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Trade Council ‘Health services’ sees signing of two transnational cooperation agreements on fair labour mobility

2016-04-28 12:00

Today, CESI’s Trade council ‘Health services’ – the members’ forum to discuss EU level health service policies – convened for its annual meeting in Brussels. Next to discussions on a variety of topics related to the needs of employees in the healthcare sector, two new transnational collaboration agreements on fair labour mobility were signed between three of CESI’s member organisations: The German dbb, the Dutch CNV-Connectief and the Spanish SAE trade union organisations.

World Day for Health and Safety at Work: Public sector workers in the focus

2016-04-28 12:00

Today is World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Initiated by the ILO in 2003 as an annual day to commemorate victims of occupational diseases and accidents, it has remained – unfortunately – topical ever since. CESI takes the occasion of this year’s World Day to recall that occupational heath and safety for all remains a challenge to be met.

CESI Presidium meets to prepare 2016 Congress

2016-04-13 12:00

Today, CESI’s Presdium met in Amsterdam. The overarching objective of the meeting, hosted by CESI’s Dutch member organisation CNV Connectief, was to make first preparations for the next Congress which will take place in December in Brussels.

New position papers on migration management and the fight against radicalisation and terrorism

2016-04-13 12:00

At its meeting in Amsterdam, the Presidium today adopted two new detailed position papers on migration management and the integration of migrants as well as on the fight against radicalisation and terrorism.

European Commission CBCR proposal: Long awaited but insufficient to end tax avoidance practices

2016-04-12 12:00

Today, European Commissioner Jonathan Hill (picture) presented the Commission’s long awaited proposal on corporate tax transparency, suggesting public reporting obligations for certain companies in the EU.

Trade Council ‘Education’ annual meeting: What role for teachers in the prevention of radicalisation?

2016-04-12 12:00

Today, CESI’s Trade council ‘Education, Training and Research’ convened for its annual meeting in Brussels. The Trade council, CESI’s main members’ forum to discuss EU level education policies, deliberated on a key challenge that teachers and educators face at work: How to implement the Paris Declaration of March 17 2015 on the promotion of citizenship and common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education?

CESI partner of 2016-17 EU-OSHA ‘Healthy workplaces’ campaign

2016-04-08 12:00

In 2016-17, CESI will again be a partner of EU-OSHA’s ‘Healthy workplaces’ awareness raising campaign. Having been involved in the 2012-13 and 2014-15 ‘Healthy workplaces’ campaigns on ‘Working together for risk prevention’ and ‘Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress’, CESI will now participate for the third time in Europe’s biggest awareness raising campaign on occupational health and safety. The 2016-17 edition is themed ‘Healthy workplaces for all ages’.

Disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations: Joint letter sent to Commission President Juncker

2016-04-05 12:00

Today, a group of 46 trade unions and civil society organisations, including CESI, sent a joint letter to Commission President Juncker, asking for action on an effective disclosure of income tax information by multinational corporations.

Panama Papers: New evidence on the shocking scale of dodgy tax practices

2016-04-04 12:00

Brussels, Istanbul, Ankara, …: CESI condemns brutal and coward attacks on civilians

2016-03-22 12:00

In the light of the today’s terrorist attacks in Brussels and the recent bombings in Ankara and Istanbul, CESI’s Secretary General Klaus Heeger reiterates his dismay about the increasing occurrence of violent attacks on civilians in Europe and beyond.

CESI Trade council ‘Security’ deliberates on needs of workers in the security sector

2016-03-18 12:00

On Wednesday this week, CESI’s Trade council ‘Security’ convened for its annual meeting in Brussels. The Trade council, CESI’s main members’ forum to discuss challenges in EU internal security policy, deliberated on several challenges related to the needs of employees in the security sector.

CESI Trade council ‘Justice’ addresses working conditions & labour rights in the justice sector

2016-03-16 12:00

Yesterday, CESI’s Trade council ‘Justice’ held its annual meeting. This year, CESI’s principal members’ forum to discuss developments in EU justice policy addressed several important challenges related to working conditions and labour rights in the justice sector.

Social rights pillar communication: Good objectives – but open questions on the implementation side

2016-03-08 12:00

Today, the European Commission published a communication on a preliminary outline of the European pillar of social rights. CESI’s Secretary General Klaus Heeger welcomes many of the objectives laid out in the communication but stresses that many questions remain open on how they will be implemented effectively .

CESI holds Erasmus+ seminar on youth participation in trade unions

2016-03-07 12:00

On March 3-4, CESI held a members’ seminar on ‘Youth and the unions: an example of participation in democratic life’. The meeting, which brought together 35 young trade unionists from CESI member organisations in Brussels, concluded in the European Parliament with a presentation of recommendations for an enhanced participation of young people in civic processes and trade unionism, hosted by MEP Monika Vana (Greens/EFA).

CESI participates in social partner hearing on work-life balance legislation

2016-02-24 12:00

Yesterday, the European Commission held a dedicated hearing with social partners on forthcoming measures in matters of its recently published Roadmap on work-life balance. CESI also participated in this hearing.

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