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World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020: In the face of a pandemic

2020-04-28 12:00

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger reiterates CESI’s call for a decisive short-term management of the Corona fallout and bold action by EU and national leaders to mitigate social, economic and financial problems for workers and business that a post-Corona crisis threatens to entail.

CESI Insides – The impact of Covid19 in The Netherlands with Patrick Fey, Vicepresident of CESI and CNV Connectief

2020-04-27 12:00

Christelijk Nationaal Vakverbond ‘Connectief’ (CNV Connectief) is the Dutch National Federation of Christian Trade Unions ‘Connectief’ founded in 2015, representing public administration staff and public service employees mostly in the health and education sectors.

Statement by Marcello Pacifico on the new Italian “School Decree 2020”

2020-04-24 12:00

On Thursday 8th April 2020, the so-called School Decree 2020 has come into force, a legislative provision aimed at addressing the emergency created by the Coronavirus and the period of suspension of school activities and closure of schools ordered by the Italian Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.

CESI Insides – The impact of the Covid19 in Spain with Miguel Borra, president of CSIF – Central Independent and Public Employees’ Trade Union

2020-04-23 12:00

CSIF is a Spanish independent union that mainly affiliates workers with the status of public employee, civil servants and labor, of the different Public Administrations of Spain.

It is the first union force in the Administration General of the State (AGE) and the second union force if the regional and local public administration is taken into account.

It has an increasing presence in the private sector, being the fourth union force in Spain.

CESI Insides – The impact of the Covid19 with Birgit Wintermann, digital transformation expert

2020-04-23 12:00

Klaus Heeger, CESI Secretary General asked Birgit Wintermann, project manager expert in digitalisation and labour law at Bertelsmann Stiftung about the digital transformation of the workplace in Europe during the emergency of COVID-19.

Coronavirus – Challenges facing the police using Germany as an example

2020-04-22 12:00

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has not only changed the lives of the entire population, the economy and politics, but also the work of the police. Alongside health care workers, thousands of police officers are also facing this phenomenon on a daily basis.

SURE: An EU programme for support to mitigate unemployment risks in an emergency

2020-04-22 12:00

During the last weeks, the European Commission has been proposing a number of innovative mechanisms to help fight off the Coronavirus crisis in Europe and the Member States. Indeed, extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. One of the ambitious initiatives announced lately was the so-called SURE programme, the Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency.   Announced on April 2nd SURE -a solidarity instrument to finance increases in national public expenditure to preserve employment, most notably via short-time work in affected sectors and companies-  would represent a total of €100 billion would be made available by the EU to the Member States in the form of favourable loans.

[Deutsche Fassung] Kommentar von MdEP Petra Kammerevert für die CESI zum Europäischen Bildungsraum: Ohne die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer geht es nicht!

2020-04-21 12:00

Ein Kommentar von MdEP Petra Kammerevert, S&D-Gruppenkoordinatorin im Ausschuss für Kultur und Bildung im Europäischen Parlament, zum Europäischen Bildungsraum.

[English version] Commentary by MEP Petra Kammerevert for CESI on the European Education Area: We can’t do it without teachers!

2020-04-20 12:00

A commentary by MEP Petra Kammerevert, S&D Group Coordinator in the European Parliament Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), on the European Education Area.

Coronavirus – Taking stock, a message from Dr Miodrag Femic, Trade Union of Doctors of Medicine of Republika Srpska

2020-04-20 12:00

Corona, synonymous with the disease worldwide, now also stands for ‘emergency’; an emergency which has caused great panic among people and fear of something known and yet also unknown.

CESI Insides – The impact of the Covid19 in Spain with Miguel Venegas Carrasco, Secretary-General of FASGA

2020-04-17 12:00

FASGA is an independent and plural trade union organization with representation in very diverse professional sectors such as large distribution, insurance, mutual insurance companies, third-party prevention services, travel agencies, private insurance mediation, consulting and market research, outsourcing of services.

Boosting Europe’s resilience with better health systems: Lessons from the COVID-19 crisis

2020-04-16 12:00

The current COVID-19 crisis has highlighted crisis management deficiencies at both the European and national level and revealed the uneven capacity of European health systems to cope with this enormous external shock.

CESI Insides – The impact of Covid19 with Dr Milena Popović Samardžić, epidemiologist in Montenegro

2020-04-16 12:00

With the emergency of COVID-19, CESI asked Dr Milena Popović Samardžić, epidemiologist and President of the Union of Doctors of Medicine of Montenegro, an update on the national situation and challenges for the profession deriving from the infection.

Coronavirus, Europe in need of a united front by Roberto Di Maulo CESI Vice-President and FISMIC Confsal Secretary-General

2020-04-14 12:00

In the midst of the crisis that the pandemic has brought to the hearts of the families and peoples of the world, Europe is called upon to make an exceptional effort in order to ensure that the acute phase of the crisis is managed in the best way possible, given the dramatic circumstances. There is a need for strong guidelines to be given to the individual Member States to ensure a way out of the crisis with the least possible trauma to employment and economy.

The human faces of the COVID-19 outbreak: Who saves our heroes?

2020-04-10 12:00

What follows are some remarkable testimonies collected from our members working in the frontlines of the health sector in Italy. No words can be added to better describe the challenges they are facing and the way they put their duty to protect others higher than their personal well-being. Please read them through and be empathic to the difficulties they are facing.

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