CESI continues to grow: Union of Montenegrin Physicians a new member

At its meeting on June 22, CESI’s Board voted unanimously in favour of the accession of a new trade union as a full CESI member: The Union of Montenegrin Physicians (UMP).

The Union of Montenegrin Physicians was founded in 2013 and is a vocational trade union representing the interests of doctors of medicine. The UMP works towards the improvement of the socio-economic position of Montenegrin doctors as well as for the improvement of working conditions and the protection of the labour rights of its members.

CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger said: “I am very glad the UMP chose CESI to represent its interests in the EU arena. CESI already brings together a number of trade unions in this area. The accession of the UMP further strengthens our voice as a trade union confederation representing workers from the public health sector towards the European institutions.”