European Commission opens consultation on EU social security coordination

Last week, the European Commission opened a public consultation on the EU’s social security coordination legislation. CESI is currently running an internal consultation among its members with a view to submitting a joint CESI response.

The consultation focuses in particular on the functioning of the current coordination rules in a number of cross-border situations, including rules on family benefits, unemployment benefits and social security rules for posting when workers move across borders within the EU.

The contributions submitted to the Commission will feed into a revision of Regulation 883/2004 and 987/2009 on the coordination of social security systems. The consultation follows the public consultation on a revision of the EU provisions on coordination of long-term care benefits and unemployment benefits (Regulation 883/2004) of 2012.

Interested individuals or organisations can submit their contributions by October 7 directly through the Commission’s webpage, where further information about the nature and context of the consultation is available, too.