CESI@home on The European Green Deal
How to ensure an inclusive and fair sustainable future for the EU
Road to Porto: Delivering Social Rights for Young People
How to ensure youth & employment policies reach their final ‘destination’ under the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan
How to best communicate during Corona – and beyond
The interactive webinar will explore the art of persuasion using video technologies and how the 2021 trends in social media can improve the action of trade unions and their representatives.
The event is for CESI members only, save the date already now.
CESI@noon on Apprenticeships in the EU
On November 6, CESI Youth will hold the next edition of the CESI lunchtime event series "CESI@noon" on "Apprenticeships in the EU: How to ensure a better transition from education to work?".
Europe Academy symposium on precarious work in Palermo
On September 19-20, CESI's Europe Academy will hold a symposium on ''Precarious work: Empowering trade unions to address new challenges" in Palermo, Italy.
The technologies that change work and our lives. The digital that transforms our habits. Future of work, social protection and representation. This was the theme of the Summer Days held on June 26 and 27 in Brussels organised by CESI in collaboration with the Bertelsmann Stiftung.
SUMMER DAYS on the future of work
On June 26-27 CESI will host in Brussels its first Summer Days on the topic 'Future of work, social protection and interest representation'. The event, which comprises a series of plenary meetings and topical parallel breakout sessions, is held in cooperation with the Bertelsmann Stiftung.
CESI@noon on the impacts of different tax leaks and state aid cases on EU policy
On April 3, CESI held the 21st edition of its lunchtime debate series 'CESI@noon', this time on 'Tax evasion and state aid: Impacts of tax leaks and state aid cases on EU policy?'