scheme.