The Employment and Social Affairs Commission promotes the improvement of living and working conditions throughout Europe. Social cohesion, inclusion and integration policies play a central role for improving living and working conditions in Europe. Decent pay and retirement allocations, health and safety in the workplace, working time and achieving a good work-life balance are the focus of the CESI’s SOC Commission’s. Trade union rights and social dialogue are promoted as a means to strengthen Social Europe.
Social Europe needs to make more progress, but to do so Social Europe needs supporters and champions. Sustainable and decent living and working conditions need to be at least on an equal footing over more competition and market rules. In this way, Europe will engage more with its citizens and citizens will engage more in Europe.
In 2024, the SOC Commission will focus on topics including:
- A revision of the EU Directive on European Works Councils and an EU initiative on quality traineeships
- A new EU directive on a right to disconnect
- EU initiatives on digitalisation in social security and on a revised Regulation 883/2004 on the coordination of social security systems
- Trade union pluralism and inclusive social dialogue in the EU and the Member States
The portfolio of the SOC Commission can be accessed here (DE / FR / ES).
Two dedicated working groups operate in the frame of the SOC Commission:
- A working group on the future of work, chaired by Sara Rinaudo (Confsal), was established in summer 2020. The working group brings together the various debates circling around the future of work in CESI’s trade union network and prepares CESI’s interest representation in this area. In the context of the Covid crisis, the working group has been focussing its work in particular on the need to regulate telework for the mutual benefit of employers and workers.
- A working group on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights was set up in spring 2020 and is presided over by Marina Nolle (CNV-Connectief). The specific objective of the working group is to prepare CESI’s advocacy around the Pillar of Social Rights and help raise awareness of the Pillar and assist member trade union organisations of CESI in the Member States to carry the 20 principles of the Pillar into national political debates and social dialogue.
Both working groups bring together members of interested member organisations and are supported in their work by the General Secretariat. They usually meet every 4 to 6 weeks and report to the SOC Commission on a regular basis.