Forces de l’ordre françaises, nous sommes avec vous!

In the wake of Monday’s heinous attack against a police officer and his wife in Magnanville outside Paris, the Secretary General of CESI, Mr Klaus Heeger, and the President of CESI’s Trade Council ‘Security’, Mr Gerrit Van de Kamp, have expressed their horror at the loss of innocent lives and the continued attacks against our fundamental and democratic values of a free society. “Our thoughts go to the victims’ families and friends as well as to the French security forces that have been targeted collectively”, stated Mr Van de Kamp and Mr Heeger in a joint declaration.

“Once again, we face the growing threat of terrorism and radicalised elements within our own borders. Our European police forces and firefighters are in charge of protecting our security and safeguarding us from dangers. Every single day, they form our first line of defence against terrorism and other security threats. It’s about time we protect them too!”

The UEFA European Championship raises particular challenges, in which all forces of society are urged to ‛protect those who protect’ much more proactively. “At times like these, we need to remember that our societies are based on values of freedom, democracy, respect and tolerance. The current challenges faced when attempting to ensure that these principles are respected are tremendous – yet security forces and law enforcement bodies lack the necessary support.”

CESI’s new position paper on the important role of public sector workers in the fight against radicalisation and terrorism was submitted to the Dutch EU Presidency at a meeting with the Minister of Security and Justice, Ard van der Steur, on May 31. This paper highlights the need for a holistic approach to fight radicalisation on numerous fronts – as well as the urgent need to guarantee increased assistance and support to public sector workers in the fields of law enforcement, civil protection, education, culture and, last but not least, sports.