CESI affiliates Carmen Jaffke and Kirsten Lühmann re-elected into EWL Board of Administration

At the General Assembly of the European Women’s Lobby (EWL) on June 4 2016 in Brussels, CESI affiliates Carmen Jaffke and Kirsten Lühmann were re-elected into the Board of Administration.

Carmen Jaffke from the Luxembourgish CGFP will be a full member in the Board of Administration, Kirsten Lühmann from the German dbb will serve as alternate. The mandates expire in 2018 when renewed elections will take place.

CESI has been a member of the EWL since 2006. Both Carmen Jaffke and Kirsten Lühmann have been a member and alternate in the EWL Board of Administration in the past and have both an extensive track record as trade unionists and supporters of gender equality and women’s rights.

Carmen Jaffke is President of the Equality Law Commission of the CGFP as well as Vice-President of CESI’s Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. She has held both posts since 2007.

Kirsten Lühmann, a Bundestag MP for the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) since 2009, is a former Equal Opportunity Commissioner of German Police Trade Union (DPolG, a member of the dbb) as well as a former member of the Executive Board and now Honorary member of the General assembly of the dbb’s Federal Women’s Council.

She is also a member of the International Association of Women Police (IAWP) and the European Network of Policewomen (ENP). Within CESI, she currently serves as President of the Commission on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.

The names of all other elected EWL Board of Administration members will soon be made available on the website of the EWL. Edith Schratzberger Vecsei from the Medical Women’s International Association was elected to succeed Viviane Teitelbaum as President of the EWL. For further information about the EWL, visit http://www.womenlobby.org/.