Good news for workers: European Parliament adopts ambitous reports on social dumping and work-life balance measures

Today, the European Parliament plenary adopted two reports on social dumping in the EU and labour market conditions that are (more) favourable to work-life balance. Both reports underscore the long way the EU still has to go in ensuring fair working conditions for everyone.

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “Even if the two reports are not legally binding, the recommendations they set out represent an important step forward in the political discussions on decent and fair working conditions all, which must finally become a reality. The reports will add pressure on the European Commission to finally deliver the Social Triple-A in Europe that President Juncker announced a long time ago.”

Social dumping: Boost the capacity of labour inspectorates and respond to the challenges of digitalisation 

The report on social dumping in the European Union highlights some of the current problematics experienced by domestic and posted workers when confronted with a race to the bottom in terms of worker rights and job quality. It calls on the Member States to step up staffing levels and resources for their labour control bodies in order to make sure that they are adequately equipped to enforce (European) legislation. It also underscores the need for the social dimension to be taken on board in the Digital Single Market Strategy.

Work-life balance: Create better conditions for especially for working parents and carers of family members

The report on creating labour market conditions favourable for work-life balance stresses the importance of an adequate reconciliation of the professional and private life in particular for working parents and carers of family members. It calls for family-friendly working environments, reconciliation plans, return-to-work programmes, communication channels between employees and employers, and incentives for businesses and self-employed workers to ensure that people are not economically penalised for having children and that legitimate career aspirations are not opposed to family plans.

CESI was actively involved in the discourse on the reports during the negotatiation and adoption phase. Klaus Heeger added: “Many of CESI’s priorities are reflected in the two reports. We welcome the two votes of the European Parliament and hope they will bring a real difference.”