World Day for Safety and Health at Work: CESI works hard for employee health and safety

April 28 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work – Time for CESI to raise (again) the importance of occupational health and safety.

According to the UN, about two million men and women died from accidents and diseases linked to their work during the last year. Many more have experienced non-fatal injuries, harmful exposures, stress, or other occupational health and safety risks. What is just as shocking as these numbers is that still today many workers in Europe and around the world continue to be harmed at work despite increasing knowledge about how to improve occupational health and safety for employees. In fact, a lot more could be achieved if there was a more widespread will and commitment among political leaders and business to protect workers.

This is why CESI has in the past continuously engaged in awareness raising about existing occupational health and safety deficiencies. In the past, CESI carried out a large-scale project on ‘Better working places – Better lives’ with major seminars in Lisbon and Rome, and for several years CESI has been an official partner of the ‘Healthy workplaces‘ campaign of the EU Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA).

More recently, CESI has focused its work in the field of occupational health and safety especially on aspects related to new work arrangements, having identified a number of risks to employee well-being that certain new working patterns such as home office work and involuntary part time work may give rise to.

Please do not hesitate to get in contact for further information about CESI’s work on occupational health and safety.