Informal EPSCO Council: CESI reiterates need for a more inclusive social dialogue at the EU-level

During the informal EPSCO Council meeting in Riga this week, Commissioner Dombrovskis reiterated his commitment to a well-functioning social dialogue at the EU-level. CESI believes that a more inclusive approach to engagement with social partners is necessary to achieve this.

During a discussion on the direction of social dialogue in Europe, Mr Dombrovskis said that “a well-functioning social dialogue is very important for the European Commission” and that “a sustained and coordinated effort at all levels and from all actors” is necessary to reinforce the competitiveness and fairness of Europe’s social market economy. He also mentioned the need for a “greater involvement of social partners in the European project” and his desire to “strengthen ties between Commission services and the sectoral social dialogue committees”.

As a recognised sectoral social partner, CESI very much welcomes these statements and hopes that the new Juncker Commission will soon turn its much-stated commitment for “a new start for social dialogue” into concrete measures aimed at involving all social partners -especially the sectoral ones- more systematically and comprehensively into all relevant policy discussions.