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Precarious employment and social protection systems, Ines Wagner

2021-02-01 08:36

Written within the framework of the project “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges”, Ines Wagner, Institute of Social Research in Oslo, Norway, differentiates in this piece access to social security protection in the different welfare systems in Europe.

CESI calls on EC to table proposal for directive on right to be disconnected

2021-01-28 03:10

On January 21st, the European Parliament published a legislative initiative report, urging the European Commission to table a legislative proposal on a right to disconnect.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2021

2021-01-27 03:11

On January 27th, people around the world pay their respect to the victims of Holocaust and come together to say no to racism, anti-semitism and hate.

CESI@home on “EU responses to counter-terrorism: Are we tackling the challenges?”

2021-01-26 03:12

As the year 2020 saw, yet again, a series terrorist attacks, on January 22 a CESI@home online event edition addressed concerns about the security of European citizens and the place of police personnel in safeguaring security.

Financial self-reliance of women in the care sector in the Netherlands

2021-01-22 07:35

CESI’s member organisation CNV Connectief shares its knowledge and policy solutions to improve the financial independence of women in the care sector.

#WeEP – The EP and workers: from the fight against the impacts of the crisis to the ‘Future of Europe’

2021-01-20 04:20

The WeEP project wants to raise citizens’ and workers’ awareness of the role of the European Union – and of the European Parliament in particular – in the design of social standards.

Reducing precarious work: some lessons from the Covid pandemic, Prof Jill Rubery

2021-01-19 04:40

Prof Jill Rubery, Director of the Work and Equalities Institute of the University of Manchester, writes this article within the framework of the EU funded project “Precarious work: empowering trade unions to address new challenges”.

The future is now: what digitalization means for companies, employees — and a new role for trade unions.

2021-01-13 12:00

Trade unions have lost, in many European countries, their social and founding role — or worst, their capability to represent all kinds of workers — as the result of the advancement in disintermediation, driven by both globalization and digitalization.

Continuity and development: CESI activity report 2016-2020

2021-01-06 12:00

On the occasion of CESI’s Congress in December 2020, the CESI General Secretariat has published the organisation’s activity report for the last term of mandates. The activity report, which covers the years 2016-2020, tracks CESI’s development, growth and evolution in the areas of interest representation, social dialogue, capacity building projects and membership activities.

2021: Bring it on! | Editorial of the Secretary-General Klaus Heeger

2020-12-16 12:00

Dear members, colleagues, friends and partners of CESI,

Do you still remember how 2020 started? Do you still remember which expectations, plans and objectives you had for the year to come? Do you still remember how many times you said and wrote “happy new year 2020”?

European independent trade unions re-elect Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger as President and Secretary General

2020-12-11 12:00

At the 8th Congress of the European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CESI), held online on yesterday and today, Romain Wolff and Klaus Heeger were re-elected President and Secretary General. Urs Stauffer was re-elected as Treasurer.

TIKRA confirmed as new member organisation of CESI

2020-12-11 12:00

At its Board meeting on December 10, CESI approved of TIKRA, the General Trade Union of the Republic of Lithuania, as a new full member organisation.

International Human Rights Day 2020

2020-12-10 12:00

Today marks the 72-year anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Ever since, human rights are celebrated each year on December 10 as part of the International Human Rights Day. This year’s theme is ’Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights’.

CESI celebrates 10 years of active contribution to the European sectoral social dialogue for central government administration

2020-12-08 12:00

On December 3rd 2020 CESI joined with EPSU (as part of the ‘TUNED’ employee delegation) and the employer social partner EUPAE on the 10th anniversary of the EU Social Dialogue Committee for Central Government Administrations (SDC CGA) to adopt a common statement highlighting the achievements of the sectoral social dialogue and setting its priorities for the future.

30 years of commitment. Now more than ever – CESI to hold 8th ordinary Congress on December 10/11 2020

2020-12-07 12:00

On December 10/11 2020, CESI will hold its next (eighth) ordinary Congress. Coinciding with the 30-year anniversary of the foundation of CESI in 1990 as well as with a historic pandemic in the current year 2020, which overhauls not only public health and the economy but also challenges labour markets, employment and trade unionism, the Congress will be held under the theme ’30 years of commitment. Now more than ever’.

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