Juncker’s State of the Union speech: Implementation and financing of the Social Pillar key for CESI

In the frame of a his yearly State of the Union address to the European Parliament plenary, Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker today stated that “the wind is back in Europe’s sails.” In a first reaction, CESI Secretary General Klaus Heeger reiterated CESI’s view that in order to secure Europe’s future it will be decisive to build on its social components.

Juncker’s State of the Union speech: Implementation and financing of the Social Pillar key for CESI

“To this end, the proper implementation of the principles of the the European Pillar of Social Rights will be key. For this, it will be up to all actors, governments, authorities, social partners and civil society organisations to seize the Pillar politically, administratively and legally and help put it into practice”, Klaus Heeger said.

He added that in addition to this, the new proposed EU legislation on work-life balance and the consultations on access to social protection for all and a possible revision of the Written statement directive are not only emblematic, but could lead to concretely tangible benefits for Europe’s workers.

According to Klaus Heeger, another vital prerequisite for a successful Pillar of Social Rights is (more) investment in human resources. “Without more investments in the people, the wind in Europe’s sails will certainly wane”, he said.

CESI welcomes the Mr. Juncker’s stated plans to establish a European labour authority which reflects CESI endeavor to guarantee a seamless representation of worker rights. CESI has previously suggested to the Commission to come forward with concrete and effective instruments to help ensuring that labour migrants are not being denied their rights and that equal treatment is ensured. A labour authority could be an instrument to help achieve this.

The announced work on a „European Social Standards Union“ to have a common understanding of what is socially fair should not only to be assessed in the context of fair Single Market, but also against the background of globalisation and a digitalisation of work.

Mr. Juncker’s full State of the Union speech is available on the European Commission’s website.