Forthcoming on February 18: Parliamentary breakfast event on fair labour mobility

On February 18, CESI in cooperation with Eurodiaconia will hold a breakfast meeting on fair labour mobility in the European Parliament. Registration for the event, which will be hosted by MEP Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA, UK), is open until February 10.

The event is formally themed ‘Labour mobility: Opportunities and risks.Which role for trade unions and NGOs?‘.

MEPs from different political groups will speak:
MEP Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA, UK) – host
• MEP Verónica Lope Fontagné (EPP) – tbc
MEP Agnes Jongerius (S&D, NL)
• MEP Ulla Tornaes (ALDE) – tbc
• MEP Dennis de Jong (GUE/NGL) – tbc
• MEP Laura Agea (EFDD)

Interventions will also be given by:
• Jordi Currell Gotor, Director ‘Labour mobility’ at the European Commission, and
• Alice Hamilton, researcher at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA).

The opening and closing words will be delivered by the Secretary Generals of CESI and Eurodiaconia, Klaus Heeger and Heather Roy.

Please follow this link to register and find out in more detail about the event.