Trade Council ‘Post & Telecoms’ meets in Brussels on social dialogue, cross-border parcel deliveries

Today, CESI’s Trade Council ‘Post & Telecoms’ met in Brussels. Next to an evaluation of CESI’s new participation in the European sectoral social dialogue on postal services, a deliberation on the ongoing negotiations on a new EU regulation on cross-border parcel delivery services were discussed.

Steered by the President and Vice-President of the Trade Council, Manfred Wiedner (Eurofedop) and Horst Sayffaerth (dbb), the members of the Trade Council were debriefed on CESI’s first activities in the European sectoral social dialogue committee on postal services, which was formally initiated during a plenary committee meeting on December 7. After constructive negotiations, this summer CESI became an officially recognised sectoral social partner in the field of social services next to UNI Europa, previously the only representative on the employees’ side. CESI  Trade Council members stressed the importance of being a reliable, constructive and proactive social partner, working in close coordination and cooperation with UNI Europa for a better representation and improved working conditions of postal sector employees in Europe.

Dimitris Theodorakis from UNI Europa presented available insights about the ongoing negotiations on a new EU regulation on cross-border parcel deliveries. He reported about a lacking social dimension in the European Commission’s legislative proposal and the Trade Council members stressed need to have a strong worker-friendly perspective for parcel delivery staff included in the legislative text. Currently, trilogues behind closed doors take place between negotiating teams of the European Parliament and the Council (with the participation of the European Commission) – A political agreement on a final text is expected soon.

At the meeting, the Trade Council also approved a resolution for input to CESI’s policy advocacy on the need for a better reconciliation of work and family life. The resolution calls for action at EU level to ensure, through the adoption, implementation and the proper application of already enshrined fundamental social rights in policies, that the opportunities provided by digitalisation will promote a better work-life balance, and for a better protection of workers’ health and safety by promoting EU-legislation which ensures sustainable and decent working hours, the necessary differentiation between working time and free time, the right to a life after and outside of work  and the right to be unavailable. The text is available here.

The next meeting of the Trade Council will take place in Spring 2018 (tbc).